Mon. Dec. 1st. Clear, a white frost and freeze in morn - warmer in eve from SW. John Fusselman came to Mr. D's at 9 . I saw him on road in my field and sold a bull calf to him for $4.50 (without him seeing it). Bud cut locust posts for Sims most of day. I carried my seed cotton to Cohen's in eve on cart and sold it to him and got a half bu of bolted meal and 1/2 doz thread and paid what I owed on flour that I bought on Nov 20th and returned at dusk.

Tue. 2nd. Clear and a beautiful day. I had headache all last night and lay in bed nearly all of today and vomited and suffered all day. Bud and Dan cut posts most of day for Sims. Pa and Bud stopped here a while at 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 in eve. I ate nothing till late in eve and I drank a cup of tea and ate a boiled egg then.

Wed. 3rd. Clear and pleasant wind from SW. The headache left me early last night. I cleaned out henhouse early in morn after breakfast and hauled it to manure pen. Children and I gathered up all of cotton bolls spread on road in new ground and put them on barn at 10 to 12. Nellie and Rena rode Julia to Pa's in eve. Willie and I picked some of cracked bolls in new ground and some of bolls on barnshed most of eve and got about 20 pds of green cotton.

Thu. 4th. Cloudy some all day and windy from S but sun shined a good deal all day. Willie, Rena and I picked cotton out of cracked bolls on barnshed most of day and some little in new ground. Clara came late in eve.

Fri. 5th. Cloudy and high S wind and thundered far off all last night and sprinkled in showers till 8 1/4 and then rained hard till 10 in morn and cloudy all eve. I rode early to Ed Ward's and Nell took his horse once (the 2nd time). I returned just as rain began at 8 and stayed in house most of morn. Willie, Rena and I hauled 3 cartloads of wood from pasture in eve.

Sat. 6th. Clear and cool with wind from W - a beautiful day. Nellie cut my hair and I washed my head and trimmed my beard till 8 1/2 in morn. Lewis came then and stayed till after dinner. I rode Julia to town in eve and paid R & W my taxes and my account which was $4.50 all together and I paid Mr. Cecil $4 quarterage. I got a red and black plaid calico dress for Dixie from Mrs B. I got 4 pds coffee and a coarse pr of shoes for Rena from Gus Polenski - paid for all and I returned at dusk. Bud came for Nellie and me at 8 1/2 - little Gordon had spasms. We went to Pa's at 10 1/2. I came back home at 12 1/2. Nellie stayed all night.

Sun. 7th. Bright and pleasant. Dixie and Willie went to Sunday School in morn and back to Mr. D's. Nellie, Rena and I went to Pa's at 9 in morn. I came back at 11 and cooked my dinner and rode to Pa's at 2 and Nellie, Rena and I came home at dusk. Bud came for Nellie and me at 12 1/2 at night. Little Gordon was having spasms all night. I came back home at daylight and Nellie stayed at Pa's.

Mon. 8th. Bright, pleasant, beautiful weather. Nellie at Pa's all day. I came back from there at daylight and sent Willie there on Julia at 8 1/2 to 10 in morn. Dixie and Rena rode Julia to Pa's at 1 1/2 and Nellie and Dixie came home at dusk and left Rena there. I picked cotton out of cracked bolls in new ground most of morn and Willie and I picked out of bolls on barnshed most of eve. Maggie D came to Mr. D's on yesterday and she and Dosia walked here at 2 in eve.

Tue. 9th. Bright and pleasant and beautiful weather. Nellie rode to Pa's early in morn but left Rena still there and came home at 10. Willie and I picked cotton out of cracked bolls in new ground in morn and on barnsheds till 2. I killed a hawk on elm below cowpen at 2 1/4. Willie and I walked hunting and killed 1 squirrel in woods N of here late in eve. Dixie at Mr. D's most of eve.

Wed. 10th. Cloudy and dropped rain several times through the day from S. I picked cotton out of cracked bolls in new ground most of morn. Joe Porter and Jack Young hauled 2 loads of locust posts through yard here yesterday and 2 loads today at 12 1/4 for Sims pasture fence down toward our "ford". I rode to Pa's at 1 to 3 1/4 for Rena and brought her home. She has been at Pa's since Monday last. Nellie and Dixie washed in morn.

Thu. 11th. Cloudy and high S wind all morn and began to rain in thundershowers from SW at 1 and lasted till dusk. I cut and hauled 3 cartloads of wood from N of new ground (in woods) by 12. Mr. Sims and Jack Young hauled 2 loads of locust posts through here at 10 in morn. Joe Porter died at 10 1/2 in morn. I stayed in house all eve.

Fri. 12th. Cloudy and cold with N wind. I picked cotton out of cracked bolls in new ground some in morn and some in eve. They had a house covering at Mr. B Chambers today. Nellie and Rena walked to Mr. D's in eve.

Sat. 13th. Cold and cloudy from NE but bright from 11 in morn till 1 in eve and dark and cloudy late in eve. I took Julia and Nell early in morn to Ed Ward's and Julia took horse twice (the 3rd time) and returned at 8. I picked a little cotton out of cracked bolls in new ground (but it was too cold and chilly to do much). I rode Julia to town in eve and got 1/2 bu of meal and some other little things from Meyer and Schaefer and some things from E Beaumont's. I returned before sunset. Bud and Beau C here in eve and left at dusk.

Sun. 14th. It began to rain about 1 in morn and lasted till 12. It rained in slow showers till 10 and then very heavily till 12 from E and W and N. Cooler and bright late in eve. No Sunday School today. Bud came for Nellie and me at daylight and we went to Pa's at 9 1/2. Little Gordon quite ill from 5 in morn. Bud came to creek with me late in eve and we went down to Grave's ford and I crossed at sunset. Nellie stayed at Pa's.

Mon. 15th. Clear, frost in morn but a beautiful and pleasant day. I rode Julia to Pa's early in morn. Nellie stayed there last night and we stayed there till late in eve and watched all day for Dr. Magruder but he didn't come. Little Gordon seemed to get better late in eve. Nellie and I crossed at Grave's ford at sunset and got home at dusk.

Tue. 16th. Bright most of morn but cloudy and damp S wind in eve. I rode to Pa's early in morn, Dr Therrel came to see Gordon last night. He is better this morn. I came back at 9 in morn. Willie and I picked cotton most of day out of cracked bolls in new ground and some on barnshed. Nellie, Dixie and Eliza washed and scoured today.

Wed. 17th. Cloudy and drizzled from S in morn, night and all eve. I walked to Mr. Sims' early in morn and borrowed some papers. I cut down a little dead beech not far from pasture bars and cut up 3 loads of wood from 9 to 12 in morn and hauled it from 1 to 3 in eve and cleaned out spring and set out 2 cuttings Petus Phomm toward front gate in eve.

Thu. 18th. Very cold, cloudy in morn and sleeted and snowed most of morn a little. Bright and cold N wind in eve and freezing. I covered our seed sugar cane with dirt at 9 to 10 in morn. Willie and I walked to Pa's at 1 to 3 and brought Rena back with us and picked up hickory nuts at Walker branch on way home. Lewis and Skillman stopped here at dusk on way home from town.

Fri. 19th. Clear and very cold early - a hard freeze in morn and river thawed in shade all day but wind from S in eve and a bank of clouds in that direction and thundered far off all day. I took 93 pds of seed cotton to Cohen's on cart at 9 1/2 to 2 and sold to him (at 2 1/2 cts) and got a 1/2 bu of meal bolted, 1/2 bu salt, 50 cts coffee, 1 gal coal oil, 50 cts meat, 1 pd soda, and 1 spool black thread. I tried to pick cotton in new ground in eve but it was too cold. Mr. Skillman, Dosia and Maggie walked up here just before sunset and sat till dusk. Dick D came at sunset and stayed till 9 at night.

Sat. 20th. Cloudy and drizzled rain from S through the day. I cut and hauled 3 cartloads of wood from beech which I cut down last Wed by pasture bars at 8 to 11 in morn. I picked cotton in new ground most of eve. I had a dull headache.

Sun. 21st. It rained slowly from dark last night till 12 and then in hard thundershowers with high S wind till nearly day and warm today with SW wind all day. I nailed and fixed up 4 or 5 of old garden pickets at 8 to 9 and sat about house most on morn. Nellie, Dixie and children went to Mr. D's and I walked to Mr. Sims' in eve. Bud came late in eve and stayed for supper.

Mon. 22nd. Bright and warm with wind from SW in morn and changed to N at 12 - cool and bright from N in eve. Bud came for us at daylight - little Gordon took spasms at 5. Nellie and Rena walked to Pa's and I took Julia and Nell to Ed Ward's and both refused (at 7 1/4 to 9). I rode to Pa's at 9 1/2 to 12. Dr Therell came out there at 10 1/2 to 11. I rode to Cohen's at 1 to 4 in eve and borrowed $4 on short time and got $1 sugar, 13 1/2 pds and 4 1/2 pds lard, 3 pds #3 shot, and 1/2 pd powder. Bud crossed Nellie and Rena over creek late in eve and they came home at sunset.

Tue. 23rd. Cloudy and chilly from N. Nellie rode Julia and I rode Nell to town at 9 to 3 and got some things for children. I rode Julia by Mr. Sims and he gave me a crossbow gun for Willie and a workbox for Rena and I rode on to Pa's. Gordon is better. I came back home at 7 at night with headache.

Wed. 24th. Cloudy and chilly from N. I lay in bed all day and suffered with headache and vomited good deal. I took 3 alt pills at 12 1/4. I ate and drank nothing all day till 7 at night - then ate some milk and bread. Nellie and Dixie worked most of day for tomorrow. Willie rode to Pa's late in eve. Little Gordon is better.

Thu. 25th. Cold and cloudy from N. The pills worked me well at 1 to 9 in morn. Seymour and Gussie here most of day. Beulah W came at 1 1/2. We looked for Bud and B C most of day but they didn't come.

Fri. 26th. Cold and cloudy - a freeze in morn and ice all day in shade but warmer in eve and wind from E. I cut and hauled 3 cartloads of wood from pasture at 8 to 12. Lula C and Ada W came at 12 and Dick and Clara came in eve. I walked to creek with Dick and Clara and Lula and Ada at 4 in eve.

Sat. 27th. Dark, cloudy, sprinkled in showers with high SE wind last night and all today. I made an oak maul early in morn and cut Hickory in Cane hollow at 10 and made a Yankee handle for my axe in eve. Bud came at 12 and left at 3 1/2. Nellie rode Julia to Pa's at 2 to 5 in eve. Beulah W here since Thu. 25th.

Sun. 28th. Dark, cloudy and sprinkled in showers with high SE wind all last night till 1 today and then rained heavily with some distant thunder till 4 1/2 and rained again from 5 1/2 most of night with high S winds most of night. Dixie rode Julia by Mr. D's and Willie and I walked and crossed at our ford and went to Sunday School and all of us came to dinner here. All walked to see our creek late in eve. It was very high. We saw Bud on other side. Dick's horse Billy died today.

Mon. 29th. Dark, cloudy and rained in showers all day with high SE winds. I put the green handle made on last Sat on my axe in morn and sharpened Willie's axe. I cleaned out spring and fixed water gap and strained a gal of syrup. I cut a hole and ran stove pipe through NW side of kitchen and covered top of pipe at 1 to 3 1/2 in eve and began to cut logs over oak NW of new ground and rain ran me home at 4. Beulah W and Rena at Mr. D's most of day.

Tue. 30th. Dark, cloudy and warm - sprinkled through the day. Seymour, Beulah W and Rena went in buggy and Nellie rode Julia and I rode Nell to town at 9 to 2 and got a joint of stove pipe and a pd of coffee from Mrs Beaumont and got missing parts of Willie's target gun and 1/2 doz thread from Miss Supple and 3 loaves of bread and 1 pd cheese and


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