Sun. Nov. 1st. Bright, nearly clear, and very cool and dry from E. Lanehart and family and Bernice and little Wiley and Nellie and Ruby and Aline C all dined here today. My cold is a little better today and I rested pretty well all night.
Mon. 2nd. Bright, nearly clear, and cool and dry from E. Willie and Dud and 2 other hands pulled and hauled in 7 loads of corn today. Leah and Sophia picked lady peas in back part of our field today. I cut up wood and drew water in morn and shucked corn and grabbled some yams in eve and fed. I was feverish and achy all day with my cold.
Tue. 3rd. Cloudy and damp from SE and rained slowly at 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 in eve - just enough to lay dust. Willie and Dud and 2 other hands pulled and hauled in corn today and got wet some late in eve. I hoed some onions and turnips in garden in morn and grabbled some Irish potatoes and picked some peas for pigs and fed in eve.
Wed. 4th. Foggy and damp till 10 in morn and bright and pleasant in eve and no rain today. Willie and hands pulled and hauled in corn all day. Leah and Sophia picked Lady peas today and finished them. I set out some little white onions and hoed some of strawberries in garden in morn.
Thu. 5th. Bright and dry and pleasant and no rain in sight. Willie and 3 hands pulled and hauled in 3 loads of corn in morn and finished all and they cut some seed cane in patch E of here in eve and plowed up some of potatoes on H ridge too and left them in patch. I cut wood and water for Leah to wash early in morn and hoed some of strawberries in garden. I was very feverish and achy all day and took a dose of Simmon's at 12 in morn - which worked me late in eve.
Fri. 6th. Bright, but some clouds, and dry and pleasant from E. Willie and 3 hands finished plowing up and hauling in the potatoes on H ridge in morn and dug in oat patch N of here in eve and hauled all dug late in eve. We put all of our cattle in big field early in morn and drove all out late in eve to get water. I was feverish and sick all day.
Sat. 7th. Bright and dry and pleasant from SE and lightning in NW at night. Willie drove Sandy to town in morn and returned late in eve. We put our hogs in big field in morn early. I was feverish most of day with my cold but rested well at night. Nora L here all night.
Sun. 8th. Bright but some dark spots of clouds from NW most of day and dropped rain several times in morn and cool and bright late in eve. Nellie and Carmel and Charles and Nora went in Lanehart's buggy to Dixie's in morn and Clarence here today and all went to SS in eve but me. My cold seems better today.
Mon. 9th. Clear and a very cool wind from N all day. Willie and 2 hands dug potatoes in oat patch N of here today and hauled them late in eve in 2 loads. I hoed strawberries in garden in morn.
Tue. 10th. Bright, nearly clear, and frost in morn but pleasant in sun after 10 in morn and very dry. Willie and 2 hands cut grinding cane all day and Gordon helped them in eve and they finished all late in eve. Wiley ground and cooked his molasses on yesterday and today till dinner and finished his. I picked grass out of strawberries in morn and in eve too.
Wed. 11th. Bright, but cloudy some all day, and dry. Willie and Gordon hauled our cane and wood to Wiley's mill all day and Will Hood and Hill Turner helped Wiley at mill all day, grinding with Ned (mule) and Sandy. I picked grass out of stawberries in morn and drew water for tomorrow's washing in eve.
Thu. 12th. Cloudy and a damp breeze from SE till late in eve and sprinkled rain some then and began to rain slowly at dark and lasted all night and rained hard part of night and we had a good soaking rain in all and much needed. Willie and Gordon went on wagon to town in morn and got 2 molasses bbls and returned at 12 and they finished hauling our cane and wood to mill in eve. Will Hood and Hill Turner helped Wiley all day at the mill. I got wood and water for Leah to wash early in morn and picked grass out of strawberries till 11 1/4.
Fri. 13th. Cloudy and no sun and rained in little sprinkles in morn and misted some in eve and very muddy. Willie and Will Hood and Hill Turner ground cane with the mules in morn and they finished cooking and hauled our molasses in 2 loads by late in eve.
Sat. 14th. Cloudy and no sun and sprinkled and misted rain some in morn and in eve too and cool from NE and ground very wet. Willie went hunting in morn and in eve too and he and I put the 2 black sow shoats out of pen and drove them into big field in eve. Little John D got his hand cut in meat chopper in morn.
Sun. 15th. Bright and sunshine most of day and cool from NW. Willie and Minnie drove Sandy to Methodist Church in town in morn and heard Dan Kelly preach and all but Nellie and me and Carl went to SS in eve and heard Bro Ellis preach there.
Mon. 16th. Bright but some clouds all day and a cold wind from NE and clear and cold at night. Willie hauled oak wood from cow pasture in morn and a load of pine wood from field just after dinner and hauled loads of cane fodder from patch E of here in eve and put our potatoes under Minnie's room in eve. I cut good deal of wood in morn and drew water and fed in eve.
Tue. 17th. Clear and a freeze in morn and a cold wind from NE all day. Willie and Babers and Joe Conrad dug yams and some Irish potatoes in oat ground N of here today. I cut up wood and drew water and shucked corn in morn. Nellie and Carmel and Marion drove Hal to our buggy to town in morn and went to Methodist Church in eve at 3 1/2 and heard Dan Kelly preach and they returned at dark.
Wed. 18th. Bright, nearly clear, and a pretty hard freeze in morn and wind cold from N all day but pleasant in sun after 10 in morn. Willie and Babers and Joe C dug Irish potatoes in patch N of here in morn and finished and hauled them in by 1 p.m. Willie was sick all day. I cut up good deal of wood and drew good deal of water today.
Thu. 19th. Bright, nearly clear, and frost in morn and a cold wind from NW all day and wind pretty high part of day and cold at night. Willie threshed some Lady peas in morn and went hunting in eve. I cut up good deal of wood in morn and got wood and water for Leah to wash.
Fri. 20th. Bright, nearly clear, and a hard freeze and thick ice in morn and wind cold most of day from NW. Willie burned brush and briars in cow pasture in morn and went hunting in eve. I cut up good deal of wood in morn and picked grass out of strawberries too and got wood and water and fed in eve.
Sat. 21st. Bright and a frost and slight freeze in morn but bright and pleasant in sun after 10 in morm. Willie and Wiley and Marion drove the mules to our wagon and carried some Lady peas to town in morn and returned late in eve. I cut up good deal of wood and picked grass out of strawberries in morn and got wood and water and fed in eve.
Sun. 22nd. Bright and no frost and pleasant in sun today. Nellie and Charles at Wiley's most of day. I walked there in eve. Willie and Minnie and children went to SS in eve. Miss Lottie K and Rubie C and Ben Ford and Earl and Cap D ate supper here.
Mon. 23rd. Bright but some clouds and frost in morn but warmer in eve. Willie planted oats with Sandy to cultivator and harrow in patch N of here (where he dug potatoes lately) all day and finished late in eve. I cut up good deal of wood and picked grass out of strawberries in morn and got wood and water and fed in eve.
Tue. 24th. Cloudy and no sun and a damp breeze from S of E all day and night too and rained a little slowly late in night. Willie and I put up 8 hogs in pen back of garden in morn - 6 to sell and 2 large barrows to make meat - and we put the 2 black sow pigs in pig pen to sell too. Willie went hunting in eve and I got wood and water and fed in eve.
Wed. 25th. Cloudy and cool and a damp breeze from E all day. Wiley helped us to load up 8 hogs early in morn and Willie drove mules to wagon and carried them to town and sold to John Fosselman and returned at 3 in eve. I got wood and water for Leah to wash and cut up good deal of wood in morn.
Thu. 26th. It began to rain before day and lasted all day slowly part of time and in hard showers part of time - a big fall of water in all and cool from SE. We had a Thanksgiving dinner today. Miss Lottie K and Nora and Wiley and family dined here and all left in the rain late in the eve but Miss Lottie and Earl here in eve and till 8 at night.
Fri. 27th. It began to rain before day and lasted till late in eve from SE and hard part of time - a big fall of water in all. We did nothing but get wood and feed.
Sat. 28th. Cloudy and no sun and drizzled rain some in morn and in eve too and cool from NW. Willie and Marion drove Sandy to town in eve and returned at dark. I got wood and fed in eve and cut up good deal of wood in morn.
Sun. 29th. Cloudy and no sun and cool from NW. Willie and Minnie and Carl drove Sandy to B C's in morn and returned late in eve. Gordon dined here. Nellie went to Lewis' in eve and Carmel and Marion went to SS.
Mon. 30th. Cloudy and cool in morn but bright in eve and sun shined most of eve. Willie drove the mules to wagon and carried 2 bbls of molasses to town in eve and sold to Planter's and Wiley carried 3 hogs to town in eve. I cut up good deal of wood and drew water in morn and picked up nearly 1/2 bu of Irish potatoes in patch N of here.