MAY 1902

Thu. May 1st. Bright and warm and dry from SW. Henry barred off cotton on branch in Luckett field all day with mule. Willie and I hoed corn all day in water hole and Cherry cut (on W side of it). I sweat good deal last night (was feverish) and had a dull headache all day but it left me late in eve.

Fri. 2nd. Bright and warm and dry from SW. Henry barred off corn today in SW corner with mule and finished last of our corn by late in eve. Willie hoed corn today. He finished Cherry cut by 9 1/2 in morn and hoed balance of day in Luckett field on hilltop. I scraped potatoes all day on hilltop of Persimmon cut and got about 1/2 of patch scraped (I think). Rena and Bernice here in eve.

Sat. 3rd. Bright and warm and dry from SW most of day but cloudy and sultry some late in eve. Willie and Henry hoed corn on hilltop of Luckett field most of morn and I scraped potatoes on hilltop of Persimmon cut most of morn and I hoed some okra and squashes in orchard most of eve. Wiley drove Joe to buggy to town in eve and returned at dark.

Sun. 4th. Bright and warm and dry from SW most of day but rained a little shower SE of here late in eve but only dropped a little here. Wiley and Rena and Bernice and Buddy and Tigner D dined here and Willie and Minnie drove Joe and Wiley rode Dan and Tigner his Dun pony and all went to Union Church in eve and Dr. Hunnicutt preached there. I milked late in eve.

Mon. 5th. Bright and warm and dry from S most of day but a pleasant S breeze all day and thundered and rained SW of here (in sight) late in eve but none here. Willie and Henry and Aunt Susan and Nett and Rose hoed corn in SW corner all morn and finished there at 11 1/2 and they hoed corn in Luckett field on branch all eve. I scraped potatoes on hilltop of Persimmon cut all morn and till 4 in eve and finished patch then and I set out 41 tomatoe plants in garden late in eve. Rena and Bernice here all day and Wiley dined here too.

Tue. 6th. Bright, but cloudy some, all morn and till 1 in eve and warm with a damp S breeze and began to rain around in thundershowers then and sprinkled here at 2 and we had a hard little shower at 3 and a good soaking rain at 5 to 6 from S and much needed. Willie and Henry and Aunt Susan and Nett and Rose hoed corn in morn and some little in eve in Luckett field on branch and they got nearly wet in eve. I began in morn to harrow corn middles with Joe and I harrowed Gate cut corn and some on H ridge hilltop by 11 1/2 and some on H ridge in eve (about 2 hours).

Wed. 7th. Bright but cloudy some all day and pleasant and rained around some in thundershowers late in eve and a cloud came up from NW but only sprinkled a little here at sunset. Willie hoed and replanted his watermelons and tomatoes at back of our field in morn and he and Henry hoed corn in Luckett field in eve. I cut and packed poles and forks fom NW of orchard and put up a bean arbor in orchard in morn and I hoed some in garden and set out some tomatoes and pepper plants at 1 1/4 to 2 1/4 and I packed 8 bu stable manure (in 6 turns) and put in water furrow of bean rows in orchard and hoed them (covering manure) by late in eve.

Thu. 8th. Cloudy and a little cool from N all day and very litle sunshine and drizzled rain some early in morn and dropped some late in eve and thundered in E and SE most of eve - fine weather for crops. Willie and Henry hoed corn all morn in Luckett field and finished last of our corn and Henry barred off cotton and Willie scraped in locust ground at back of field all eve. I harrowed corn middles with Joe most of day and I finished H ridge and Cherry cut and part of old Cane hollow. I ran only once to row after I finished H ridge (at 8 in morn). Wiley came for Nellie just before day in morn. Rena was sick all night but she soon got better and Nellie came home late in eve.

Fri. 9th. Bright, nearly clear, and cool early in morn and a pleasant breeze from N all day and no signs of rain today. Henry barred off corn in new ground at back of our field and in Luckett field with mule today and Willie scraped cotton in locust ground today and I harrowed corn middles with Joe all day. I finished old Cane hollow and water hole cut and 2nd Cane hollow and some in Pine corner. I ran once to row over most of it and twice on a little part of it.

Sat. 10th. Bright, nearly clear, and cool early in morn and calm and warm in eve. Henry barred off cotton with mule in Luckett field in morn and Willie scraped cotton in new ground at back of our field and I harrowed corn middles with Joe in 3rd Cane hollow and in SW corner, once to row over most of it. Willie and I cut and packed some small canes from Sims' field at 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 in eve and I stuck my beans (on arbor) in orchard and put some more poles on it too in eve. Robert and Mary James and Lucy Hutchinson came late in eve and Robert went on to Seymour's and the girls stayed here at night.

Sun. 11th. Bright but cloudy some and thundered some far off today and warm and looked like rain. I walked to Wiley's in morn and he and Tigner D went to Jack D's and Rena and Bernice came back with me at 9 3/4 and I picked some dewberries in our field for Rena by 11. Robert and the 2 girls went home in eve and I walked to Lewis' in eve at 2 1/2 to 5 and salted cattle in cow pasture late in eve.

Mon. 12th. Bright but cloudy and warm from S and a thunder cloud came up slowly from SW at 1 but only sprinkled slowly here at 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 in eve and cloudy and sultry all eve and no sun. Willie plowed mule and molded corn and Henry broke out middles with Dan all day. They layed by Gate cut and part of H ridge (our first laying by). I harrowed corn middles with Joe most of day. I ran only once to row. I finished home field in SW corner at 9 1/4 in morn and harrowed in Luckett field balance of day - the hilltop and some near ford of branch.

Tue. 13th. Cloudy and damp and warm all morn and a thunder cloud came up from S at 11 3/4 and we had a nice little shower at 11 3/4 to 12 - and needed too - and bright and warm all eve. Willie and Henry layed by corn on H ridge and in old Cane hollow all day and I harrowed corn middles all day in Luckett field with Joe on both sides of creek. Nellie at Wiley's all day and returned late in eve.

Wed. 14th. Bright and warm most of day and some thunder showers passed around in eve but no rain here today. Willie and Henry plowed corn all day with Dan and mule in old Cane hollow and in Cherry cut and I harrowed corn middles on branch in Luckett field (with Joe) till 10 in morn and finished last of them and I harrowed sugar cane middles in NE corner of orchard at 10 1/2 to 11 3/4 in morn and I rode Joe to Cohen's in eve.

Thu. 15th. Bright and warm in morn and a thunder cloud came up from N at 1 1/2 and we had a nice little shower at 1 1/2 to 2 and bright and very warm balance of eve. Willie and Henry plowed corn in fence row cut and in 2nd Cane hollow most of day. I harrowed sugar cane middles in orchard till 8 1/4 in morn and finished them and I barred off our potatoes on hilltop of Persimmon cut and threw the dirt back to them with 4 furrows (with Joe) balance of day and finished them by late in eve. Willie rode Dan to get hands to scrape cotton late in eve.

Fri. 16th. Bright, and quite warm, and no rain near today but thundered in rain clouds in sight most of eve. Henry barred off cotton in Luckett field with mule today and Willie scraped cotton in new ground at back of our field in morn and he and Aunt Susan and Rose and Nett scraped in Luckett field in eve. I rode Joe in cow pasture early in morn to drive up Maggie our Guernsey cow but couldn't find her young calf but I went again late in eve and found her and calf - a heifer (color of its mother) - and drove them to pen. I plowed corn most of day in 3rd Cane hollow with Joe. Rena and Bernice here most of day and Wiley dined here too.

Sat. 17th. Bright and quite warm all day and rained NE of here with thunder late in eve and dropped some here at dusk. Henry barred off cotton with mule in Luckett field in morn and Willie and Aunt Susan and Rose and Nett scraped cotton in Luckett field all morn. I plowed corn with Joe in 3rd Cane hollow (and hoed some short rows there) all morn and I hoed most of garden in eve. Wiley drove Joe to buggy to town in eve.

Sun. 18th. Bright and warm but a pleasant S breeze (or SW) all day and a thunder cloud came up from SW at 8 at night and we had a little shower then. Nellie at Wiley's all day and B C and Dixie and their 2 little children there too. Willie and I walked in cow pasture at 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 in morn and saw all of cattle and saw old Kitty's youngest heifer (just 2 years old) with a young calf. Buddy and Gordon here most of day.

Mon. 19th. Cloudy some all day and a damp S breeze but bright and warm most of day and no rain. Henry barred off cotton with mule in Luckett field today and Willie and Aunt Susan and Rose and Nett scraped cotton in Luckett field all day. I plowed corn most of day in 3rd Cane hollow with Joe and didn't quite finish there. We are having fine weather on the crops and have had it for a long time.

Tue. 20th. Bright and warm from S all day till 5 in eve and we had 2 good showers from S at 5 1/2 to 6 3/4 in eve and needed too. Henry barred off cotton in Luckett field till 3 1/2 in eve and finished there then and last of our cotton and he barred off whip peas in Persimmon cut till 5 1/2 and rain ran him home. Willie hoed his watermelon patch and scraped some cotton in new ground at back of our field till rain in eve. I plowed corn in 3rd Cane hollow and in hollow and on hillside of Pine corner till 5 1/2 in eve and rain ran me home then.

Wed. 21st. Bright and quite warm and calm and no rain in sight today. Willie scraped cotton in new ground at back of our field today. I plowed corn in Pine corner and 2nd Cane hollow and water hole cut most of day and Henry plowed corn with me after 10 in morn. He finished barring off whip peas then. Helen and Viola came to Wiley's on yesterday in eve and Helen and Minnie and Carmell went to Seymour's and spent day and Rena and Bernice here today and Wiley dined here too.

Thu. 22nd. Bright and quite warm till 4 in eve and clouded up then and rained around in thundershowers at 4 to 7 1/2 and we had 2 good little showers at 6 to 7 1/4 and needed too. Willie scraped cotton at Luckett field most of day and Henry and I plowed corn in Pine corner and in SW corner with Joe and mule all day till 5 1/2 in eve and rain ran us home then. Helen and Viola went home in eve.

Fri. 23rd. Bright and warm till 4 in eve and rained around some in thunder showers at 4 to 6 1/2 and sprinkled here at 6 to 6 3/4. Willie scraped cotton in Luckett field today and Henry and I plowed corn all day with Joe and mule. We finished this home field at 9 1/2 in morn and plowed on hilltop of Luckett field balance of day. Nellie at Wiley's all day.

Sat. 24th. Bright and warm and showered around a little in eve, but only dropped here at 3. Willie scraped cotton in sandy corner on branch in Luckett field all morn and Henry and I plowed corn all morn in Luckett field on hilltop and on branch near ford. I packed about 6 turns of stable manure (about 10 bus.) and about 6 pecks of ashes and put on okra and bean patch in orchard and hoed over all of them in eve. Willie drove up young Kitty cow with a red bull calf late in eve. Minnie and Carmell at Wiley's most of day.

Sun. 25th. Bright and quite warm and dry from NW and no rain in sight today. Nellie and Minnie and Carmell drove old Jim (mule)to Kendrick's in morn and returned just after sunset. Willie walked to Clara's in morn and back late in eve. Wiley and Bernice and I picked some huckleberries in morn and Rena made a pie for dinner and I dined at Wiley's, but I sat about house most of day.

Mon. 26th. Bright and quite warm and dry from NW and no rain in sight but thundered in NE and E most of eve. Willie scraped cotton in lower part of Luckett field all day and Henry and I plowed corn on this side of branch in Luckett field in morn and got to lower ford and we plowed other side of branch in eve and got very warm and wet with sweat. Nellie at Wiley's all day.

Tue. 27th. Bright and warm and dry from N and no rain in sight today and not as warm as yesterday. Willie scraped cotton in lower part of Luckett field all day and Henry and I plowed corn with Joe and mule all day. We finished beyond branch in Luckett field by 4 1/4 in eve and plowed some on this side late in eve.

Wed. 28th. Bright, but cloudy some all day, and cooler than yesterday and thundered in W all day and a cloud came up from W at 12 3/4 at night and we had a little shower then. Willie drove up old Neat from cow pasture with a red heifer calf early in morn and he scraped cotton balance of day in lower part of Luckett field. Henry and I plowed corn all morn on this side of branch in Luckett field and finished all but a little and Henry finished it and last of our corn in eve and he molded some cotton in locust ground late in eve. I harrowed cotton middles in locust ground and new ground there, once to row, all eve.

Thu. 29th. Cloudy and cool some early in morn. A thunder cloud came up slowly from SW at 8 in morn and we had a sprinkle then and bright till 3 in eve and a thunder cloud came up slowly again from SW and rained slowly here at 3 1/2 to 5 1/4 and quit. Willie and Aunt Susan and Rose and Nett scraped cotton most of day in Luckett field and Henry molded cotton with mule all day in locust ground and new ground at back of our field and I harrowed cotton middles most of day with Joe, once to row, in new ground at back of our field and in Luckett field and we got nearly wet with the rain in eve.

Fri. 30th. Bright and cool early in morn but warm after 10 and no rain today but thundered around some in eve far off. Willie and Rose and Nett scraped cotton in Luckett field till 11 in morn and finished last of our cotton and Willie went over some of our corn on branch in Luckett field in eve with hoe. Henry molded cotton all day in new ground and in Luckett field with mule and I harrowed cotton middles in Luckett field with Joe all day, once to row. Nellie at Wiley's all day.

Sat. 31st. Bright and warm and dry most of day but rained around some late in eve but none here. Willie rode Joe and Henry drove mare mule and Jack to wagon to town in morn and got some provisions and other things and returned at 1 1/2 in eve and Willie went to Lewis' in eve to help to build a brush arbor at schoolhouse. I hoed most of garden in morn and got wood and milked all of cows (4) in eve and we made some ice cream at dusk and I carried some of it to Wiley and Rena and Bernice at dark.


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