Mon. Sep. 1st. Bright and warm most of morn and we had a hard rain at 1 to 2 from E. Willie and Henry picked cotton in Luckett field most of morn and I hauled it with Joe to cart at 11 1/4. I planted some turnips in garden and gathered some dry butter beans and okra in morn. I patched a pair of old pants in eve and we killed some rats in cotton house in eve.

Tue. 2nd. Warm and cloudy early in morn and we had 2 hard showers from W at 11 1/2 and 1 after dinner and we had another at dusk. Willie and Henry and I cut and dragged 3 small logs from Sims' calf pasture and put 2 of them on E side of cotton house at bottom of it where 2 had rotted and Wiley helped us and he and Rena and children dined here. I picked some dry and some green butter beans in eve and packed and cut up some wood. I suffered all eve and night too with coughing and sneezing too and slept but very little.

Wed. 3rd. Bright and warm in morn and we had 2 or 3 little showers from N in eve and cool at night. Henry drove Ella and Joe to wagon and Willie rode Dan to town in morn and they got home after 12 and Willie got the washing machine for Nellie and he and Henry worked most of eve putting it together. I carried some tomatoes to Wiley's in morn and lay down some today for I was very feverish all day and coughed all day but I _____ at night and fever left me but I slept ____ little and that laying on floor.

Thu. 4th. Bright and pleasant from N and no rain today. Willie and Henry put up a privy house in back yard in morn and they picked cotton in Luckett field in eve and left it there. I hauled 2 cartloads of oak wood from back of our field with Joe in morn. Nellie at Wiley's all day and Bernice here. I grabbled about 1/2 bu of large Queens in Persimmon cut in eve and Bernice went with me and we got about 1 doz ripe Persimmons in field. I picked some ripe pepper in garden in eve and strung it and carried Bernice home late in eve. I had no fever and my cough is better and I took 3 doses of Quinine and 2 of tonic today. I had a bad coughing and choking spell at 11 at night and lay on floor balance of night and slept but little.

Fri. 5th. Clear and pleasant from N and no signs of rain today. Willie and Henry and I picked cotton in middle part of Luckett field most of day and hauled it at 11 1/2 in morn and again late in eve with Joe and cart. Nellie at Wiley's at night to get an early start in morn to go to Jack D's. I got up at 12 1/2 at night with a coughing spell and lay on floor balance of night and slept some.

Sat. 6th. Bright, nearly clear, and pleasant from N. Willie and I picked cotton in Luckett field in morn and Henry picked a little while and got $1 and went to town to get a tooth pulled but didn't. Nellie and Rena and Bernice and baby drove old Jim mule to Jack D's in morn and Wiley dined here. Willie rode Joe to Luckett field and on to Clara's in eve (late) and returned at dusk. I milked all of cows (7). I had a dull headache most of day.

Sun. 7th. Bright and cool early in morn but warm after 9 in morn and some few dark clouds in eve. I walked to Lewis' in morn - he was in bed with cold. Buddy here all eve. Wiley went to his Pa's in morn and Nellie and Rena and Bernice and baby came back with him at good dark. My cold seems good deal better and I lay in bed all night and slept well for first time in more than a week.

Mon. 8th. Bright and warm after 9 in morn and a dry breeze from N and no rain in sight. Willie and Henry and I picked cotton in main body of Luckett field most of day and hauled it at 11 1/2 and again late in eve with Joe and cart. Willie and Henry are both unwell with colds. My cold and cough seems to be better and I slept well at night.

Tue. 9th. Bright and warm with a dry breeze from W of N most of day and cool late in eve and at night. Willie and Henry and I picked cotton most of day in Luckett field and hauled it at 11 3/4 and again late in eve with Joe and cart. Lewis sent buggy to town in morn and brought Dr. Hunnicutt out to his house and the Dr. baptized little Ernest Lee and little Wiley (Rena's baby). None of us went but Nellie and Wiley's folks.

Wed. 10th. Bright and cool early in morn. Henry and I picked cotton in Luckett field in morn and Henry was sick with cold and fever and didn't work in eve. I got a bucket of Persimmons in field and grabbled some yams and Queens in Persimmon cut in eve. Willie cut pea vines in Gate cut most of day for hay. Nellie and Minnie washed in new washing machine in morn - first time.

Thu. 11th. Bright and warm and thundered around most of day but no rain here. Nellie and Minnie and Carmell drove Lewis' grey mare to Mrs. James' in morn. I picked cotton in Luckett field most of morn. Henry sick today and didn't work. Willie cut pea vines in Gate cut in morn and he and I hauled in all that he cut on yesterday and in morn in 3 wagon loads with Joe and Ella in eve. Rena and her 2 children here today and at night and Wiley here to dinner and supper too. I arose at 12 at night with a coughing spell and lay on floor balance of night.

Fri. 12th. Cloudy and we had a sprinkle of rain at daylight and a thunder cloud came up from W at 9 in morn and we had a hard shower then and rained slowly till 12 and quit and quite cool and cloudy from W of N all eve. Willie and I hauled 2 wagon loads of pea hay (quite green) from Gate cut by 9 in morn and put under shed on S side of hay house with Joe and Ella and we left a load or more in field. I lay down and slept a little at 11 in morn. Willie rode Joe to Veal's in eve hunting some cotton pickers but didn't get any. I picked some red pepper in garden and strung it in eve and got some wood. Nellie and Minnie and Carmell returned from Mrs. James' late in eve and Rena and her 2 children went home before dark. I arose at 1 1/2 at night with coughing spell and lay on floor balance of night.

Sat. 13th. Bright, nearly clear, and very cool early in morn and a cool wind from NE all day. Willie and Henry and I picked cotton in Luckett field till 11 in morn and hauled it with Joe and cart. Willie and Lewis drove Lewis' grey mare and Wiley rode Goulden to town in eve to meeting of "Guards" and Henry drove Ella and Jack to wagon to town in eve and got a washing machine for Wiley and some other things. Rena and her 2 children here in eve. I cut and hauled 2 cart loads of wood from near cow pen in eve with Joe and Gordon helped me some and he and Bernice and I walked in field and got some Persimmons. Mattie and Katie and Willie James came late in eve and Willie went on to Lewis'. Nellie went home with Rena late in eve and stayed all night. I arose at 2 in night with a coughing spell.

Sun. 14th. Clear and quite cool and wind from N all day. Willie rode Joe to Clara's early in morn and Buddy came back with him at 11 and here till late in eve and Tigner D and Wiley and his folks here in eve. I walked to Wiley's in morn and Bernice came back with me and here till late in eve. Mattie and Katie James went to Lewis' in eve and staid there all night. Willie James went home in morn. I arose at 1 1/2 in night with coughing and lay on floor balance of night.

Mon. 15th. Clear and very cool early in morn and pleasant from N after 9 in morn. Willie cut pea hay most of day in Gate cut and on H ridge. Henry and I picked cotton in Luckett field most of day and hauled our cotton at 12 with Joe and cart and Henry Wilson and 2 women from Sims' picked cotton for us most of day in Luckett field and Willie carried wagon to Luckett field late in eve with Joe and Ella and hauled home all of cotton. I walked to Luckett field and back in eve. Rena and her 2 children here most of day quilting and Wiley dined here too. I lay in bed all night and didn't get up with my cough but coughed some about midnight and didn't sleep well.

Tue. 16th. Cloudy some and foggy early in morn but bright and warm after 10 in morn and very warm all eve and wind from SE and looked like rain late in eve. We took wagon to Luckett field with Joe and Ella early in morn and Willie and I and Henry picked cotton there with 7 of Mr. Sims' hands till 11 3/4 and all picked in eve except Willie and I and we hauled in 5 wagon loads of pea hay in eve and left about 1 load in field. Willie took wagon to Luckett field late in eve and Joe and mule pulled load of cotton (nearly a bale) to H ridge and Joe stopped and they left load there at dark. Helen and Viola and Lula Deloach came to Wiley's in morn and were here in eve.

Wed. 17th. Warm and cloudy but bright and a damp breeze from S all morn and rained around in thunder showers most of eve and sprinkled here several times and we had a slow shower at 7 to 8 at night from SW. Willie got up old Francis mule from cow pasture before breakfast and Henry and Chris hauled in the load of cotton left out on H ridge last night and Willie and Henry and 7 of Sims' hands picked cotton in Luckett field in morn and hauled in all at 12 1/4 and Willie paid up hands at 12 3/4 and they didn't pick in eve. I grabbled some yams and Queens early in morn in Persimmon cut and I drove Joe to town to buggy at 8 to 12 1/2 and borrowed $20 from Metzger to pay hands and got some things and saw Dr. Magruder and he told me to get a bottle of Iodine and paint my tumor with it. Helen and Viola and Lu Deloach and Rena and her 2 children here most of day. I got wood and gathered 2 sacks of late pears and put in flower pit (to mellow) in eve. I arose at 1 at night with coughing and lay on floor balance of night.

Thu. 18th. Cloudy some but bright and cool from W of N and no rain today. Willie and Henry took down joint of stove pipe with bonnet on it from old kitchen and recovered hole there and put stove up in NW corner of Pa's old room and ran pipe up through roof in morn. I worked road with my hoe early in morn and got a bucket of Persimmons in field and carried some to Wiley's and Bernice came back with me at 11. Willie and Henry and I picked cotton all eve in Luckett field on lower side and hauled it with Joe and cart. Willie James came at dark and stayed all night.

Fri. 19th. Foggy and cool in morn till 10 and bright and pleasant from N balance of day. Willie and Henry and I picked cotton in lower part of Luckett field all day and hauled it with Joe and cart at 12 and again late in eve. Nellie and Minnie washed on machine in morn. Willie James and Mattie and Katie went home in morn. I arose at 2 in morn with my cough.

Sat. 20th. Bright but some clouds all day and warm after 10 in morn from S and dropped rain at dusk (or dark). Willie and Henry and I picked cotton all morn in lower part of Luckett field and hauled it at 12 with Joe and cart and we didn't work in eve. I got some wood and grabbled some yams and Queens in Persimmon cut in eve. Nellie at Wiley's all day. Minnie cooked some pear preserves and some wild plum jelly in morn. Willie got a sack of corn from Gate cut for hogs in eve (the first gathered) for our old corn and boat corn has just given out.

Sun. 21st. Bright and warm after 9 in morn from SE and no rain in sight. Nellie and Wiley and Bernice drove Joe to Methodist Church in town in morn. B C and Dixie and their children here most of day

and Rena and baby and I gathered some pears (late ones) for Dixie late in eve.

Mon. 22nd. Bright but cloudy some and quite warm in eve and rained around in little showers and we had one in Luckett field at 4 in eve. Willie and Henry and I picked cotton today on Sandy Corner on Stina branch and 4 of Mr. Sims' men picked with us part of day. I hauled cotton at 12 and hauled 2 cart loads late in eve with Joe. Sims borrowed our wagon late in eve to haul cotton to gin on tomorrow. I arose at 2 in morn with cough.

Tue. 23rd. Warm and cloudy with a damp breeze from SW (but no dew) and a dark cloud came up from SW at 11 in morn and we had a good hard shower at 11 to 11 1/2 and much needed and bright some all eve but cloudy. Willie and Henry and I and 4 of Sims' hands picked cotton in SW corner till 10 1/2 in morn and we got home at 11 just as rain began and we didn't work in eve. I cut up wood and put up a locust frame for horse tub and Bernice and I walked in field and got a bucket of Persimmons and grabbled some yams and Queens and I milked all of cows (6) late in eve. Willie rode Joe to Seymour's and Clara's too in eve. Rena and Bernice and baby here all day and Wiley dined here too.

Wed. 24th. Cloudy and warm and a damp wind from SW till 10 1/2 in morn and we had a shower then and bright in eve and a thunder cloud came up from W at dark and we had a hard shower at 8 at night. Willie and Henry and I picked cotton in SW corner of Luckett field till 10 1/2 in morn and rain stopped us and we picked there all eve and hauled our cotton and some that Sims' hands picked on yesterday at 10 3/4 to 11 and hauled ours again late in eve with Joe and cart. I had a dull headache most of day but it left me late in eve.

Thu. 25th. Bright and warm and ground quite wet early in morn but a pleasant breeze from SW and sun shined most of day and ground dried good deal. Willie rode Joe to Cohen's to see about ginning in morn and Henry didn't work in morn but we and 3 of Sims' hands picked cotton in SW corner of Luckett field in eve and hauled all with Joe and cart late in eve. I packed and cut up some wood in morn and picked some pepper in garden and strung it. Gordon and Effie drove old Jim to our buggy and Tigner rode horseback and West and Lila went in Lewis' buggy and all went to Mrs. James' in eve to a Sociable (at night).

Fri. 26th. Bright and warm and a damp breeze from SW most of day and a thunder cloud passed around from SE to SW late in eve but only dropped rain here. Willie and Henry and I and 7 of Sims' hands picked cotton most of day in SW corner of Luckett field and some in Sandy corner on this side of branch and I hauled a cart load at 12 and 2 more late in eve with Joe and left our 3 baskets full in field and Willie paid up hands. Nellie at Wiley's most of day after she and Minnie washed on machine and Bernice came back with her late in eve and stayed all night. Gordon and Effie returned from Mrs. James' at 2 in eve.

Sat. 27th. Cloudy and rained some at daylight and just before and sprinkled several times in morn and in eve too from SW and very little sunshine today. Willie, Henry and I marked our pigs (7) early in morn and let Ray have one then and we hauled the cart load of cotton left in Luckett field on yesterday and hauled 2 cart loads of oak wood from back of field by 11. Willie and Wiley drove Joe to town to Guards' meeting in eve and returned at dark. Bernice and I got some Persimmons and grabbled some potatoes and Gordon and I brought in 2 sacks of corn from H ridge in eve.

Sun. 28th. Cloudy and warm and no sunshine and rained a hard shower before day and sprinkled in little ones all day from SW. Wiley and Rena and Bernice and baby here most of day and we had ice cream at 9 1/2 in morn. We picked up some pecans today. Lewis and some of his children here in eve.

Mon. 29th. It rained some early in morn and bright and warm from SW at 9 to 12 and sprinkled some at 1 to 2 and bright in eve. Willie rode Joe to Clara's early in morn and on to Ogden's store and home before 12. Henry and I threshed a pecan tree just inside of orchard bars (in NE corner) and got about 1 1/2 pecks of pecans at 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 in morn and we picked cotton in locust new ground at 9 to 12 and Willie and Henry and I picked there all eve.

Tue. 30th. We had a hard shower from W at 3 in morn and wind changed to NW and sprinkled a little on to 9 1/2 from NW and quit and bright and cool and sun shined all eve. Willie and Henry and I gathered some pecans in morn and I climbed 2 of paper shell trees in old cow corner and got nearly a peck at 9 1/2 to 11 1/2. Willie and Henry and I picked cotton all eve in turf and in pine ground near where Cap's house stood.


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