Wed. Dec. 1st. Clear and a frost and freeze in morn and wind from NW all day. Willie cut wood back of field in morn and Dud hauled wood all day from there. I chopped pine out of stump in field in morn. Little Wiley went home in eve.
Thu. 2nd. Bright, nearly clear, and a freeze and frost in morn but wind from S and good deal warmer in eve. Willie cut wood in back of field in morn and Dud hauled wood from there all day. I chopped pine in morn and finished it.
Fri. 3rd. Cloudy some all day and wind from S. Dud carried 50 cans of molasses to Bro Tom in morn and hauled a load of pine wood and all of my pine and a load of cane fodder in eve. Willie tolled his red shoats home in eve. Willie and I shelled 6 p'ks of corn in morn.
Sat. 4th. It began to rain at daylight from NW and lasted till 11 in morn - a big rain - and bright and nearly clear from NW all eve. Willie drove Buck to town in eve and carried 6 p'ks of corn and got it ground and returned at sunset. I sat in house most of morn.
Sun. 5th. Bright and a little frost in morn and warmer in eve and cloudy all night. Minnie and Carmel drove Buck to Dixie's in eve.
Mon. 6th. It began to rain before day with wind from S and lasted all day - a very big fall of water - and chilly wind. We did nothing but get wood and feed.
Tue. 7th. Cloudy and no sun and ground very wet and windy cold from N all day. We did nothing but get wood and feed.
Wed. 8th. Cloudy and no sun and very chilly from N all day. Dud hauled a load of cotton to gin in town in morn and Willie drove Buck and went and they returned at 3 in eve with the bale. I sat in house most of day sick.
Thu. 9th. Cloudy and chilly in morn and bright in eve. Dud carried a load of cotton to gin and Willie drove Buck and went early in morn and returned at 3 in eve.
Fri. 10th. Cloudy and chilly early in morn and bright and pleasant in sun after 10 in morn. Dud carried 3rd and last bale of his cotton to gin in morn and they returned in eve. Willie drove Buck to town in morn. I am not well.
Sat. 11th. Cloudy and a thunder cloud came up from S at 10 1/2 in morn and we had a big washing rain then and slowly till in eve. Willie and Carmel drove Buck to town in morn and returned in eve. Rena and little Nellie and Jack came at 10 1/2 in the big rain and here all night.
Sun. 12th. It began to rain slowly early in morn and slacked up at 10 1/2 but dropped on most of day and we had a big washing rain with thunder through the night. Rena and Nellie and Jack left at 10 1/2 in morn. Our old big red sow gave birth to 9 pigs in pen in eve.
Mon. 13th. It rained on most of morn - a big rain, and quit in eve and very cool from NW. Carmel taught school today. We did nothing but get wood and feed.
Tue. 14th. Clear and frost in morn but a clear and pleasant day. Dud cut wood at back of field today. Willie rode Buck in morn and in eve too trying to collect for Mrs. Middleton.
Wed. 15th. Bright, nearly clear, and frost in morn and windy from NW all day and very cool. Dud cut wood today. Willie drove Buck to town in morn and returned late in eve. I cut up some wood in morn and got wood and water in eve.
Thu. 16th. Clear and a slight freeze in morn and wind from NW all day. Willie and Dud killed and dressed and cut up 2 hogs from pen out N of here in morn. I helped them some.
Fri. 17th. Bright and nearly cold enough for frost in morn. Willie and Minnie drove Buck to town in morn and returned after sunset. I packed and cut up some wood in morn.
Sat. 18th. Cloudy and chilly from SE and rained some in eve. Carmel and Charles and Carl drove Buck to town in morn and returned at 2 in eve. Willie working on Maud Est's mule colt for distemper most of day.
Sun. 19th. Cloudy and chilly from N and misted rain late in eve and at night. Our mule colt (Maud Est's) broke through the wire fence into road and went off last night. Marion came with Buddy at 12.
Mon. 20th. Cloudy and chilly but a damp wind from SE all day and dropped rain some in the day and at night too. Dud hauled wood all day. I packed and cut up some stove wood in morn. Willie and I found Maud Est's mule colt near Lanehart's barn in eve.
Tue. 21st. Cloudy and windy from S all day and sprinkled rain a little till 3 in eve and rained hard balance of eve and all night with thunder from SW - a very big fall of water in all. Dud hauled wood till 3 in eve and Willie cut up good deal of wood in morn. I packed and cut up some stove wood in morn.
Wed. 22nd. Bright and cold from NW. Willie and Nellie drove Buck to town in morn and returned at 3 1/2 in eve. I sat in house most of day on account of wet and cold.
Thu. 23rd. Bright and a freeze in morn and cold all day from N. Carmel and Marion drove Buck to town in morn and returned late in eve. Willie and I cut up some wood in morn. Nellie and Minnie cooked some today for Christmas.
Fri. 24th. Bright, nearly clear, and a white frost and freeze in morn but calm and pleasant in sunshine. Willie and Marion drove Buck to town in morn and returned at 3 in eve.
Sat. 25th. A frost and freeze in morn but cloudy in eve and chilly from SE. Gordon got his arm dislocated and set and dined here today. Nora and Carrie and Edith and Helen Coon ate supper here.
Sun. 26th. Cloudy and wind from S and began to rain at 11 in morn and we had a big washing rain at 3 to 4 in eve and wind changed to NW . All home all day.
Mon. 27th. Cloudy and chilly from N all day. Carmel and Marion drove Buck to town in morn and returned in eve. I sat in house most of day.
Tue. 28th. Bright, nearly clear, and a hard freeze and frost in morn and cold all day in shade. Carmel and Marion drove Buck to Wiley's in morn. Willie and I cut up wood in morn.
Wed. 29th. Bright, nearly clear, and a very white frost and freeze in morn but wind from S and good deal warmer in eve. I got wood for Mary to wash early in morn and packed 5 turns of stable manure and put on strawberries in new garden in morn. Seymour and Ida and Whittington came at dark and stayed all night. Carmel and Marion came from Wiley's after dark.
Thu. 30th. Bright but some clouds and warmer from S. Seymour and Ida and Louella and Whittington left in morn for home. Willie drove Buck to town in morn. I manured and hoed strawberries in new garden in morn. Katie and Mattie and Lucile and Annabel James came in a car at 1 and left late in eve.
Fri. 31st. Bright but some clouds and warm from S. Willie cut up wood and hunted cattle in morn. I hoed strawberries and onions in new garden in morn and got wood and water in eve.