Contributed by Mrs. Helen Hart Burns & Willis Clayton Tull, Jr.
These records were copied by Mrs. Helen Hart Burns and Willls
Clayton Tull, Jr. from a Bible now in the possession of Mrs. Louise Wilkinson
Goodwin of 121 Thorne Lane, # 6, Newark, Delaware, 19711. A change in
handwriting is indicated by *** between entries.
John Greenwell of Phil. was married to Miss Catherine G, Ashcom on
the 4th of Feby 1834 by the Rev. Joseph Carberry at the residence of
John C. Ashcom Esqr St. Marys Cty, Maryland
Robert Briscoe was Married to M. H. Brome September 17, 1834 by
the Rev. M. Mitchell at her Mothers residence Mrs. Ann Ashcom
John A. Garner was Married to Martha R. Wilkinson April the 29,
1861 by the Rev. Father Enders in New Town Church St. Marys County,
Lelia C. Wilkinson was married to Claude G. Abell Feb. 14th 1904
by Rev. Father Lancaster in St. Johns Church St. Marys Co, Md.
Elizabeth Rebecca Wilkinson was married to Irvine G. Hart of
Charleston, S.C. November 5, 1908 at the Cathedral Baltimore Md. by Rev.
Father Fletcher, S.J.
Lillian M. Wilkinson was married to E. J. Wible (both of Hollywood
Md.) at St. Johns R. C. Church July 16, 1909, by Rev. C. J. Harmon,
Louise Anne Wilkinson was married to Bernard John Goodwin Jan. 12,
1920 at St. Johns Ch. Hollywood by Rev. C. J. Carney, S.J.
John Greenwell of Phil. was born in St. Marys County Md. on the
19th day of August A.D. 1801
John Wilkinson Born 28th March 1773
Sarah Wilkinson
Mary A. Wilkinson was born June 17th 1840
Martha R. Wilkinson born August 17th 1841
John R. Wilkinson Born January 9th 1843
Washington Wilkinson Born March 1845
James Wilkinson Born March 31st 1847
Wm. T. Wilkinson Born Oct. 24th 1849
John A. Garner was born in St. Marys County on the 6th day ofSeptember A.D. 1832
Martha R. Wilkinson was born in St. Marys County on the 17th day of August A.D. 1841
John R. Garner was born in St. Marys County on the 4th day of May A.D. 1862
Catherine R. Garner was born in St. Marys County on the 24th day of August A.D. 1863
Elizabeth M. Garner was born in St. Marys County on the 17th day of May A.D. 1865
Lilee Binns was born on llth day of Sept. A.D. 1866
John R. Wilkinson born Sept, 7th 1870
William F. Wilkinson born Nov, 17th 1872
Lela C. Wilkinson born June IOth 1881
Iucy Noema Wilkinson born Aug 17th 1883
Lillian M. Wilkinson born May 19th 1885
Eliza R. Wilkinson born June 14th 1887
Anne Lcxlise Wilkinson born May 25th 1891
Amanda M. Wilkinson born Feb. 27th 1884
Alberta C. Wilkinson born March Ilth 1886
Ann Noema Abell born Jan. 8th 1905
Agnes Louise Wible born February 5, 1912 Pittsburgh Pa.
Agnes Teresa Abell born June 3, 1906 (Hollywood)
William E. Abell born July 8, 1909 (Hollywood)
Helen Wilkinson Hart born October 17, 1909 (Charleston, S.C.)
James Dawkins Abell born December 14, 1910 (Hollywood)
Ellen Benton Hart born Dec. 14, 1911, Atlanta, Georgia
Frances Maria Goodwin born Dec. 24, 1924
Frances M. Goodwin Latchford Born Dec. 24, 1924 her sons
John B. Latchford Nov. 25, 1950
Richard E. Latchford Sept. 3, 1952 Stephen F. Latchford Jan. 27, 1956
John C. Ashcom Departed this life April 3, 1839 on the 44 year of his
Age --
Leaving a Wife and 4 Children to deplore his loss
Catherine G. Greenwell wife of John Greenwell of Phil. died at Leonard Town on the 30th day of March A.D. 1855. Aged about 55 years
Little Mayana Garner Died July the 27th 1865
Little Cutie Garner Died August the 16th 1865
John A. Garner Departed this life March the 12th 1867 in the 34th year
of his age Leaving a Wife & 2 Children to deplore his loss
Little Bernie Garner Died August the 18th 1867
Ellen Elizabeth Wilkinson Died Aug. 15th 1897
Mary E. Wilkinson Died Feb. 21st 1905
Alexander Adams Died Jan. 15th 1906
Catherine Alberta Fenhagen departed this life the 14 day of June 1910.
Eternal rest give unto her and Let perpetual light shine upon her.
William T. Wilkinson died March 6th 1917
Washington Wilkinson died Oct. 4, 1917
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