Tue. Sept. 1st. Warm and cloudy and thundered in E in eve not far off. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day in H ridge and Cherry cut in morn and in Gate cut in eve. Nellie and Rena drove Hattie to buggy to Cohen's in eve.

Wed. 2nd. Bright and warm most of day and rained a little shower here from NW at 2. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton most of day in Gate cut. Miss Lucy Chambers and Carrie Smith spent the day here.

Thu. 3rd. Cloudy and thunderstorms passed around most of day but only dropped here 2 or 3 times. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton most of day. We finished Gate cut at 9 in morn and cut by front gate at 5 in eve. Mary and Julia Fugler and Mattie McNamar came late in eve and stayed all night.

Fri. 4th. Clear and cool from N and no signs of rain. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day. We finished Cherry cut 2nd time at 4 in eve and picked some in fence row cut late in eve. Mary, Julia Fugler and Mattie McNamar left here late in eve.

Sat. 5th. Clear, cool and dry from N. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton in fence row cut till 9 3/4 in morn and Willie and I picked some whip peas to feed on by 11 1/2. I drove Hattie to buggy to Cohens' in eve.

Sun. 6th. Clear, cool and dry from N. Dixie and Rena drove Hattie to buggy and Willie rode Salome to Mr. Jim Fugler's in morn and returned at dark. Bud here all day. I wrote a letter to D. M. Anderson in eve.

Mon. 7th. Clear and dry. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day. We picked over all of Pine corner in morn and fence row cut on S end of cut and Cane hollow in eve.

Tue. 8th. Clear and dry and warmer today. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day on H ridge. Nellie drove Hattie to buggy and brought Mrs D Chambers here in morn and she stayed all night.

Wed. 9th. Bright, warm and dry. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day. We finished H ridge early in morn and picked over most of Cherry cut by late in eve. Nellie and Mrs D Chambers drove Hattie to our buggy to Clara's in morn and there all day.

Thu. 10th. Bright and warm and dry but thundershowers passed around near in eve but none here. Pa and Willie picked cotton in Gate cut all day. I picked most of morn and lay down with sick headache in eve. Dixie and Rena picked cotton most of eve in cut by front gate on W side. Nellie took Mrs D Chambers home with our buggy and Hattie in eve.

Fri. 11th. Bright and warm and no rain and dry. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all morn in Gate cut and Dixie and Rena picked some in cut by front gate on W side in morn. Willie and I picked some whip peas to feed on in eve and I hauled a cartload of corn to feed on.

Sat. 12th. Cloudy from NE and dry and pleasant. I drove Hattie to buggy to Cohens' and on to town and returned at 2 1/2 in eve.

Sun. 13th. Cloudy but bright from E and showered around some in eve but none here. Dixie and Rena drove Hattie and I rode Salome to preaching in town in morn. Pa, Willie and I walked to Clara's in eve from 3 1/2 to 6.

Mon. 14th. Bright and warm from SE and showers passed around some in eve but none here. Pa and Willie picked cotton most of day - some in Gate cut - some in Cherry cut - and some in fence row cut. I cut bushes on roadside where old gin house stood (preparing to haul cotton) and picked some whip peas to feed on in morn. I rode Hattie to Cohen's in eve to see about ginning. Mrs Chester Henderson and Walter here late in eve.

Tue. 15th. Bright and warm and very dry from E. Alec Newell and Lewis came early in morn and carried 2 (1500)loads of Fishburn cotton - 1 mine and 1 Pa's and Willie's and we got through by 1 1/4. My bale weighed 494 and Pa's and Willie's 514. We got home at 2 1/2 with seed and Willie and I put them away in eve late. Pa picked cotton on H ridge - some in morn and some in eve.

Wed. 16th. Bright, warm and dry from SE. Lewis came early in morn and carried 1700 of SH cotton to Cohen's gin and got through by 1 1/4. The bale weighed 495 and I got Cohen to ship it and the 2 ginned on yesterday. Lewis and I got home at 2 1/2 with seed and I put them away late in eve. Pa and Willie picked cotton in fence row cut most of day.

Thu. 17th. Bright, warm and very dry from SE. Pa, Willie and I picked over all of Pine corner cut of cotton in morn. Pa and Willie picked in fence row cut in eve and I picked some whip peas and got sack of corn to feed on and picked 25 of cotton on H ridge in eve. Dixie and Rena drove Hattie and Willie rode Salome and Nellie went in buggy with Cousin Mary and all went to a protracted meeting in Woodville at night.

Fri. 18th. Bright, warm and very dry. Pa, Willie and I picked over Cane hollow cut of cotton in morn and picked on H ridge all eve.

Sat. 19th. Bright, warm and very dry. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton most of morn on H ridge and finished that cut. Pa and I drove Hattie to buggy to Turnbull's in eve to a primary meeting running Jones against McKnight for Senate. We returned at dusk.

Sun. 20th. Cloudy, warm and dusty from E and rained some at night beginning at dark. Nellie and I drove Hattie to town to preaching in morn. Dan and Bud here all day. Dixie and Rena drove Hattie to town to preaching and Willie went in buggy with Lewis at night and got home at 11 between showers and didn't get wet.

Mon. 21st. It rained pretty good shower altogether last night and bright and warm from SE till 4 in eve and we had 2 little showers then from SE. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton most of day in Cherry cut and rained stopped us at 4 1/2 in eve.

Tue. 22nd. Bright and warm and no rain. Lewis hauled my 3rd bale to Cohen's (Fishburn) and got through by 12 and bale weighed 495 and got Cohen to ship it. I got home at 2 1/2 and put away seed in eve. Pa and Willie picked cotton most of day - in Cherry cut in morn and by front gate on W side in eve. Nellie went to protracted meeting with Cousin Mary and Willie with Gussie at night.

Wed. 23rd. Bright and warm and no rain from E. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all morn in Gate cut and in cut by front gate on W side in eve and finished there. Dixie went in buggy with Lewis and Rena in Jumper with Gussie to town to protracted meeting at night.

Thu. 24th. Bright, warm and dry from SE and no rain. Pa, Willie, Dixie and Rena picked cotton in Gate cut in morn and Pa and Willie in eve. I picked some early in morn and some in eve. Nellie and I drove Hattie to town to protracted meeting at 9 1/2 to 2 1/2 and Willie went with Lewis at night.

Fri. 25th. Bright and warm from E. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all morn in Gate cut and Pa and Willie finished there in eve and picked some on H ridge. I hauled in a full cartload of corn from Cane hollow in eve and Dixie and Rena helped me to shell 2 bu of it for bread. Dixie and Rena went with Lewis and Seymour to Woodville church at night.

Sat. 26th. Bright, warm and dry from SE. Pa and Willie picked cotton in morn on H ridge. I drove Hattie to Cohen's and on to town at 8 in morn to 2 in eve and got 2 bu corn ground at Lewis's mill. I picked whip peas in eve - some for seed and some to feed on. Bud and Willie went hunting in eve and Bud ate supper here.

Sun. 27th. Bright, warm and dry from SE - no rain. Nellie and I drove Hattie to Woodville to Methodist Church in morn and Cousin Tom came back with us. Dixie and Rena drove Hattie there at night and Willie went on Jumper with Gussie and they closed the protracted meeting at night.

Mon. 28th. Bright and warm and rained a little shower late in eve at 4 to 5. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all morn on H ridge and finished there and picked by front gate till rain at 4 in eve. Willie and I picked some whip peas to feed on at 4 3/4 to 5 1/2. Deaf and dumb Dawson here in eve a while.

Tue. 29th. Bright and warm all morn and thundershowers passed around from E most of eve and rained a slow little shower here at 4 to 4 3/4 in eve. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton in Gate cut all morn and in cut by front gate on W side at 2 to 4 in eve and finished that cut. I picked some Wellborn peas for seed late in eve after rain.

Wed. 30th. Bright and warm and no rain in day but sprinkled little at night. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day. We finished Gate cut and 2nd bale of S-Hope cotton by 12 and picked in fence row cut all eve on Pa and Willie's bale.


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