Contact Wilkinsons on the Web or Cadwell Central

Please read this before sending me email. Please.

I get a lot of email from a lot of people asking about the site. While I certainly appreciate the interest, I unfortunately no longer have time to answer all of the messages, so please use the following guidelines before sending a message. Don't let this discourage you from writing. I'm merely trying to help you to get a faster response.

The Genealogical Database

The database consists of information from several contributers. Please check to be sure that I am the one that you want if an individual is listed as "Contributed by" someone else, contact that person. Also, I post everything that I know about my family tree. Therefore, please do not send requests like "do you know anything else about ...". If it's not on the web, I don't know it.

In that vein, please do not send me requests to look up someone in the database. The reason that the database is on line is so that you can look them up yourselves. Unless you are completely unable to access those pages, it is much easier on me if you search through them, then contact me about connections, omissions, or additions. Thank you for your consideration

Don't let me discourage you from contacting me if you have a legitimate connection to my family. I am always thrilled to meet a new cousin.

Requests for Information on Wilkinson Genealogy

Once again, if I know it it is on the web. There is a separate program for submitting genealogical requests on the requests page (click here) so that all other Wilkinson researchers can see the question. That is a much better place to post your question, so please use that page if it is appropriate.

Requests for Information on Cadwell Genealogy

Same as above, but the Cadwell page is linked here (click here).

Additions and Corrections to the Site (Web Pages, Email Addresses, Database GEDCOMs, etc.)

The best place to post this type of question or comment is on the Suggestions and Missing Links Bulletin Board. I am notoriously bad about responding to emails, and this bulletin board allows you to go ahead and post your missing link so that the world can visit without having to wait for me to make time to post links on the right pages.

But if you Really, Really feel like you need to email me

My email address is scottw at wilkinsons dot com. I look forward to hearing from you.

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