Mon. Nov. 1st. Bright and dry and pleasant. Willie and Dud and Harrison dug potatoes on hilltop of Cherry cut today. I gathered 4 buckets of big pecans today.

Tue. 2nd. Foggy and wet some till 9 1/2 in morn and bright and dry balance of day. Willie and Dud and Harrison dug potatoes till 10 1/2 in morn and finished and Dud and Harrison picked peas balance of day. Willie went around and patched field fence by 3 1/2 in eve and we put hogs in field late in eve. I gathered pecans most of day and got 4 buckets of small ones.

Wed. 3rd. Bright and cool from E and very dry. Dud and some hands picked peas and hauled them late in eve. Willie and I threshed and gathered pecans most of day after bringing some tomatoes and eggplants from field and we got 6 buckets.

Thu. 4th. Bright and cool and dry. Dud and some hands cut cane in patch E of here today. Willie and I gathered pecans most of day and got 8 1/3 buckets - 5 1/3 of big ones and 3 of small ones.

Fri. 5th. Foggy and wet till 9 in morn and bright and dry balance of day. Dud and hands cut cane most of morn and finished and Dud hauled 2 loads of wood to his house in eve. Willie and I gathered pecans most of day and finished up 4 bbls to sell.

Sat. 6th. Bright and dry from SE. Willie rode Sandy and Dud drove wagon to town in morn and carried 4 bbls of pecans and Willie sold them at 7 cts per pd. and they returned at 2 1/2 in eve. I gathered 2 buckets of big pecans by 2 in eve.

Sun. 7th. Bright till 1 in eve and clouded up then and rained here slowly at 3 1/2 to 5 in eve and quit. Nellie and Charles at Wiley's most of day and Dixie and Mrs. Chambers at Wiley's today and I walked to Wiley's and back in morn. Willie rode Sandy in morn and found some of our cattle in Wyoming field and Willie rode Sandy to Bro Tom's in eve.

Mon. 8th. Bright and warm and dry from S and lightning in N in night. Willie hauled some plank from old house in NW corner of calf pasture in morn and put up a shoot to hog pen near cow pen today. I gathered pecans most of day and got 3 p'ks of big ones.

Tue. 9th. Bright and dry. Willie helped Wiley to grind cane today. I gathered pecans most of day and got 2 1/2 buckets of big ones.

Wed. 10th. Bright and dry and warm from SE. Willie helped Wiley at mill in morn and drove up the mules at 11 1/2 and hauled his cane to mill all eve. We put all of our cattle in field early in morn and put them out in pasture late in eve. I gathered pecans most of day and got about 2 buckets mostly big ones.

Thu. 11th. Bright and warm in morn and we had a hard litle shower of rain at 2 1/2 in eve. Willie hauled cane and wood to mill and finished late in eve. Wiley finished cooking his molasses in eve and cooked a little of ours. I gathered pecans most of day and got 3 buckets.

Fri. 12th. Cloudy, and no sun, and very cool from N all day and sprinkled rain some in morn and misted some in eve. Willie at Wiley's mill till late in eve and he brought his molasses (2 bbls) home at 4 in eve. I gathered pecans most of day and got 2 1/2 buckets of big ones.

Sat. 13th. Foggy most of morn and bright most of eve and cool. Willie drove Sandy to town in morn and returned at 3 in eve. I gathered pecans all morn and got 2 1/2 buckets and Marion and I carried 1 bu of pecans to Wiley's in eve.

Sun. 14th. Cloudy some all morn and began to rain in little showers from SW at 3 in eve and thunder in NW till 4 1/2 and a cloud came up from NW then with a high and cold wind and lasted till in night. Gordon and Emma Flinn stayed here all night.

Mon. 15th. Clear and a cold N wind all day and ice in morn. We got all of our hogs from field in morn and put 62 young hogs in a pen near cow pen and Willie and Wiley carried 2 loads of them to town in eve and sold to Blumenthal at 5 1/4 cts. I picked up 2 buckets of big pecans and one of small ones.

Tue. 16th. Clear and a white frost and ice in morn but wind from E and warmer in eve and some clouds at night. Willie and Wiley carried 2 more loads of hogs to town in morn and returned at 3 in eve. I picked up 3 buckets of big pecans today.

Wed. 17th. Bright in morn but some clouds and clouds in eve from S. Willie carried the last load of hogs to town in morn and returned at 3 in eve. I got wood and water for Leah to wash early in morn and picked up pecans most of day.

Thu. 18th. It sprinkled rain early in morn and wind cold from NW and bright and sun shined after 10 in morn and a cold wind from W of N. Willie and I got horses from field early in morn and Willie went bird hunting with Dick Chambers in eve. I picked up pecans most of day.

Fri. 19th. Clear, and a cold wind from NW all day. Willie threshed the pecan tree NE of hen shed early in morn and I picked up 4 buckets there. Chunk and Earl came at 9 in morn and they and Willie got up Daisy (colt) from field and Chunk rode her in eve.

Sat. 20th. Clear and frost in morn but wind from SW and warmer in eve. We put all of our dry cattle out on creek early in morn. Willie threshed 3 pecan trees toward graveyard early in morn. I picked up over 5 buckets of big pecans there by 3 in eve. Willie and Minnie drove Sandy to town in eve and returned just before sunset.

Sun. 21st. Bright and cool and dry, but some clouds all day, and wind cool from NE at night. All of us home to dinner and all went to SS in eve, but me, and Bro. Ellis preached there. Lila and Earl and Bernice ate supper here at night.

Mon. 22nd. Cloudy and cool from E and dry. Willie threshed the 2 pecan trees near privy in morn and I picked up the pecans there and I picked up more than 1 bucket in eve. Willie rode to hunt cattle in eve.

Tue. 23rd. Bright and pleasant and dry. Willie and I gathered pecans till 2 1/2 in eve and got about 2 bu. and we got mules from field. Willie walked to Lewis' and brought his Berkshire bull here and put him in pen with 2 of his sows late in eve.

Wed. 24th. Cloudy all morn and bright in eve and dry. Willie drove the mules to town in morn and carried about 430 p'ds of pecans and sold them at 6 1/2 cts. per p'd and returned in eve. I gathered over 1/2 bu of pecans today.

Thu. 25th. Cloudy, but bright, and a high S wind all day and a thunder cloud came up from NW at 10 1/2 at night and we had a big rain with some wind. Wiley and family ate Thanksgiving dinner here today. I picked up pecans most of day and got 1/2 bu.

Fri. 26th. Bright, nearly clear, and very cool from NW. Willie and I shucked and shelled 5 1/2 p'ks of bread corn early in morn and I picked up pecans in morn and some in eve too. Willie and Marion killed and dressed a young hog in eve. I carried 3 p'ks of pecan to B C at Wiley's mill in eve.

Sat. 27th. Clear, and a little frost in morn, with wind from S and warmer in eve. Willie rode Sandy to McDonald's mill in morn and returned at 11 1/2 with meal. I picked up pecans most of day.

Sun. 28th. Cloudy and sprinkled rain in morn from NW and clear and very cool from NW in eve. Willie and Minnie and Carmel went to SS in eve and Emma and Elma Flinn too. Marion sick in bed today.

Mon. 29th. Clear and a little frost in morn and a cold wind from W of N all day but pleasant in sun. Willie went around pasture fence in morn. Beulah Smith and 3 of her children dined here. I gathered very small pecans most of day.

Tue. 30th. Clear and a very white frost and killing freeze in morn but a breeze from S and warmer in eve. Willie and I put 5 of our meat hogs out of field into big pasture early in morn and I picked up pecans most of day. Dan dined here today. Willie helped Wiley to saw some oak timber for wagon axles in eve.


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