Fri. Oct. 1st. Bright and pleasant. Dud and Sophia and Leah and Harrison picked whip peas in oat patch today. Willie and I picked up pecans today and got more than 2 bus.

Sat. 2nd. Bright and warm. Willie drove Sandy to town in morn and carried 2 bus corn and got it ground and returned at 2 1/2 in eve. I picked up pecans early in morn and grabbled some potatoes and brought some tomatoes from field by 11 1/4 and let Ed Wells have last of the pears (1/2 bu) and I shucked corn in eve and fed.

Sun. 3rd. Bright and warm in morn and clouded up from S late in eve and we had a good rain at 5. Wiley went to his Pa's in morn and Rena and children dined here. I walked in pasture in eve and salted our cattle and I got wood and water and fed before the rain. Willie and Minnie and children went to SS and returned before the rain. Emma brought Elma and went back in eve before the rain.

Mon. 4th. Began to rain slowly early in morn and lasted till late in eve and we had a big rain at 12 to 1 from NW with some thunder and wind. Elma and children drove Sandy to school at 9 3/4 in morn and returned in a slow rain at 4 1/4 in eve. I picked up some pecans today. Willie put hogs in oat patch (whip peas) early in morn and he and Dud fixed fence around it early in morn and got nearly wet.

Tue. 5th. Cloudy and cool from N and dropped rain a little today but bright late in eve and very cool all night. Willie and Dud repaired fence around Gate cut today. I pulled green pecans out of burrs most of day and got nearly one bu.

Wed. 6th. Clear and very cool from N. Willie and Dud pulled corn all day and left it in field. I got wood for Leah to wash early in morn and pulled pecans out of green burrs most of day.

Thu. 7th. Clear and a cold wind from N all day and night too. Willie and Dud pulled down corn all day and left it in field. I hoed Irish potatoes and mustard and turnips in garden by 9 1/2 in morn and grabbled some potatoes on hilltop of Cherry cut by 10 1/4 and pulled pecans out of burrs balance of day.

Fri. 8th. Clear and very cool from N. Willie and Dud hauled in corn all day. I hoed all of tomatoe ground in garden by 9 in morn and pulled pecans out of hulls balance of day.

Sat. 9th. Clear and very cool from N all day. Willie and Dud pulled and hauled corn all morn and I hoed Irish potatoes in field and brought home 5 long canes from there to thresh pecans by 10 3/4 in morn and I threshed the tree at plum thicket in eve and got nearly 2 p'ks.

Sun. 10th. Clear and a little frost in morn but warmer in eve. Willie and I at Wiley's awhile in morn. Nora here to dinner. All went to SS in eve but Nellie and Charles and Carl. They went to Wiley's in eve. I got wood and water and fed in eve.

Mon. 11th. Clear till in eve and cloudy some then and a damp wind from SE. Willie and Dud pulled corn all day and left it in field. I threshed and gathered pecans most of day and got 4 big buckets of big pecans.

Tue. 12th. Cloudy some all day and sprinkled rain at daylight in morn. Willie and Dud hauled in corn all day and finished last of it. I threshed and gathered 4 big buckets of big pecans today.

Wed. 13th. Cloudy some all day and sprinkled rain a little in eve. Willie and Dud and Sophia picked peas in patch E of here today. I got wood and water for Leah to wash in morn and I gathered pecans most of day and got 5 big buckets of big ones.

Thu. 14th. Bright but cloudy some and no rain. Willie and Dud picked peas in patch E of here today. I gathered pecans most of day and got 3 buckets of big ones.

Fri. 15th. Foggy and wet till 9 1/2 in morn and bright and warmer balance of day. Willie picked peas in morn and helped me to gather pecans in eve. I got 3 buckets in morn and we got 6 in eve. They had a Sociable at Wiley's at night.

Sat. 16th. Bright and warm and dry. Willie rode Sandy to hunt pea pickers in morn and rode into town in eve. I gathered pecans most of day and got 3 buckets. Bernice and 2 Misses Hathers ate supper here.

Sun. 17th. Bright and warm till 4 1/2 in eve and clouded up and we had a hard shower till 5 1/4 - enough to make ground muddy. All went to SS in eve but me and Bro Ellis preached there and all came back after the rain.

Mon. 18th. Bright and warm till late in eve and clouded up and wind blew cool from NE. Willie and Dud and Sophia picked peas today and hauled them late in eve. I threshed and gathered 3 1/2 buckets of pecans today.

Tue. 19th. Bright and pleasant till late in eve and cool then from N. Willie and some hands picked peas today and hauled them late in eve. I threshed and gathered pecans today and got 3 p'ks of big ones. I was feverish and chilly at night and took one pill at bedtime.

Wed. 20th. Bright and pleasant from N. Willie and Dud and Harrison dug potatoes today. I threshed and gathered pecans today and got 1 bu of big ones and I shelled some bread corn in eve.

Thu. 21st. Bright and cool and dry. All of our hogs broke out of Gate cut patch into big field last night and Willie and I and Dud and Harrison got all of them but 8 head out early in morn and Willie and Dud and Harrison dug potatoes after 10 1/2 in morn and I gathered 3 buckets of big pecans (balance of day after 10 1/2 in morn).

Fri. 22nd. Bright and cool and dry from N. Willie and Dud and Harrison dug potatoes today on hilltop of Cherry cut. I gathered 1 bu of pecans today and shelled some bread corn.

Sat. 23rd. Bright and cool and dry. Dud drove the wagon and carried 800 pds of pecans and 2 bu bread corn and Willie and Minnie drove Sandy to town and Willie sold pecans at 8 cts per pd and all returned at 2 1/2 in eve. I hoed mustard and turnips in garden early in morn and brought some eggplants and bell pepper and tomatoes from field by 11 1/4 in morn.

Sun. 24th. Bright and cool early in morn but wind from SE and warmer in eve. Mrs. Lanehart and baby and Jessie here today. I walked to Wiley's and back in morn. Willie and Carmel and Marion walked to SS in eve.

Mon. 25th. Bright, but some clouds, and pleasant from SE. Willie rode Sandy to town early in morn and was drawn on jury and returned at 8 3/4 at night. Dud and some hands picked peas today and hauled them late in eve. Marion and I weighed the peas. I gathered pecans most of day and got about 3 1/2 buckets.

Tue. 26th. Bright and pleasant most of day but we had a hard little shower of rain at 3 in eve. Willie rode Sandy to court early in morn and returned at dark. I gathered pecans most of day and got 5 1/2 buckets big ones. Dud and some hands picked peas today and Marion and I weighed them late in eve.

Wed. 27th. Clear and cool from NE. Willie rode Sandy to court early in morn and didn't return at night. Dud and hands picked peas today and Marion and I weighed the peas late in eve.

Thu. 28th. Bright and dry and pleasant. Willie returned from court at 8 in night. Dud and hands picked peas and Marion and I weighed them late in eve. I gathered 3 buckets of big pecans.

Fri. 29th. Bright and dry and pleasant. Willie went to court early in morn and returned at 7 1/2 at night. Dud and hands picked peas today and I weighed them late in eve and paid up the hands for the week's work. I threshed and gathered 5 buckets of small pecans today.

Sat. 30th. Bright and dry and pleasant from E. Willie went to court early in morn and returned at 1 in eve. I gathered pecans most of day and got about 3 buckets of small ones.

Sun. 31st. Bright and dry and pleasant. All of us home today but Carmel. She went to Wiley's in morn and all went to SS in eve but Nellie and Charles and Carl and me. Rena here in eve.


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