Fri. Jan. 1st. Dark, cloudy and thundered in W most of last night and all today but wind from SE and began to rain slowly from there at 11 in morn and lasted all eve and most of night. Nellie rode Hattie to town and I rode Joe at 9 3/4 to 11 in morn - we expected Tigner to bring Pa but he didn't come on account of threatening weather. Nellie bought candy and sugar and other things from Davidson's and some things from Rothchild's and we got home at 2 3/4 all the way through rain but we didn't get wet any. Sims sent by bbls. and sacks (which he carried his peas home in) back today and balance of corn (3 bbls.). Buddy here today.

Sat. 2nd. Dark, cloudy and pretty high wind from SE and rained in little sprinkles all day and night too and ground very wet. I drove Hattie to Cohen's in morn and on to town by 12 and waited there for Tigner to bring Pa till 2 and he didn't come and I got home at 3 1/2 in eve. Willie went with Roy in wagon to Kitty Braxton's and got some matting which Mrs. Mag McGraw sent there for Nellie in morn. Miss Cook C. here all day.

Sun. 3rd. It rained a hard rain at 4 to 6 in morn with lightning and thunder from W and rained in little showers and sprinkles till 3 in eve and cool and quit then and cleared off. I walked to Sims' at 9 1/2 to 11 1/2 in morn. Buddy and Seymour dined here and W.D. came late and till 8 1/2 at night.

Mon. 4th. Bright and cold from W of N and slight freeze in morn and a cold wind all day but sun shined most of day. Willie cut down green wood toward Coon place in morn and some in eve. I drove Hattie to town in morn and Scott N brought Pa there at 11 3/4. Pa has been right sick for nearly a week with cold but seems better today. We got home at 2 and I packed up some wood and watered and fed in eve. Clara and her children here in eve awhile.

Tue. 5th. Clear, a freeze in morn and a cold breeze from N. I hauled 3 cartloads of wood from on hill toward Coon place in morn. Buddy sent Tigner for Willie and we went there in morn to help them to kill and clean 4 barrows (Willie shot 3 of them) and we finished cleaning them by 1 and cut them up and salted them down after dinner. I got home at 4 in eve with a bad headache which I had all day. I took 3 of Carter's pills through the day and they worked me once at sunset and I vomited once then and took a hot foot bath and went to bed and rested pretty well. W.D. here to supper and left at 8 1/2 at night.

Wed. 6th. Bright, nearly clear, and a very hard freeze and white frost in morn and a gentle breeze from NW but pleasant in sunshine after 10 in morn. Willie cut some wood and cut down some trees and cane and briars in 3rd Cane hollow (clearing it up) all day. I hauled 4 cartloads of green wood from toward Coon place and 2 of dry from field by 11 1/2 in morn and I hauled 2 more of dry and 1 load of pine knots from field in eve. My headache left me entirely in eve. Pa stayed in house most of day and yesterday too. Nellie, Dixie and Rena cooked cakes most of day for the 13th.

Thu. 7th. Clear, a hard freeze and white frost in morn but pleasant in sunshine after 10 in morn. Willie cleared in 3rd Cane hollow all morn and Pa and I packed some beech wood from E of fig orchard till 10 in morn and I plowed up our road from front gate to big road (part of it) and some of big road opposite here and worked it with hoe too at 10 to 12. Cousins Tom and Gus and Lucy and Miss Maggie Harper went to Lewis' at 10 1/4 in morn and all here but Tom in eve awhile. I drove Hattie to old buggy to Cohen's in eve and invited all of them to wedding on the 13th.

Fri. 8th. Bright, some clouds and a slight freeze in morn but pleasant and dry. Willie cleared in 3rd Cane hollow - some in morn and some in eve. I drove Hattie to town to old buggy in morn and got a bedstead for $2.25 from Schaeffer and a rocking chair from Rothchild's and returned at 12 1/4. I put a new handle in Willie's ax (one that Joe M made) and I dug out dirt at front gate and worked road there (where I plowed on yesterday) with hoe and cut up wood in eve.

Sat. 9th. Bright and cool but no freezing and dry. Willie rode Joe fox hunting just before daylight. I led Hattie to cart to Cohen's in morn and got a bbl. flour on credit and some other things and borrowed 5 doz. plates and 4 doz. cups and saucers and I returned at 1 1/4. Clara and her children here in eve helping Nellie and girls to cook cakes.

Sun. 10th. Cloudy some but bright most of day and cool from SW. Nellie at Lewis' all day. I walked to Sims' in morn and got some papers after I shaved and Willie cut my hair. Gussie here to dinner and W.D. here in eve till 8 1/4 at night. B C is sick.

Mon. 11th. Cloudy some but sun shined most of day and pleasant and dry - wind and clouds from W. Willie rode Joe early in morn to Clara's and there till 2 1/2 in eve and brought a shoat back with him (dressed) which Buddy gave us for the 13th. I took Hattie and cart to back SE corner of our field early in morn and cut and hauled some gum timber and dressed it and put up a frame in back yard for a table by 3 1/2 in eve and packed and cut up some wood late in eve. Miss Grace C here all day helping to cook and dress cakes and she stayed all night. Pa went to bed with a light fever at about 2 in eve. Clara and Gordon and Tigner brought some cakes and pies in eve which she baked for Nellie.

Tue. 12th. Cloudy and a cool and damp breeze from SE and dropped rain a little at 4 1/2 in eve but bright at night. I drove Hattie to town in morn at 8 to 11 1/2 and got 50 cts. of bread and 3 doz. apples and 4 of bananas and 1 of oranges and 1/2 lb. candy, a pair of shoes for Rena and a 50ct. bottle of whiskey for Pa. I packed and cut up wood most of eve. Buddy and Willie barbecued the shoat today and finished it at 1 in eve. Willie drove Hattie to Cohen's at 2 3/4 to 5 and brought Cousin Dosia from train. Miss Grace C here all day and at night again. Clara and her children here in eve helping to decorate.

Wed. 13th. Cloudy and warm but pleasant from S and no rain. Wiley D and Rena were married by Bro. B.F. Lewis at 11 3/4 in morn and went to Pinson place late in eve. All of our company left late in eve but Cousin Dosia and B C stayed till bedtime.

Thu. 14th. It began to rain slowly at sunrise and lasted till 12 and quit then and very muddy and warm and cloudy all eve. We did nothing in morn. Willie rode Joe in Sims' field in eve to hunt his cow which he bought from Sims last Spring. I rode Hattie to Estina in eve at 1 to 3 to carry Mrs. Chambers' knives and forks and some of wedding dinner. Adah and Beulah W here most of eve.

Fri. 15th. Cloudy and cool from E or N of E all morn and from S of E in eve and drizzled and sprinkled rain most of morn and some in eve. Willie drove Hattie and carried Cousin Dosia to Cohen's and she took train early in morn for home. I rode Joe and went to town with Sims at 9 in morn to 2 in eve to buy Coon place but Judge Van Eaton was busy (court being in session) and we postponed till Tuesday next. Clara and her 2 little children here in eve and Buddy here to supper.

Sat. 16th. Dark, cloudy and no sun and drizzled rain from SE most of morn and ground very wet. I drove Hattie to Dixie's buggy to Cohen's in morn and carried some wedding cake to "August" and carried the plates and cups and saucers back and I borrowed $45 from Cohen to pay on Coon land. I returned at 12 3/4 and packed and cut up wood in eve. Willie rode Joe fox hunting early in morn and they ran a fox most of day but didn't catch it and Willie returned at 3 1/2 in eve.

Sun. 17th. It rained some through last night from S and we had a hard rain from NW with little wind at 5 to 6 1/2 in morn and rained on in sprinkles and showers from W all day and till dark and cleared off in night and quite cool from N of W. Nellie rode Hattie down to Seymour's new home in eve. Buddy here most of eve and B C here late in eve and till 8 1/4 at night.

Mon. 18th. Bright but some clouds and quite cool from N all day and sun shined bright all eve. Willie and I repaired a short string of Lewis' wire fence beyond old Persimmon tree (where our calves have been getting into field there) by 9 1/2 in morn and cut a holly and a bay there for calves and Willie went to Lewis' at 10 and there balance of day helping to raise Joe's house. Pa and I packed up some beech wood E of fig orchard at 10 to 11 3/4. Miss Grace C here in morn and till 7 1/2 in eve. Wiley and Rena came at 11 3/4 and a wagon at 2 and they moved their furniture and Dixie went back in buggy with Rena and Wiley went on wagon.

Tue. 19th. A slight freeze in morn but bright and some dark spots of cloud and sprinkled sleet at 7 1/2 in morn but sun shined till 2 in eve and dark cloudy from SE late in eve and rained hard part of night - in early part of it. I rode Hattie to town with Sims in morn and he bought Greenwood and I bought the Coon place. I paid $40 cash - the interest on the $500 (which I am to pay for the land) for the past year 1896. Wiley sent Jim for Kate cow and calf at 12 today and Willie helped him to drive her there and returned at sunset. Pa cut down corn stalks in orchard today.

Wed. 20th. Cloudy and cold from NW till 10 in morn and bright, nearly clear balance of day and pleasant. Willie and I walked over Coon place early in morn and concluded to make a field in S corner and we cut down and deadened some trees there all morn and Willie again in eve and Pa and I cut and packed some poles from NW of orchard from 12 1/2 to 1 3/4 and I put up a scaffold W of old barn to smoke our meat on and Pa cut down some corn stalks in orchard at 1 1/2 to 3 1/2. I arose with dull headache and took 2 Carter's pills before breakfast and headache left me just before dinner.

Thu. 21st. Bright but some clouds all day - a freeze and white frost in morn but warmer after 10 in morn. Willie cut and deadened trees in Coon field all morn and drove Hattie to Pinson place in eve and brought Dixie home at sunset. She has been there since Monday last. Pa deadened trees on Coon land most of day. I cut down the dead bay NW of new barn (in orchard) early in morn and packed and threw most of wood of it into yard by apple trees by 11 1/4 and I hunted all over our land for some mulberry or sassafras timbers to make 2 gates to calf pasture but didn't find but little in eve. I was feverish at night with cold and didn't sleep well.

Fri. 22nd. A freeze and white frost in morn but cloudy some all day and warmer in eve. Willie cut down and deadened trees in Coon field most of day and Pa in corn pasture and I cut and hauled 3 cartloads of green wood (oak and horn beam) and 1 load of mulberry timber (for gates) from NW of orchard in morn by 11 3/4 and I cut and packed a large mulberry from Sims' calf pasture (on branch) and split it into pickets (2 cuts) and dressed 11 pickets in eve. Sims here late in eve to borrow $10 and Willie carried it to him at dusk.

Sat. 23rd. Cloudy and chilly from E but no freeze in morn and warmer and bright in eve. Pa deadened trees in Coon pasture in morn and Willie cut down and deadened some in Coon field. I drove Hattie to town early in morn to get deed to Coon land but it had not been recorded and I didn't get it and I came back by Cohen's

and got some plow rope and a singletree and some laprings and 1 bu. meal and got home at 2 1/2. Ida and her 2 children here all day. I met Ben Richardson at Sims' early in morn coming here to see Pa about lines of Schaeffer's land but he went on back to town with me.

Sun. 24th. Cloudy some all day and cool and calm and bright and sun shined some . Willie and I walked over in Coon field and pasture early in morn and B C and Dixie went in her buggy and Willie rode Joe to Union church in morn and Willie didn't return till after dark. Pa walked to Alice's in morn. Nellie and I walked to Lewis' late in eve and returned at dusk. B C left at 8 1/4 at night.

Mon. 25th. Cold and dark cloudy from E of N and very chilly wind all day and freezing all day and began to mist rain and sleet at sunset and sleeted all night. Pa and I packed and cut up wood part of morn and part of eve and I put some boards on the pine straw on potatoes under cotton house in morn. Willie chopped in Coon field some in morn and some in eve. I was sick at 9 to 12 at night with cold feet and palpitations of heart and burning sensations and slept very little.

Tue. 26th. Dark cloudy and no sun all day and ground covered with sleet and sleeted all morn and some in eve. The wind was from N and the air was very cold (enough to freeze breath on beard). I sat in house most of day. Willie and I put all of our cattle into woods (in cowpasture) at 1 in eve and we cut down some bays and hollys toward Coon place for them and we cut up wood at 2 1/4 to 3 1/4. I made 2 lowells backbands in morn and one in eve.

Wed. 27th. Bright, nearly clear, and sun shined all day but thawed the sleet very little for the wind blew cold from N all day and the air was just as cold as on yesterday. Willie rode Joe to see Wiley and Rena at "Pinson's" at 10 in morn and returned just before sunset. I arose with a headache and it grew worse all day and I vomited late in eve and went to bed then (one hour by sun) and got easier and slept some through the night. I took 3 of Carter's pills through the day.

Thu. 28th. Bright some, hazy clouds all day but sun shined most of day but it thawed very little of sleet and wind still from N all day but air not quite as cold as yesterday. Willie chopped most of day in Coon field. Pa and I cut down the large leaning hickory in hollow in orchard at 9 to 11 1/2 in morn and it was green and we packed some wood and cut up some in eve and I took up some manure in cow pen. My headache left me in eve.

Fri. 29th. Bright, but cloudy all day and sun shined some in eve, and the sleet and frozen ground thawed a little in eve but most of ground covered yet and a cold E of N breeze all day. Willie chopped in Coon field all morn and I cut up most of wood of the green hickory in orchard (which Pa and I cut down yesterday) and I cut down old hollow beech snag there and made some wood of it at 8 1/4 to 11 1/2 in morn and I hauled 6 cartloads of wood from there in eve and Pa cut up some of wood from beech snag in eve. Wiley and Rena came at 11 1/2 and here all night. Dixie and Rena walked to Lewis' and Seymour's in eve and Wiley and Willie walked down in Coon field and came back by Lewis'.

Sat. 30th. Cloudy some and a hard freeze and a chilly E breeze all morn and clear in eve and sun thawed off good deal of the sleet and air was warmer. Pa, Willie and I cut up some of hickory wood in orchard and Willie and I split up all of old beech snag there at 8 3/4 to 10 3/4 in morn. Wiley and Rena went home in eve and Nellie went to stay several days and Willie went too with Hattie and buggy and he returned just before sunset. Buddy came at 12 and here till dusk.

Sun. 31st. Dark, cloudy and chilly from E and began to rain slowly from there at 9 in morn and lasted all day and part of night and it thawed some of the sleet and frozen ground but only a small part of it by night. We were in house most of day. I fed in rain in eve.


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