Mon. Jan. 1st. Clear, a hard freeze in morn and a very white frost but wind from SE and pleasant in eve. I cut bushes and briars in locust thicket in old road all morn and I hauled 5 cartloads of wood from field in eve with Hattie (which Willie cut in morn). Pa is unwell.

Tue. 2nd. Clear, a freeze in morn but a beautiful and pleasant day - wind from SE. I cut bushes and briars in locust thicket in old road and finished there and all of fence corners from yard to big road in morn. I drove Hattie to cart to Cohen's in eve and got a bbl of flour and some other things and returned before sunset.

Wed. 3rd. Cloudy and warmer from S. I cut bushes in and around locust thicket in Dewberry cut all morn and some in our calf pasture in eve. Pa rode Hattie to town in morn and returned at 1. Willie rode Salome as far as town helping Seymour to drive his cattle and Willie returned at 1 1/2.

Thu. 4th. Cloudy and warm from S and sprinkled rain at 2 to 4 in eve and some at night. Pa and I cut trees and bushes in and around locust thicket in Dewberry cut all morn and finished there. We cut some in our calf pasture in eve and rain stopped us at 2 3/4. Dan and Willie went to Frank McGraw's to a sociable at night.

Fri. 5th. Cloudy and warm from SW and rained some late in eve and in night. Pa and I cut bushes and trees in our calf pasture most of day. Willie helped us in eve some. Mrs Mag. McGraw here most of day and had to stay all night on account of rain.

Sat. 6th. It rained good deal just before day and slowly till 8 in morn from SW and very warm and cloudy all day and rained a shower at 1 in eve and again at night. Mrs McGraw left at 9 3/4 in morn. Pa and I cut trees in calf pasture awhile in morn. Pa rode Hattie to Clara's in eve and I packed and cut up wood in eve. Willie fox hunting in morn and they caught a large cat.

Sun. 7th. It rained good deal just before day and cloudy and cool from N. All of us home today. Bud here all day. Mrs McGraw and Morris here in eve a while.

Mon. 8th. Cloudy and cool - wind from NE. Pa cut bushes all day in calf pasture. Willie and I cut down trees most of morn and then we hauled 4 cartloads of wood from there in eve with Hattie.

Tue. 9th. Cloudy and misted till 9 in morn from S and rained heavily from 9 to 11 and again hard at 1 to 2 and slowly all eve. Willie and I cut a long white oak toward Coon' place early in morn and Willie cut off 1 cut and I made a hickory maul and rain stopped us at 9 1/4. William McGraw came for Ida Morgan's dresses in eve (1 her bridal dress).

Wed. 10th. Cloudy and misted rain most of morn and cool from NE and rained in showers in eve at 3 1/2 to 7 at night. I drove Hattie to buggy to Woodlands at 7 1/2 to 11 in morn and brought Mrs Baker here. William McGraw and family and Ida Morgan went to Bayou Sara to be married today. Pa cut bushes in calf pasture most of day. Willie cut and split oak garden posts and railings toward Coon' place in morn and I worked with him there in eve. Dan Fugler came late in eve and stayed all night.

Thu. 11th. Bright and cool from N. Pa cut bushes all day in calf pasture. Willie and I cut and split garden timber most of day. We cut in field in eve getting picket timber. Mrs Baker went to Lewis' in eve.

Fri. 12th. Bright, a little frost in morn, but a beautiful day. Pa cut bushes in calf pasture and finished there in eve. Willie and I cut and split garden timber in field all morn and I hauled 8 cart loads of it with Hattie in eve and Willie packed it out of thicket. Nellie and Rena walked to Clara's in eve.

Sat. 13th. Bright and cool and calm. Willie rode Salome fox hunting in morn and gone all day. I hauled 6 cartloads of garden timber from field with Hattie in morn. Lewis borrowed our buggy to drive to Uncle Gus's in morn. Pa cut sprouts in new SW corner in morn. I drove Hattie to cart to Cohen's in eve and got 25 of nails on credit and got 1 bbl meal and 1 bu salt and some other things which I paid for and returned before sunset. Mrs Baker came here from Lewis' in morn and here all night. Willie stayed at Lewis' at night.

Sun. 14th. Cloudy all day from S and sprinkled rain some in eve and rained heavily at night at 10 to 11 from W. Willie stayed at Lewis' last night and Lee Dawson came back to breakfast with him and here all day. Joe Miller and Bud dined here. Mrs Baker here all day and night.

Mon. 15th. It rained good deal last night and bright and pleasant from W today. Pa, Willie and I cut some trees toward spring and I rived some pickets there in morn for a garden. I hauled some oak posts and railings from toward Coon' place on cart with Hattie in eve. Pa and Willie set some posts and Willie and Elisha Baker got up Daisy and colt late in eve and Nolan Veal came and looked at them.

Tue. 16th. Foggy most of morn and bright and warm from SW in eve. Willie rode Salome to Uncle Gus's to a house covering early in morn and came back after dark. I rived pickets all morn and Pa set some posts and cut some. He and I cut and hauled some posts and railings from field in eve. Elisha Baker bought Daisy and colt late in eve for $40.

Wed. 17th. Foggy some in morn and bright and warm from SW in eve. Willie rode Salome to Uncle Gus's to house covering in morn and returned at dusk. I rived garden pickets all morn and Pa set some posts and sharpened some pickets and we put up 5 panels in eve.

Thu. 18th. Bright and warm from SW. Pa, Willie and I worked on new garden all day and got about half done. We put up pickets on E side of garden and 4 panels from garden to yard pickets and 2 panels on N side of garden.

Fri. 19th. Cloudy and warm from SW and sprinkled rain at 9 to 11 in morn. Pa and Willie worked on garden all day and finished all but 4 panels on S side of it. They used up all of pickets. I made and put up gate to garden in morn and laid down and vomited with headache all eve and night. Mag McGraw and Lucy and William and Ida here late in eve and stayed till after supper.

Sat. 20th. Cloudy and sprinkled rain from SW at daylight and again at 11 to 12 and blew up from NW at 12 1/2 and rained till late in eve. I drove Hattie to buggy to Cohen's in morn and returned at 12 1/4. Willie rode Salome fox hunting at daylight and returned at 12 1/2.

Sun. 21st. Clear, frost in morn but a beautiful and pleasant day. All of us home all day. I walked to Sims' at 9 to 10 1/2 and Pa walked to Clara's in eve. Florida Floyd and Mrs Baker and Wiley DeLoach here in eve and Wiley stayed till after supper.

Mon. 22nd. Bright, nearly clear and a little frost in morn but a pleasant day. Willie and I cut off 2 cuts of water oak timber in our calf pasture and I hauled it in 2 cartload and rived it into pickets and Pa and Willie and I worked on and finished new garden and repaired rail fence from Spring gate to new gate in eve. Nellie and Rena drove Hattie to Mr. D Chambers in eve ( he is sick).

Tue. 23rd. Bright, but cloudy some all day and warmer and thundered in W in eve. Pa and Willie worked all day in new SW corner cutting up logs and sprouts. I cut and split rails out NW of our calf pasture and fixed fence at water gap (all day).

Wed. 24th. It rained from NW at 5 to 7 in morn and a very cold N wind all day and cloudy but cleared off late in eve and it began to freeze before night. Willie and I cut and split some rails and wood NW of calf pasture in morn and I hauled 4 cartloads of wood (mostly green oak) from there in eve and I hauled 3 loads of rails and put by outside bars to repair fence by 4 in eve.

Thu. 25th. Clear, a very hard freeze and cold N wind and didn't thaw in shade any. I hunted our pigs most of morn and they came up at 11 and I put on water before 12 and Pa, Willie and I killed and cleaned and salted down the 2 little sows (1 black and the other spotted) which I got from "Dook" in eve.

Fri. 26th. Clear, a hard freeze in morn and a cold N wind all day and didn't thaw in shade. Willie and I cut and hauled 4 cartloads of wood and I hauled last of new rails to far bars of calf pasture in morn and Pa, Willie and I worked on fence there all eve.

Sat. 27th. Bright, a hard freeze in morn, but cloudy late in eve and warmer and rained in N slowly. Willie fox hunting all day. I drove Hattie to buggy to Cohen's in morn at 9 to 1 1/2 and got a rocking chair for Nellie on credit and got Cohen to order a buggy for us. Misses Joella and Floy Glass here to dinner. Dan and Lewis here in eve and we held trustee's meeting.

Sun. 28th. It rained slowly last night till 8 1/2 this morn and bright till 12 and rained little at 1. Dixie and Rena at Gussie's all day. Nellie and Willie at Lewis' in eve awhile and I rode Salome to Mr. D. Chambers in eve. He is sick in bed.

Mon. 29th. Clear and quite cool from NW. Pa threshed cotton stalks on H ridge most of day and finished that cut. Willie and I cut 2 cuts off of white oak log SW of Spring 6 ft. long for boards (2 lengths) by 12 and we split it up in eve.

Tue. 30th. Bright, a very heavy white frost freeze in morn, wind from S and warmer in eve. Willie worked on Donegal road all morn and cut some timbers for buggy shed in eve. Pa threshed cotton stalks most of day. I walked to Lewis' early in morn. He is laid up with a crippled foot. I came back and made a crutch for him. I drove Hattie to buggy to Cohen's in eve.

Wed. 31st. Cloudy some and warmer from S but bright and pleasant. Willie and I hauled board timber from beyond spring and rafters and lathing and plate from field for buggy shed (on E. side of new cotton house) in morn with Hattie and cart and finished at 11. We sawed and rived board timbers and lathing and put up posts and plates and rafters of shed in eve. Pa threshed cotton stalks all day in Cherry cut. Nellie and Clara drove Hattie to Mrs. Mag McGraw's (at Woodlands) in eve and Nellie returned at dusk. Mrs. Baker here all eve and night.


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