Wed. Jan. 1st. Clear, and a slight freeze and frost in morn, but wind from SE and pleasant after 12 in morn. Willie hauled cane from orchard and wood from Wiley's field most of day to Lewis' (to mill) and Wiley and I took Joe and Dan there in morn and ground cane most of day (after 9 in morn) and Jack fed mill all day. I sat down hard on floor before breakfast and hurt my back and it bothered me all day. Nellie at Wiley's yet.

Thu. 2nd. Bright and pleasant from S. Willie hauled cane from orchard and some wood from Wiley's field and some pine wood from near Luckett field (which Wiley and Jim cut) most of day to mill and I took Joe and Dan there early in morn and ground all day. Jack fed the mill. Aunt Susan's folks picked cotton most of day in old Cane hollow and finished last of our cotton. Nellie still at Wiley's.

Fri. 3rd. Cloudy and calm and damplike all day and misted rain at 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 in eve and wind cool from N late in eve and at night. Willie and Wiley hauled cane and pine wood to Lewis' mill till 2 1/2 in eve and finished last of our cane and Lewis finished cooking all by dusk. Jack fed mill all day and I packed juice and removed bagasse till 2 and came home to dinner. I got wood and drew water late in eve. Some hands picked cotton for Wiley today and he took wagon to haul it late in eve but old Frances wouldn't pull and he left load in field. We made just 200 gal molasses.

Sat. 4th. Cloudy and chilly from N and began to rain in slow showers at 11 1/2 and lasted most of eve and night too. Willie and Wiley and I hauled 2 loads of cotton from Wiley's field to his house and hauled our molasses, 2 bbls, and 2 half bbls nearly full, from Lewis' and put on Pa's gallery by 12 with Ella and Frances. Buddy helped us and dined here and we went to Wiley's in eve awhile. Nellie still at Wiley's.

Sun. 5th. Cloudy and chilly from N and no sun all day. I walked to Wiley's in morn and carried Carmell and Bernice came back with us at 11. Wiley rode to town in morn to see Dr. Magruder about Rena - she seems to be getting better and Nellie came homne from there late in eve. I walked to Sims' in eve and he gave me 8 very large eggs.

Mon. 6th. Dark cloudy and no sun and calm and chilly. Willie hauled Wiley's cane from Coon field and pine wood from near Luckett field to mill at Lewis' all day with Ella and Frances and Wiley cut pine wood and Jack and I cane and Lewis cooked molasses.

Tue. 7th. Foggy and chilly till 10 1/2 in morn and bright from NW (and nearly clear) and pleasant balance of day. We ground and cooked Wiley's molasses all day as on yesterday. Nellie at Wiley's most of day and at night - Rena was in bed part of day.

Wed. 8th. Bright, nearly clear, and a freeze and very white frost in morn but calm and pleasant after 10 in morn. Willie hauled 1 big load of Wiley's cane (and last of it) early in morn and 1 load of pine wood and we finished the molasses and hauled it to Wiley's house by 12 1/4. Wiley made 162 gallons in all. Bill Lindsey dined here - he left Cohen's today. Willie rode Joe to Cohen's in eve to see about ginning. I cut up wood and walked to Wiley's and drove wagon back home late in eve and Nellie and Bernice rode on wagon. Wiley hauled in the last of his cotton in eve - some hands picked it in morn. Rena is better today and Nellie stayed home at night.

Thu. 9th. Bright and quite cool early in morn but pleasant after 10 in morn and sunny all day. Sim White and George Washington and little Henry Ward and Willie carried 4 loads of cotton to Cohen's in morn and brought all of seed back late in eve. Wiley and I helped to load up cotton in morn. I packed and cut up wood and put some mud and stove pipe on kitchen today.

Fri. 10th. Bright and pleasant from NW. Sim White and George Washington and Henry Ward and Willie carried 4 loads of cotton to Cohen's in morn and George W came back at 1 and got last load of our cotton and carried to Cohen's in eve. Willie sold all of seed and he got home at 2 1/4. Wiley helped us to load in morn and Rena and Bernice here in eve. I got wood and drew water for Lucy to wash today and I repaired one of cow pen gates in eve.

Sat. 11th. Bright and quite cool and dry from W of N. Willie and I helped Wiley to load up our wagon and George Wahington's and Robert Newell's with Wiley's cotton early in morn - Wiley returned from Cohen's at dusk. I rode Joe to Cohen's at 11 in morn to 3 1/2 in eve. Cohen offered me 7/c for our 9 bales of cotton there but I didn't sell and he paid me 30 dollars for the seed out of 5 bales of cotton. I got wood for Wiley and milked his cow and fed for him late in eve.

Sun. 12th. Bright, and a slight freeze in morn, and a dry breeze from W of N most of day, but pleasant in sunshine. Willie and Minnie and Carmell drove Joe to Clara's in morn and returned late in eve. Wiley went to his Pa's in morn and Nellie and Rena and Bernice went to Lewis' in morn and returned late in eve. I stayed home and cooked my dinner.

Mon. 13th. Bright and a freeze in morn and cold in shade all day, but dry and sun shined all day. Willie helped Wiley to load up our wagon and Robert Newell's with Wiley's last cotton early in morn and Wiley got it ginned out and to store by 2 1/2 in eve. I rode Joe to town in morn and carried samples of the 9 bales which we ginned on last Thu and Fri and sold the 9 bales to Rothschild at 7 1/4 and carried the check to Cohen's by 12 and Wiley paid land note $100 and all owing to Cohen. I paid up Cohen and we had about $83 over to pay other debts. Wiley and I got home about sunset.

Tue. 14th. Bright, but cloudy some, and hard freeze in morn - but warmer in eve and calm and looked like rain late in eve and at night. Willie walked to Wiley's early in morn and got mules and wagon and hauled wood most of day and he hauled some to Wiley's too. I walked to Wiley's early in morn and Bernice came back with me and I hauled rails from fence in back yard to back of orchard with Joe and cart and put a pen around a rick of seed cane to keep hogs out and finished it by 3 1/2 in eve and put buggy and cart under the 2 sheds at cotton house and cut up wood.

Wed. 15th. Bright, and cold early in morn but dry, and calm and pleasant in eve. Willie drove Joe to buggy to town in morn and returned late in eve. I packed some rails and rebuilt hog pen at back of garden by 11 1/4 in morn and I shucked and shelled some bread corn in eve. Bill Lindsey came here late in eve and stayed all night.

Thu. 16th. Bright, nearly clear, and a cold and dry N wind most of day. Bill Lindsey left early in morn to attend court. Willie and Wiley drove Joe to buggy to Cohen's and on to town in morn and paid up their debts there and returned late in eve. Helen and Viola came to Wiley's on yesterday and here today and left for home at 2 1/2 in eve. I shucked and shelled some bread corn today and I walked in Wiley's field at 12 to 2 and drove up Laura mule for Helen.

Fri. 17th. Clear, and a hard freeze and very white frost in morn, but a breeze from S and pleasant after 10 in morn. I led Joe to cart to Wiley's early in morn and got their big kettle and 1 tub and Willie and Wiley and I killed and cleaned and salted down our 2 barrows by 11 1/2 and Lucy washed today. Willie rode Joe to Clara's in eve after cutting my hair and I shelled some bread corn and got wood.

Sat. 18th. Cloudy and a damp SW breeze and sprinkled rain at daylight and again at 9 to 10 1/2 and again at 1 1/2 to 2 and wind changed to NW then and cleared off. Willie and Minnie and Carmell drove Joe by Woodville and on to Tigner Newman's and on to Mrs. James' today and I drove Ella mule to cart to Wade's mill early in morn and I carried 3 1/4 bu corn for us and 1 1/2 for Wiley and returned at 12 1/4 with meal. Rena and Bernice here today and at night too and Wiley dined here too.

Sun. 19th. Clear, and quite cool early in morn, but pleasant in sunshine after 10 in morn. I walked to Sims' in morn and carried back some borrowed Reviews and got some papers. Wiley and Rena and Bernice and Gordon dined here today. Bernice and I walked to Luckett field in eve. Willie and Minnie and Carmell returned at sunset.

Mon. 20th. Dark cloudy and a damp wind from SE and began to rain in little showers at 1 1/2 and rained hard late in eve and wind changed to NW and cleared off at dark. Henry Ward came early in morn and he and Willie cut some dead trees at back of our field in morn and they walked to Clara's in eve and Willie bought a dun filly for Henry and they brought it here late in eve. I rode Joe to Cohen's at 10 in morn to 1 1/2 in eve and borrowed $25 to pay for filly and I bought a pr. jeans pants and a pair coarse shoes and 2 pairs socks and a cheap coat for myself. I carried Wiley's meal home and cut up some wood and milked cows in eve.

Tue. 21st. Cloudy and chilly from W of N all day and very little sunshine. I led Joe to cart to Wiley's early in morn and carried pot and tub and Wiley and Willie and Henry and I killed and salted down Wiley's big bob tail sow and 1 big white barrow and we finished by 12 and I dined there and got home at 3 in eve. Willie and Henry cut some dead trees in eve.

Wed. 22nd. Bright, nearly clear, and a freeze in morn but sun shined all day and calm and pleasant in eve. Henry Ward rode the dun filly first time early in morn. Willie and Henry and I began early in morn and threshed peas most of day and we got 5 1/2 bbls (rough) in all threshed. Henry rode Dan to his brother Ed's wedding late in eve.

Thu. 23rd. Bright and a freeze in morn but cloudy and warmer in eve. Willie and I threshed peas most of day and Henry rode the dun filly to his father's early in morn and returned at 3 in eve. We got about 5 1/4 bbls (rough) threshed today. I had a dull headache all day but it left me late in eve.

Fri. 24th. Cloudy and it rained slowly till 8 in morn and quit and bright and cool from NW after 11 in morn. Willie and Henry didn't work today. I rose with vertigo and sick stomach but my bowels acted freely and I got better after eating a little breakfast and it left me at 9 in morn. I shelled some okra and butterbean seed early in morn and renewed subscription to Advocate and walked in Wiley's field and got Joe at 11 to 12 and Willie and Minnie drove him to town in eve. I made some hens' nests and cut up wood in eve.

Sat. 25th. Cloudy and a damp and cold breeze from SE all morn and warmer and bright in eve. Nellie and Clara drove Jim mule to Tigner's in morn and I rode Joe to Cohen's in morn and renewed subscription to Advocate and got a vest and pair of suspenders for myself and some nails (5 lbs) and 3 of staples. Willie went hunting in eve. He and Henry worked some in morn. I packed and cut up some wood in eve.

Sun. 26th. Cloudy and warm from W of S all day and rained in little showers late in eve and some at night and changed to NW in night. I walked to Wiley's at 9 to 10 1/2 in morn and Bernice came back with me and Wiley and Rena came in eve and Seymour too. Nellie and Clara returned from Tigner's late in eve. Mary is still sick in bed and has been for a long time.

Mon. 27th. Cloudy and chilly from E of N and dropped and sprinkled rain most of day. Willie and Henry hauled 1 load of wood from back of our field at 9 to 10 in morn and rain stopped them and they cut some wood there in eve and Wiley hauled some mulberry posts for a calf lot and some wood in eve with Ella and Goulden. I cut up some wood and mended a rocking chair today.

Tue. 28th. Dark cloudy and no sun and a thin sheet of ice on trees and houses in morn and a chilly breeze from NE but warmer in eve and all of ice melted and misted rain a little all day and some hard showers in night. Willie and Henry cut some dead trees and wood at Luckett field most of morn and went rabbit hunting in eve. I packed and cut up some wood today and sat in house part of day.

Wed. 29th. Dark cloudy and showered some most of morn from SW and ground very soft and slippery on top all morn but sun shined a little in eve and changed to NW late in eve and rained some and turned cooler at night. Willie and Henry cut and hauled wood all day from toward Luckett field and got a big pile of oak wood here with Goulden and Ella mule. I patched a pair of my pants early in morn and cut up some wood and helped Henry to unload wood most of day. I went to Wiley's for sewing at 1 to 2 and Bernice came back with me and Nellie and I and Bernice and Carmell went to Wiley's late in eve and we came back in rain.

Thu. 30th. Dark cloudy all day, and chilly in morn early, but turned warmer after 9 in morn and began to rain in slow showers at 9 in morn and lasted till 12 and drizzled some in eve and rained in showers some in night. Willie and Wiley and Henry and I weighed up about 23 or 24 hundred lbs of Wiley's cotton and put it on wagon and put 4 horses to wagon but they wouldn't pull together but we got load of seed to Sims' barn and left them there (in wagon) by 10 1/2 in morn. Rena and Bernice here all day and Wiley dined here and rode to Clara's in eve and got old Frances mule to haul with on tomorrow.

Fri. 31st. Dark cloudy and no sun all day, and rained all day,and hard part of time, and thundered some through the day and some at night and a breeze from N and chilly some. We didn't work today. Nellie and I walked to Wiley's at 1 3/4 in eve and carried Carmell and I came back at 3 and went back at 5 and brought Carmell home.


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