Mon. Oct. 1st. Bright and pleasant. Willie and I picked cotton all morn in new SW corner and Pa part of morn and Dixie and Rena picked in cut by front gate most of morn. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton in orchard all eve.

Tue. 2nd. Bright and warm but pleasant S breeze most of day. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all morn in new SW corner and we picked all eve in orchard. Dixie and Rena picked cotton part of morn in cut by front gate on W side. Nellie rode Hattie to Clara's in eve.

Wed. 3rd. It showered some in morn and bright and warm in eve. Pa, Willie and I started to picking cotton in new SW corner early in morn and rain stopped us at 8. Pa and Willie picked in orchard balance of day. Dixie and Rena picked cotton by front gate awhile in morn. I rose with a headache and laid down and vomited most of day after 9 in morn and all night.

Thu. 4th. Bright and pleasant from NW. I walked to Estina early in morn and there all day picking cotton - 10 of us got about 1224 all day. Nellie brought dinner in buggy with Hattie. Pa picked cotton most of day in orchard.

Fri. 5th. Bright and a cool N wind all day. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day - in new SW corner in morn and some by front gate and some in Gate cut in eve.

Sat. 6th. Bright, quite cool early in morn, but a beautiful and pleasant day from NE. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all morn in new SW corner. I drove Hattie to Cohen's to cart in eve and got a bbl. of flour and some other things on credit and returned 1 hour by sun.

Sun. 7th. Bright and warmer today and cloudy some in eve. Miss Gusta Ferguson died last night and I carried Nellie there in buggy in morn and I came back at 11 3/4 and Nellie stayed. Dixie and Rena, Willie and Buddy (he dined here) all walked to burying in eve and returned at dusk. Pa and I home in eve.

Mon. 8th. Cloudy till late in eve and cleared off then from N. A high cool N wind all day till late in eve. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day in Pine corner - in theirs in morn and in my part of it (1 acre on NE side) in eve.

Tue. 9th. Clear - nearly cold enough for frost in morn - but a beautiful and pleasant day from N. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day in Pine corner - in theirs in morn and in mine in bottom part in eve. I hauled our cotton in morn and again in eve with Hattie and cart - today and yesterday, too.

Wed. 10th. Clear and quite cool early in morn, but a pleasant day from N. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day in Pine corner - in theirs in morn and in my part in bottom in eve. Rena rode Hattie to Clara's in eve from field.

Thu. 11th. Clear, cool and dry. Pa picked cotton all day in persimmon cut. Willie and I walked to Estina early in morn and 11 of us picked cotton most of day and we got only 878. The cotton was bad to pick. Nellie brought dinner in buggy and she and Mrs. Baker went over to Ogden's in eve.

Fri. 12th. Clear - cool in morn and warmer in eve. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day in Pine corner - in theirs in morn and in mine in eve. Lewis and family went to Uncle Gus' in eve and Lewis came back at sunset. Mrs. Baker here at night.

Sat. 13th. It sprinkled rain just before daylight and cleared up from N at 9 in morn. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton in lower part of Pine corner - in theirs all morn. I drove Hattie to new buggy to Cohen's in eve and returned 1 1/4 hours by sun and Lewis borrowed buggy and went back to Uncle Gus' late in eve.

Sun. 14th. Cool, clear and dry from N. Pa rode Hattie to Uncle Gus' early in morn and came back in eve. Uncle Gus is sick. I found our Lizzie cow with a red heifer calf in cow pasture early in morn, but she would not come home. I led the calf home and put it in cow pen and drove her up late in eve. She is in a very bad fix with inverted womb. Wiley and Leroy DeLoach and Mrs. Baker here all day and Mrs. Baker at night again.

Mon. 15th. Clear, quite cool early in morn but a dry and pleasant day. Willie and I picked cotton in new SW corner in theirs till 11 in morn. John Stewart brought our new buggy home from Uncle Gus' then and Nellie and I drove Hattie to it out there in eve (Uncle Gus died today). Nellie and I stayed there all night.

Tue. 16th. Clear cool and dry. We buried Uncle Gus today. Willie and Rena went out there in eve in Gussie's buggy. We got home at dusk. Pa picked and threshed out some peas yesterday and today and Prince and wife picked cotton most of day in new SW corner in Pa and Willie's cotton.

Wed. 17th. Clear, cool and dry. Pa picked and threshed out peas all day just N of water hole and Prince and wife picked cotton all day in new SW corner and Willie and I picked there too all day after 8 in morn. We hauled a cartload of cotton and went and got Gussie's little chester boar and put in pen with our fat sow early in morn. Lewis and family got home today from Uncle Gus' and Lewis dined here.

Thu. 18th. Clear and dry and warmer today. Pa picked and threshed out peas just N of water hole all day. Willie and Prince and wife picked cotton all day in new SW corner and I picked there all morn and rode Hattie to Cohen's in eve too see about ginning. Dixie and Rena picked cotton most of morn in persimmon cut.

Fri. 19th. Bright and pleasant but very dry and dusty. Cohen sent 3 wagons early in morn and carried 2 bales of my cotton and 1 of Pa's and Willie's to gin and they got through ginning them by 1 and 2 wagons brought the seed back and carried 2 bales of Pa's and Willie's to gin by sunset but they didn't gin them. I rode Hattie to gin early in morn and sold the 3 bales ginned to Cohen at 4 3/4 cts. and got home at good dark.

Sat. 20th. Bright and pleasant and dry. Pa picked and threshed peas in morn and Willie picked cotton in new SW corner. I rode Hattie to Cohen's in morn and they ginned the 2 bales of Pa and Willie's cotton and I sold to Cohen at 4 3/4 cts. and returned at 12. I hauled a cartload of cotton from new SW corner in eve and put away cotton seed in house and Lewis borrowed a wagonload for his cows late in eve.

Sun. 21st. Bright but cloudy some and warmer. Dixie and Rena drove Hattie to Aunt Mary's early in morn and Lewis went in jumper with them and they returned at dusk. I walked to Clara's in eve and Nellie walked to Lewis'. Tom Morris and George Fugler here late in eve and till 10 at night.

Mon. 22nd. Bright, warm and dry. Pa picked and threshed peas all morn. Willie and I picked cotton all day in new SW corner. Prince and wife picked there awhile in morn and went home to haul in hay. Lewis and Dixie drove Bonnie to new buggy to Mrs. Miller's at daylight. She is quite sick and they didn't return today.

Tue. 23rd. Bright warm and dry. Pa picked and threshed peas all day. Willie and I picked cotton in new SW corner all morn and I picked by front gate on E side most of eve. Nellie, Willie and Rena walked to Mr. D. Chambers' in eve and they buried Mrs. M.A. Miller there in eve.

Wed. 24th. Bright and dry and pleasant. Willie and I picked cotton all day in new SW corner and Pa picked and threshed out peas all day and finished filling 2 bbls. for seed. Cohen sent 2 wagons and brought the seed of 2 bales ginned on last Saturday in morn. Bill Miller dined here and went to Clara's in eve.

Thu. 25th. Bright and dry and pleasant. Willie and I picked cotton all day in new SW corner and Pa picked cotton all day in orchard and finished there late in eve.

Fri. 26th. Clear and pleasant but dry from N. Willie and I picked cotton all day in new SW corner and Pa picked cotton all day in cut by front gate and finished there. Nellie rode Hattie to Clara's in eve from field.

Sat. 27th. Clear. quite cool early in morn, but a dry and pleasant day. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all morn in new SW corner. Dave Collins and Jack brought 12 1/2 bbls. corn at 9 1/2 in morn which I paid them 50cts. per barrel for. I rode Hattie to Cohen's in eve and returned 1 hour by sun. Dixie and Rena drove Lewis' mare and jumper to Ed Ogden's in eve.

Sun. 28th. Cloudy some from S and sprinkled rain in morn and thundered in W most of day, but sun shined most of day, and it rained a long and hard rain with some thunder from NW at 3 in night. All of us home today. Wiley D. here all day and till bedtime.

Mon. 29th. We had a good soaking rain at 3-5 in morn and quite cool and cloudy some but bright from N. Willie and I carried Gussie's chester boar home on cart early in morn. Pa, Willie and I picked peas in Cane bottom all morn and put away in hull. We picked cotton all eve in new SW corner.

Tue. 30th. Clear - a little frost in morn - and wind cold from NW all day. Pa, Willie and I picked peas all morn in Cane bottom and we picked cotton all eve in new SW corner. Mrs. Baker here all day.

Wed. 31st. Clear - a little frost in morn - but wind from SW and warmer in eve. Pa, Willie and I picked peas in Cane bottom all morn and we picked cotton in new SW corner all eve. Lewis borrowed new buggy early in morn and carried Mrs. Baker to Frank Stuart's to teach school.


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