Fri. Feb. 1st. Cloudy and chilly from N. I cut up good deal of wood in morn. Willie hunted hogs most of day. Dud and Bunges cut and sawed wood in field today. Bernice and Carmel drove Hal to town in eve.

Sat. 2nd. Cloudy and chilly from N and misted and dropped rain most of day. Dud and Bunges sawed and split wood in field most of morn. I cut up stove wood in morn and got wood and fed in eve.

Sun. 3rd. Clear and a cold wind from N all day and a freeze and white frost at night. Carmel and I walked to Wiley's and back in morn. Bernice and Carmel drove Hal to town in eve and phoned from Middleton's to Dr. Magruder to come out to see Marion and he came after dark.

Mon. 4th. Clear and a freeze and white frost in morn but calm and pleasant in eve. Dud and Bunges cut and sawed wood in field today. Willie hunted hogs in eve. I cut up good deal of stove wood in morn and got wood and water and fed in eve.

Tue. 5th. Clear and a freeze and frost in morn but wind from S and warmer in eve. Willie drove Buck to town in morn (early) and carried Carmel to board at school awhile. Dud cleaned up ground in field and Bunges hauled wood all day from field. I cut up stove wood and brought a sack of pine straw from back of field in morn. I was sick all eve and at night too with running off.

Wed. 6th. Cloudy and warmer today from SW. Bunges hauled wood all day from field and Dud cleaned up ground. Willie hunted cholera sow in morn but didn't find her. Leah washed today. I am a little better today.

Thu. 7th. Bright, nearly clear, and warm. Willie rode Buck and Bunges drove our wagon and Dud Wiley's wagon and team and carried 4 loads of peas to town and sold at $4 per bu. Minnie drove Buck to town in eve and brought Carmel from College sick with measles. I hoed little in strawberries in old garden in morn and shucked corn and got wood and drew water and fed everything in eve.

Fri. 8th. Foggy till 9 1/2 in morn and bright and warm from SW balance of day. Bunges hauled some pine and pine wood from field early in morn and he and Dud cleaned up ground balance of day. I hoed strawberries and onion in old garden in morn.

Sat. 9th. Cloudy and sprinkled rain most of morn and cool from W of N. Bunges drove our wagon and Dago Wiley's wagon and carried Wiley's peas to town in morn and Willie rode Buck to town and sold peas for Wiley - he is sick and Rena too - and they returned in eve. I sat in house most of morn and got wood and fed in eve.

Sun. 10th. Bright, nearly clear, and cool in morn from N but warmer in eve. Nellie and Charles and Carl and Carmel all in bed with measles. Marion up part of day.

Mon. 11th. Cloudy and warm from SW all day and we had a good rain through the night. Dud and Bunges cleaned up ground. Willie helped Minnie to nurse folks with measles. I set out some white onions in old garden in morn and shucked corn and got wood and fed in eve.

Tue. 12th. Bright and pleasant from SW. Dud and Bunges cleaned up ground. Willie helped Minnie to wait on folks sick with measles. I set out gaps in strawberries (5 rows) in old garden in morn and shucked corn and got wood and fed in eve.

Wed. 13th. Bright, nearly clear, and warm from SW. Dud and Bunges cleaned up ground today. Willie helped Minnie with the sick in morn and rode Buck to hunt cattle in eve. I dug up ground and set out white onions in old garden in morn.

Thu. 14th. Bright and warm. Willie and Dud and Bunges repaired pasture fence on creek today. I finished setting out white onions in old garden and planted some mustard and radishes and lettuce there in morn.

Fri. 15th. Bright but --- and warm. Willie and Dud and Bunges repaired pasture fence in morn and finished and Dud and Bunges cleaned up ground in eve. I dug up ground and planted some Irish potatoes in old garden in morn. Willie tolled his hogs from Elmwood in eve.

Sat. 16th. Cloudy and warm and began to rain slowly at 11 1/2 in morn and rained hard with some thunder at 12 to 2 and slowly all eve and some in night - a big rain in all. Willie and Dud and Bunges put rings in our hogs noses early in morn and Willie drove Buck to town in morn and returned late in eve with meal. I planted some Irish potatoes in old garden in morn. I was sick with pain in my right side at night and sweat good deal.

Sun. 17th. Cloudy and no sun and sprinkled and dropped rain most of day and very cool from NE. All home all day. Bro Dawson preached at SS in eve but none of our folks went. I was sick all day and night too.

Mon. 18th. Cloudy and no sun and cool and ground very wet but no rain. Willie found 2 of his sows on Elmwood and caught them with the dogs and hauled them home by one o'clock and he and Dud and Bunges cleaned up ground in eve. I didn't work any in morn and shucked corn and got wood and fed in eve.

Tue. 19th. Cloudy and cool early in morn but wind from SW and warmer in eve and we had a big rain at midnight. Willie and Dud and Bunges cleaned up ground today. I tore down some of old hog pen and repaired some of old garden pickets there in morn.

Wed. 20th. Bright but cloudy some and cool from NE. Willie and Dud and Bunges cleaned up ground in field today. Marion and Carmel went to school today and on yesterday too. I patched up old garden pickets in morn.

Thu. 21st. Cloudy and chilly from NE and rained a little in morn. Willie and Dud and Bunges hauled out manure all eve. Dud and Bunges hauled some wood and garden timber for Dud in morn. I didn't do much today on account of cold.

Fri. 22nd. Cloudy and chilly from NE. Willie and Dud and Bunges hauled out manure most of day and finished. I patched up pickets of old garden on N side in morn and planted some tomatoes in old garden.

Sat. 23rd. Cloudy and cool in morn but warmer in eve from SW. Bunges cleaned off new ground early in morn. Dud rived pickets at his house in morn. Willie rode Buck most of day hunting cattle. I set out 6 fig trees in morn.

Sun. 24th. Bright and warm from SW. All home all day. Buddy and Gordon here.

Mon. 25th. Bright, nearly clear, and warm and windy from SW. Dud and Bunges plowed up new garden in morn and broke ground in field balance of day - the first plowing done. Willie cleaned up ground. I planted 4 double rows of peas in new garden in morn.

Tue. 26th. Cool and clear in morn but warm in eve and some clouds. Dud and Bunges broke ground and Willie cleaned up ground in field today. I planted Irish potatoes in old garden in morn. Beulah S and 2 of her children dined here today.

Wed. 27th. Bright and windy from S. Willie cleaned up ground in field and Dud and Bunges broke ground today. I planted Irish potatoes in old garden in morn and shucked corn and got wood and fed in eve.

Thu. 28th. Bright and warm and windy from S and lightning in NW at night. Willie cleaned up ground and Dud and Bunges broke ground today. I planted Irish potatoes in old garden in morn and shucked corn and got wood and fed in eve.


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