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Cadwell Central

This page is devoted to the Cadwell family name. It includes information on the Cadwell Coat of Arms, genealogical information related to Cadwells, links to home pages of Cadwells on the Web, links to Cadwell-related pages on the web, e-mail addresses, and other Cadwell-related information.

The Cadwell Genealogy Page is your first stop for Cadwell family history. This page is only as good as user submissions, any and all submissions are encouraged and accepted. There are links to genealogy pages with Cadwells as well as lists of Cadwells already submitted.

The Coat of Arms Page contains a copy of the Cadwell Coat of Arms as well as descriptions of alternative coats of arms from users around the globe. Take a look, take a copy, send in an alternative. This is one of the more popular pages at this site.

The Cadwell Home Pages Page contains links to home pages of Cadwells aroung the globe. Browse the sites, look for a friend or relative's page, add a link, or just start surfing.

The Cadwell-Related Pages Page is one of the most interesting pages at the site. There are links to pages about noteworthy Cadwells, things written by or named for Cadwells, Cadwell-related buisnesses, and a new section on pages administered by Cadwells. Find out about the famous Cadwells, see what Cadwells are doing, or submit your own link.

The Cadwell E-Mail Page is another very popular page. This is a list of e-mail addresses for people on the net with the name Cadwell (first, middle, or last). Find a lost friend or relative, look for that lost address, add or delete your address, or just admire the number of technically-adept Cadwells out there.

Cadwell Announcements People occasionally write to this site with interesting facts about Cadwells of the past and present. These messages don't really fit anywhere else on the site, so this page has been created as a repository for Cadwell-related announcements. Please feel free to submit anything that you think is newsworthy.

Famous Cadwells This page lists famous Cadwells through history. The famous and infamous are all gathering here, but there are still more to be added. If you know of a missing famous Cadwell, please contact this site.

Comment Form If you would like to add a link to any of these pages, remove a link, add a comment to your link, or send a comment on the site in general, please use the comment form (the last button on the bar). Also, I occasionally send out an e-mail update of how the page is progressing. I only send this update to people who have sent me e-mail regarding the page. If you would like to receive these updates, please use the comment form as well.

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