APRIL 1901

Mon. Apr. 1st. Dark cloudy and a damp breeze from SE and dropped rain a little in morn and some early in eve and misted most of eve and rained in hard showers at 4 1/2 to 5 in eve. Willie and Jim cleaned up new ground at back of field till 4 1/2 in eve and came home then nearly wet and they went fishing on creek late in eve and came home late in night. I worked road some and cleaned up mud hole and filled it with dirt (by cave) and hauled out 2 cart loads of cow manure and put in water furrows for potatoes in Gate cut by 12 and I scraped dirt off 13 rows of planted cane in old cow pen corner and finished that part in eve by 4 1/2 just as shower began.

Tue. 2nd. Bright and a very cool wind from NW and clear in eve and at night. Jim harrowed ground for cotton with mule in 3rd Cane hollow in SW corner today and Willie cleaned off new ground at back of field and I hauled out 7 cart loads of cow manure in morn and 5 in eve and put in water furrows in Gate cut near road for potatoes (with Joe). Nellie at Wiley's most of day looking for Dr. Magruder to come out to see Rena, but he didn't come. Rena is up and getting along very well.

Wed. 3rd. Bright, a little frost in morn but didn't seem to kill anything, and sun shined all day and pleasant in sunshine after 9 in morn. Willie sent Jim to Sims' early in morn with the mule and borrowed a new ground plow and Willie plowed most of day in new ground at back of our field. He sowed cotton seed and broke ground on them with Dan and mule and Jim cleaned up ground there in morn and rebedded potatoe patch in Gate cut with Joe in eve and finished it by sunset. I hauled out 7 cart loads of cow manure and put on potatoe patch in morn by 11 1/2 and finished manuring all of it. I put 21 cart loads in all on it. I cut some yams and planted 10 short rows by road in Gate cut in eve. Nellie at Wiley's most of day looking for Dr. Magruder to come there but he didn't.

Thu. 4th. Bright and sun shined all day but some clouds and a cool breeze (and damp) from SE. Willie sowed cotton and broke new ground on it at back of field all day with Dan and mule and Jim cleared up ground there. I cut and planted yams all day in Gate cut by road. Pa packed up wood in morn and walked about some. Nellie at Wiley's most of day looking for Dr. M. to come but he didn't.

Fri. 5th. Cloudy and a damp breeze from SE and drizzled rain (a little at 8 to 10 in morn) and wind changed to NW at 11 1/2 in morn and cool and bright and dry all eve and nearly clear. Willie sowed cotton and broke new ground at back of field all morn with Dan and mule and he and Minnie went fishing on creek in eve. Jim harrowed new ground at back of field (where Willie broke it on cotton seed) and picked up roots all morn and he harrowed ground for cotton all eve (with Joe) once to row in 2nd and old Cane hollows. I cut and planted yams in Gate cut most of day.

Sat. 6th. Bright and quite cool in morn and a cool and dry breeze from W of N most of day and getting too dry. Willie broke new ground at back of field all morn and rode Joe to town and back by Cohen's by dark in eve. Jim harrowed cotton ground with Joe all morn in old Cane hollow and on hill side N of it and some on hilltop of H ridge. I planted yams all morn and till 3 3/4 in eve in Gate cut and finished last of patch and I hoed our peas and radishes in garden late in eve.

Sun. 7th. Bright and quite cool early in morn but sun shined all day and calm and pleasant and dry. I walked to Wiley's early in morn and Wiley rode to his Pa's and Rena and Bernice came back with me and Seymour came at 8 3/4 and Nellie and Bernice walked home with him and returned at 4 1/4 in eve. Rena and Gordon here all day and Tigner D and West here in eve. I packed and cut up some wood at 10 to 11 in morn.

Mon. 8th. Cloudy some all day, but bright, and cool and dry - wind from E. Willie broke locust ground at back of field with Dan and mule with Sims' new g plow (on cotton seed) all day and Jim picked up roots and stumps behind plowing. I hoed all of garden over (except the little hoed on last Sat eve) by 10 in morn and I picked seed potatoes out of rotten ones in potatoe house, about 2 bus., at 10 to 11 1/2 and I scraped Irish potatoes in NE part of orchard most of eve.

Tue. 9th. Cloudy and cool, wind from NE, and clouds from S of W and dropped rain some in eve. Willie broke ground in locust ground in back of field (on cotton seed) most of day and finished there late in eve. Jim harrowed ground for cotton all day with Joe. I finished scraping off Irish potatoes in orchard at 9 in morn and scraped off all of planted cane and 8 rows of stubble in NE corner of orchard by late in eve.

Wed. 10th. Cloudy all morn and a thundercloud passed around N of here from NW at 6 to 8 in morn and we had 2 little hard sprinkles then and bright and warm all eve. Willie and Jim and I planted cotton most of day. Willie opened with Joe and Jim covered with Dan to harrow and I sowed seed. We planted hilltop of H ridge (where we had potatoes last year) and old Cane hollow and 2nd Cane hollow and water hole cut and a little in Pine corner today. Pa planted some of his beans today.

Thu. 11th. Cloudy all day and very little sunshine and a damp wind from SE and warm. Willie and Jim and I planted cotton most of day, in SW corner and 3rd Cane hollow, and we finished corner and nearly 1/2 of 3rd Cane hollow by late in eve. Pa planted some beans in orchard and finished them today. Minnie and Rena and Bernice drove Lewis' grey mare to his buggy to B C's and spent the day. The mare mule has something the matter with one of his forefeet. We think it is foot evil and Jim rode Dan to Seymour's late in eve and got some blow (?) stone and Willie bathed her foot with it after supper.

Fri. 12th. It began to rain in showers with some little thunder at 3 in morn and lasted till 4 in eve - a slow rain, but a big fall of water in all, and soaked the ground well and was much needed. The rain began from SW but we had a low breeze from E all day. I patched an old horse collar in morn and walked to Wiley's and back at 1 1/4 to 3 1/2 in eve and Willie and Jim and I packed and cut up some wood at 3 1/2 to 4 3/4 in eve.

Sat. 13th. Bright and cool from NW and sun shined most of day and dried ground good deal by late in eve. Willie and Wiley and Doug and Jim went to Seymour's to a log rolling in morn and Willie returned late in eve. Dean washed here today. I walked to Wiley's and back early in morn and drove Joe to cart to Cohen's and got a bbl of flour for us and 2 hoes and 1 bu salt and 1 bottle Sylvester's horse liniment (for mule) on credit and some other things which I paid for and I got a 1/2 bbl flour for Wiley and some other things and I got home at 12 1/2 and I stuck some of our peas in garden, with apple brush, in eve but didn't finish them. Rena and Bernice here most of day.

Sun. 14th. Bright and cool from W of N and pleasant in sunshine after 9 in morn. Nellie and Bernice walked to Clara's in morn and Willie went part of way with them and I walked to Clara's in eve and came back with Nellie and Bernice. I packed and cut up some wood early in morn and walked to Wiley's and back at 9 1/2 to 10 3/4. Jack D and wife came to Wiley's just before dinner.

Mon. 15th. Bright, nearly clear, and cool in morn but calm and pleasant after 9 in morn. Willie and Jim threshed peas all morn out of flower pit and finished last of peas and we got about 9 bbls in all (rough) and Jim barred off corn in Gate cut in eve with Dan and Willie planted some watermelons in new ground in back of field and hoed some corn in Gate cut in eve. I worked road some early in morn and hauled out 7 cart loads of cow manure in morn and 5 in eve and put in little piles on H ridge for cotton and Joe stalled with 6th load and I left it in cart near cow pen late in eve.

Tue. 16th. Bright, but some clouds in eve, and cool early in morn but a damp breeze from S and warm in eve and rained some in night at 1 1/4 to 2 with some little thunder. Jim barred off cotton in Gate cut and on hilltop of Cherry and Persimmon cuts all day and Willie and I hauled out 9 cart loads of stable manure and the load of cow manure which Joe stalled with on yesterday eve in morn and put in 1 load piles on H ridge and I hauled out 7 cart loads of cow manure (3/4 full) in eve and put there and Willie hoed cotton in Gate cut in eve.

Wed. 17th. Dark cloudy all day and dropped rain through morn with a damp S wind and thundered around most of morn and rained a heavy rain here at 2 to 4 in eve and slowly till dark from W. Jim barred off corn in Cherry cut all morn and Willie hoed corn in Gate cut and I hauled out 13 cart loads of cow manure - 3/4 full - about 10 full loads and put on H ridge in piles in morn by 11 1/4 and I fed and milked in a slow rain in eve.

Thu. 18th. Cloudy and chilly and rained slowly from N most of day and wind blew pretty hard part of time and cold too and quit raining late in eve and cleared off at night. Willie and Jim took Joe and Dan out toward Luckett field and broke new ground there till 9 1/2 in morn and came home then nearly wet and they went fishing on creek till 12 1/2 and didn't work in eve. I cut and packed up beech wood most of morn and some in eve and I walked to Wiley's and back at 2 1/4 to 3 1/4 and helped Wiley to grind some corn for his chickens at 3 1/2 to 4 1/4. Gordon here awhile in eve and he and Willie made some fishing lines.

Fri. 19th. Clear and some little frost in morn and a cold wind from N till late in eve but pleasant in sunshine after 9 in morn. Willie broke new ground near Luckett field part of morn with Joe and Dan and Joe quit pulling in roots and left about 3/4 of an acre not broken and Jim carried the new g plow home to Sims' and Willie and Jim planted some corn and watermelon in the unbroken ground with hoes in eve and Jim and I packed some wood early in morn and I scraped some old cane stubble and sowed it in cotton most of day and finished late in eve. Aunt Margaret washed here today. Pa walked to Clara's in morn and returned late in eve.

Sat. 20th. Clear, and a little frost in morn and wind from N all day, but pleasant in sunshine after 9 in morn. Willie and Jim planted corn with hoes in new ground by Luckett field in morn and finished it and I planted 2 short ends of rows in potatoe patch in Gate cut where I left when I planted 2 weeks ago and I finished picking peas in garden and hoed part of garden by 11 in morn and shucked corn and ground some on hand mill by 12 and I patched Lewis' wire fence by Wiley's lane in eve. Mary and Clara here in eve.

Sun. 21st. Bright, nearly clear, and cold enough for a little frost in morn and a breeze from N all day but warmer in eve. I walked to Wiley's in morn - twice - and Lewis and all of his family here most of day. Pa walked to Clara's in morn and returned late in eve and Mary and little Mamie Newman went home from Clara's in eve.

Mon. 22nd. Bright, nearly clear, and quite cool early in morn but warmer in eve. Willie and Jim hoed corn in Gate cut and on hilltop of Persimmon cut most of day and I hauled out 10 cart loads of cow manure in morn and 5 in eve and put 13 loads of it in little piles on H ridge and I put 2 loads of it on SE corner of H ridge above ditch (by wire gap) and manured 6 short rows there to plant a few Spanish potatoes (which Ed Wells gave me). I finished hauling out last of manure by late in eve. I hauled out 77 cart loads of manure in all and put 21 loads on potatoe patch in Gate cut and 7 on Irish potatoe patch in orchard and 2 on Spanish potatoes (6 rows) and 68 on H ridge for cotton.

Tue. 23rd. Clear and cool and dry from NW. Willie and I spread the manure piles on H ridge by 9 in morn and Jim broke ground there all day with Joe and Dan and finished all but 5 rows. Willie hoed corn in Cherry cut at 9 to 12 in morn and in eve and I hoed there too in eve. I planted the Spanish potatoes (6 rows) on SE corner of H ridge at 9 to 11 1/2 in morn. Mr. Kendrick here at 1 1/4 to 4 1/2 in eve hunting cotton seed but didn't get any.

Wed. 24th. Bright, nearly clear, and cool early in morn but warm in eve and some little clouds. Jim finished breaking ground on H ridge in 1/2 hour early in morn and we planted cotton balance of day. Willie opened with Joe and I sowed seed and Jim covered with Dan to harrow. We planted all of H ridge and a little in old Cane hollow in morn and we finished old Cane hollow and planted a little in 2nd Cane hollow in eve. We planted the 2 hollows and SW corner and part of 3rd Cane hollow about 2 weeks ago but had a flood and cold too on it and it didn't come up. Pa hoed his beans in orchard today.

Thu. 25th. Cloudy and a little cool early in morn but bright after 8 in morn and dry from W and warm all eve and lightened in E at dark. Willie and Jim and I planted cotton all day in 2nd Cane hollow and in SW corner, where we planted just 2 weeks ago. Rena and Bernice here late in eve awhile.

Fri. 26th. Bright and warm and dry and calm all day - some clouds late in eve. Pa walked to Clara's in morn and returned in eve. Willie and Jim and I planted cotton all day. We finished SW corner and 3rd new Cane hollow and the new locust ground and some of the new ground joining it by late in eve. I came home every evening at 5 to get wood and water and milk and feed. Gordon got 1 bu of yam seed early in eve. Robert and Willie James came on a wagon at 9 3/4 at night.

Sat. 27th. Bright and warm and dry till 3 1/4 in eve and a cloud came up then from NE and we had a hard sprinkle with some little thunder then and bright till late in eve and we had a good soaking rain at dark from NE and some distant thunder and much needed too. Willie and Jim and I planted cotton all morn and till 3 in eve in new ground at back of our field and hilltop of Luckett field and finished all there and we planted orchard (after the shower) late in eve and finished last of our cotton. We got about 2 1/4 bbls of seed from Wiley (not having quite enough of our own). Rena and Bernice here most of day. Wiley and Doug drove Wiley's team to Lewis' wagon to Jack D's in morn and Wiley returned late in eve.

Sun 28th. Bright, nearly clear, and calm and pleasant and no rain in sight today. Willie cut my hair and I shaved early in morn and I walked to Wiley's and Bernice came back with me at 10 and Lewis is sick (in bed) and sent Ray for me and I walked there and on in our cow pasture and got Joe and rode him to town at 12 1/4 to 2 1/2 and got Drs. Catchings and Woods to come out and see Lewis and he seemed better late in eve. Willie and Nellie and Wiley and Rena and Bernice and I walked to Lewis' late in eve.

Mon. 29th. Bright, nearly clear, and pleasant. I barred off corn with Joe all morn and till 4 3/4 in eve on W side of Cherry cut (fence row part) and Pine corner and some on SE part of Persimmon cut and finished all on our home field. Willie and Jim hoed corn all day on W side of Cherry cut most of day. This is the first plowing that I have done this year.

Tue. 30th. Bright, nearly clear, and pleasant. I plowed out our Irish potatoes and all of our sugar cane (in orchard) by 9 3/4 in morn with Joe. I ran 2 furrows in cane just splitting middles and I barred off corn in Luckett field balance of day on upper side of main body. Willie and Jim hoed corn all day. They finished home field and hoed in Luckett field all eve.


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