Fri. Oct. 1st. Clear and cool. I went early to Morgan's and by Cohen's to see about ginning. I picked some cotton in patch and 25 pds in wire grass in Cherry cut late. I had fever in eve and bowels ran off from cold. Uncle Gus and girls went home at 3. Willie sick with cold.

Sat. 2nd. Cool in morn, warmer and a little cloudy in eve. I had fever all last night and today. Willie and I went in cart to town in morn. I got him a knife and I took 3 alt pills at 11. I got 5 loaves of bread, I gathered the popcorn and some pepper. Dan and Mr. Sims came.

Sun. 3rd. Cloudy and showered little at noon from SW. Nellie, Children and I at Pa's all day. Uncle Harry there. They buried Mrs. East at 11. We drove Maggie cow here in eve.

Mon. 4th. Cloudy, cool and drizzly most of day. I picked 85 lbs of cotton by Cherry stump in morn and eve. I found a guinea nest with 9 eggs by old orchard fence at 1. Dan and Bud here at 4 and got 1/2 bu meal. Jane Luckett here in eve.

Tue. 5th. Cool and cloudy, wind from NE. I took 1 alt pill last night and 1 cin this morn. I went to Cohen's this morn and got 10 pds flour and 1 ham ($1.90). Nellie and Rena went to F. Coon's and I on to Jim Parker's in eve. Willie and I picked 40 pds cotton by Cherry stump in eve.

Wed. 6th. Bright and cool, wind from N. I picked cotton by Cherry cut in morn and hauled 1 cartload of corn from Cane hollow and got up Maggie cow late in eve.

Thu. 7th. Bright and cool, wind from N. I picked cotton in Cherry cut in morn, hauled cartload of corn and picked some cotton here in patch by beech stump in eve. Clara came at 1 and brought some butter.

Fri. 8th. Cloudy, some wind from NE. I picked some cotton in Cherry cut in morn, hauled cartload of corn in eve, and grabbled some potatoes. Dan ate supper here tonight.

Sat. 9th. Bright but cloudy with some wind from NE. Jim Parker and Steve Luckett hauled my 3300 pds cotton to Cohen's early in morn. Pa came there and helped me. I got 156 pds flour and 10 of coffee. I sold my bull to Mr. Sims in morn at $17. I had little fever at noon.

Sun. 10th. Cloudy, drizzled rain in morn, and again late in eve. Nellie, children and I dined at Pa's. Alice went home from there at 11. Mr. Haines there. Bud here late in eve.

Mon. 11th. Warm, sun shined some, wind from SE. I went to Morgan's early in morn and paid him all that I owed him. I threw back cotton seed at 11. Willie and I picked cotton by fence in Cherry cut in eve.

Tue. 12th. Bright and warm. Willie and I picked cotton in Cherry cut in morn. I hauled in last cartload of corn from Gate cut in eve and picked some cotton by henhouse late in eve.

Wed. 13th. Bright and warm in morn, stormed some in eve. I picked cotton in Cherry cut in morn and some in yard in eve. Clara, Dixie and Annie Coon here in eve. I took 2 alt last night and 1 cin this morn.

Thu. 14th. Warm and bright. I and children went in cart to depot in morn and got pair shoes for Nellie and 8 yds domestic and 15 pds dry salt meat and pair shoes for Clara and bbl flour for Pa. I dined there. I picked cotton in yard in eve.

Fri. 15th. Cloudy, wind from S, sprinkled some through the day. I picked cotton in Cherry cut all day. I have sore middle finger on my right hand for some time. I had to put rag on it today.

Sat. 16th. It showered from N all morn. Cold and cloudy in eve. I picked cotton in Cherry cut all eve.

Sun. 17th. Cold and bright, frost in morn. Nellie and children at her Pa's all day. Dan, F. Coon and I went to see about cow at Ashwood and looked at my hog. I dined at Pa's. Dan and I tried to find little Kate cow's calf in eve but didn't.

Mon. 18th. Cold and hazy, wind from NE. I had headache all last night but not bad. I finished picking over Cherry cut by 10 in morn and picked in Dewberry cut balance of day.

Tue. 19th. Cold and hazy. I picked in Dewberry cut all day and finished all but little.

Wed. 20th. Cold and hazy, wind from E. I finished Dewberry cut (13 pds) and picked balance of day on H ridge. Dan and Nuky here at dusk.

Thu. 21st. Bright and cool wind from NE. I finished picking on H ridge by dinner and picked in yard in eve. I had fever all day. My hands are sore.

Fri. 22nd. Cool wind from N, clear in morn, cloudy in eve. I took 2 alt pills last night and 2 cin pills this morn. I picked all day and finished patch in eve.


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