MARCH 1921

Tue. Mar. 1st. Bright and pleasant. Willie and Wiley and Dud planted corn as on yesterday. I hoed strawberries in new garden in morn and shucked good deal of corn and shelled some seed corn. Mrs. James and Lucille and Rena and little Nellie came in a car in eve and all left before night.

Wed. 2nd. Bright and warm. Willie and Wiley and Dud planted corn today and they finished Willie's corn and planted a little in Coon field late in eve. I hoed onions in garden in morn.

Thu. 3rd. Bright and cool from N and dry. Wiley and Dud planted corn in Coon field today. Willie patched up fence around pasture to keep his hogs in today. I cut sticks and stuck some peas in morn.

Fri. 4th. Bright and cool in morn and warm in eve. Wiley and Dud planted corn in Coon field today. Willie and I stuck peas in morn and finished them.

Sat. 5th. Bright and warm from S. Wiley and Dud drove wagon to town to mill in morn and returned at 12 1/2 and killed some of their hogs in eve. Willie and Carmel drove Buck to town in morn. Little Wiley and Lucile came in eve. I scraped off tops of bush beans in garden in morn.

Sun. 6th. Bright and warm and windy from S. I was sick all day. Little Wiley and Lucile left in eve.

Mon. 7th. Foggy early in morn but bright and warm and windy from S most of day. Wiley and Dud planted corn in Coon field today. Willie drove Buck to town in morn and returned at 11 1/2 and he got a bottle of syrup of Pepsin and I took a dose at 12 1/2 and another late in eve which seemed to relieve me a good deal. I tied canes on the 2 rows which Willie stuck in garden in morn.

Tue. 8th. Warm and cloudy and windy from SW in morn and began to rain in showers at 3 in eve and lasted balance of eve. We had a good rain in night and needed too. Wiley and Dud broke ground till 3 in eve and got wet and quit. Willie cleaned off ground. I set out 2 rows of beets and watered them in morn and scraped dirt off bush beans.

Wed. 9th. Bright and pleasant from N and no rain. Wiley and Dud broke ground. Willie cleaned off ground. I set out some beets in garden and watered them in morn and replanted bush beans in eve.

Thu. 10th. Bright and pleasant. Wiley and Dud broke ground and Willie cleaned off ground today. I planted pole and butter beans in garden in morn.

Fri. 11th. Cloudy and windy from S till 3 in eve and began to rain in little showers then and lasted till 4 1/2 and we had a flood from W till in night with thunder. Wiley and Dud broke ground in Coon field till late in eve and got wet. I hoed in garden in morn on W side. Bro Tom came for his little girls in eve.

Sat. 12th. Bright and warm and no rain. Mrs. James and Luster came in a car yesterday eve and took Minnie back home with them. Willie and Carmel drove Buck to town and back in eve. I didn't work any today.

Sun. 13th. Cloudy and rained in showers most of day and rained all night - a very big fall of water in all. Gordon came here from Lewis' late in eve and here all night. Minnie didn't come home from Mrs. James' in eve.

Mon. 14th. Bright and warm and no rain but ground very wet all day. Carmel didn't teach today. Luster James and little Wiley brought Minnie home in eve. The ground was too wet to work any today.

Tue. 15th. Cloudy some all day and ground didn't dry much and very warm. Willie and Wiley and Dud patched up pasture fence all day. I worked some in garden in morn but it was too wet. Carmel taught school today.

Wed. 16th. Bright but cloudy some and warm. Wiley and Dud broke ground today. Willie and Minnie drove Buck to town in eve. I hoed Irish potatoes (4 rows) and dug around hills of beans in morn.

Thu. 17th. Bright and warm - wind from W. Dud and Wiley broke ground. Willie drove Buck to town in eve and Charles Wood paid him the money collected, owing Mrs. Middleton. I hoed strawberries and onions in garden in morn.

Fri. 18th. Bright and warm. Wiley and Dud broke ground today. Willie rode Buck to hunt cattle in eve. I hilled strawberries and onions in garden in morn.

Sat. 19th. Bright but cloudy some and warm and windy from S. Carmel and Carl drove Buck to town in morn and brought Sallie Ford back with at 12 1/2. Wiley and Dud broke ground in morn. I hoed onions in ground in morn.


Sun. 27th. ____ windy from S and rained some late in night. Gordon dined here and Willie James and wife and baby here in eve.

Mon. 28th. A cloud came up from NW about sunrise in morn and rained a shower and blew cold from W of N all day. Wiley and Dud broke ground today. I hoed the 4 rows of Irish potatoes and pole beans in garden in morn.

Tue. 29th. Bright and about cold enough for ice early in morn but didn't seem to kill vegetation and warmer in eve. Wiley and Dud broke ground. I hoed in garden on W side in morn. Henry Johnson here today.

Wed. 30th. Cloudy all day and rained a big one most of night with thunder from W. I hoed in garden in morn. Rena and Bernice came at 11 in morn and left in eve. Wiley and Dud barred off corn today and other hands hoed corn.

Thu. 31st. Cloudy all day and rained slowly some in morn and in eve too. Mary washed today. No one worked today - too wet. Carmel taught school.


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