JUNE 1900

Fri. June 1st. Cloudy some all morn but bright and a dark cloud came up from W at 11 3/4 and we had a big rain at 12 and slowly till 2 1/4 and quit for the day. Pa thinned corn in Cherry cut part of morn and Willie scraped cotton in 3rd Cane hollow all morn and rode Joe to Cohen's in eve and ordered some wallpaper. I scraped potatoes all morn on hilltop of H ridge and I worked on my new cart breeching at 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 and finished it and I walked to Wiley's and carried some peaches and plums to baby and burned up some hens' nests late in eve.

Sat. 2nd. Cloudy all morn and sprinkled several times (but sun shined part of morn) and a dark cloud came up at 12 from S and rained slowly here at 1 to 3 1/2 in eve. Pa cut down weeds in yard in morn and Willie scraped cotton in 3rd Cane hollow most of morn and I scraped potatoes on hilltop of H ridge most of morn. We didn't work in eve on account of rain. I walked to Wiley's at 3 3/4 to 5 1/4 in eve and carried some plums to baby. She missed the fever today - she had it on last Tue. first time and on Thu.

Sun. 3rd. Bright, but showers passed around most of day and sprinkled several times here. Pa walked to Clara's in morn and returned late in eve. I grabbled some Irish potatoes in NE corner of orchard early in morn and walked to Wiley's at 10 in morn and Lewis and all his family and Buddy and Gordon at Wiley's most of day and Nellie there all eve. I walked in cowpasture at 3 to 4 in eve and caught Dan, and Willie and Minnie rode Joe and Dan to B C's late in eve.

Mon. 4th. Bright in morn, but thunder showers passed around most of day and rained some here at 1 to 2. Willie scraped cotton most of day in 3rd Cane hollow. I scraped potatoes on hilltop of H ridge in morn and finished last of patch and I barred off about 1/3 of patch on hilltop (the part planted first). The balance of patch was too wet and soft at 2 1/2 to 3 in eve and I plowed patch of Pa's cotton by front gate on W side, molding it by splitting middles with 2 furrows, with Joe at 3 to 6 in eve. The ground was too wet to plow well.

Tue. 5th. Bright most of day and warm but showers passed around all day and sprinkled here several times but not much in all. Willie scraped cotton in 3rd Cane hollow most of day and I molded cut of Pa's cotton by front gate on E side by splitting middles with 2 furrows by 9 in morn and I shelled some big peas out of flower pit, about 2/3 of a peck, at 9 to 11 (they are too damp to thresh out) and I found it too slow work and carried a big sack full of peas in hull to new 2nd Cane hollow on SE side by 11 1/2 in morn and I sowed them in hull in eve and 2 more sacks full too and plowed corn there all eve and Pa cut out corn and weeds ahead of me all eve. Wiley had 12 hands scraping cotton all eve for him.

Wed. 6th. Cloudy and warm early in morn and began to rain in little showers from SW at 8 in morn and we had a hard rain at 8 1/2 to 9 and sprinkled some again at 11 to 1 and bright and sun shined all eve and warm too. Willie scraped cotton in 3rd Cane hollow and Pa cut out corn and weeds in 2nd Cane hollow and I plowed corn there with Joe till 8 1/2 in morn and all 3 of us got soaking wet with the rain. I packed and cut up some wood at 9 1/2 to 10 3/4 and walked to Wiley's and borrowed some lard by 11. I plowed corn all eve in lower part of Pine corner and Willie sowed peas there (in hull) and he and Pa thinned corn there too most of eve.

Thu. 7th. Bright, and very warm all day, and no rain in sight, but thundered far off in morn and in eve too. Willie plowed Dan and I Joe in corn in new SW corner in morn and Willie plowed there in eve and I plowed corn in water hole cut in eve. We sowed the peas (big ones) in hull. Joe blew very hard and fast all day on account of heat. Pa thinned corn in new SW corner in morn and in 2nd Cane hollow in eve.

Fri. 8th. Bright and quite warm all day and no rain but thundered in a cloud in sight in N late in eve. Pa thinned corn in new SW corner in morn and in 2nd Cane hollow in eve and Willie plowed corn all day in new SW corner with Dan and I plowed corn on N side of new 2nd Cane hollow in morn and in water hole cut in eve with Joe. We sowed big peas in hull all day. Both horses blew very hard on account of heat.

Sat. 9th. Bright and very warm till 4 in eve and a thunder cloud came up from NE and passed around E but only sprinkled here and rained a hard one at Cohen's with some wind and hail. Pa thinned corn in new 2nd Cane hollow in morn and walked to Clara's and back in eve. Willie plowed corn in new SW corner in morn and I plowed corn in new 2nd Cane hollow and water hole cut in morn. I drove Fanny mule to cart to Cohen's in eve and carried 8 doz. eggs and got 1 gal. coal oil and lard for them and I got a bbl of flour and a pair of plow shoes for Willie on credit and some other things which I paid for. The rain kept me at store about 1 hour and I got home at dusk.

Sun. 10th. Bright and warm and no rain in sight but thundered far off all eve. Wiley and Rena and baby here most of day and Buddy too. Willie and Minnie drove Joe to Wiley's buggy to college to hear the commencement sermon in morn and returned at 2. I got a bucket of plums beyond road early in morn and I salted all of cattle by Wiley's late in eve and Wiley and I milked.

Mon. 11th. Bright and warm all day and little showers passed around at 2 to 4 in eve, but none here. Willie molded some cotton in hollow in Pine corner early in morn and barred off cotton in Luckett field balance of day (with Dan). Pa cut out weeds in corn in new SW corner in morn and hoed in his cotton in hollow in orchard in eve. I plowed corn in new 2nd Cane hollow and some in new SW corner in morn and I barred off potatoes (the part planted last) on hilltop of H ridge and plowed corn on poor E end of Gate cut (all eve). Wiley and Rena drove Fanny mule to entertainment at college at night and baby stayed here all night and Rena too after she came back.

Tue. 12th. Bright and warm from NE till 3 in eve and a cloud came up then from NE and we had a good hard shower at 3 1/4 to 4 1/4 and much needed on corn. Willie barred off late cotton in Luckett field, and some of late corn there too in morn, and he had some hands scraping cotton there in morn and till rain in eve and Willie got soaking wet in rain. Pa thinned corn and cut out weeds in new SW corner in morn and I plowed corn there till 11 in morn and I plowed corn on upper side of Cherry cut till 3 1/4 in eve and rain ran me home. I carried some plums and 1 fig to Bernice at 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 in eve and brought back some wood and fixed some of cow pen fence and Nellie and I milked late in eve. I had a dull headache most of day but it went off in eve.

Wed. 13th. Bright, but dark clouds all morn, and a breeze from N all day and sun shined most of eve and a pleasant breeze from N and no rain today. Pa cut weeds out of corn in new SW corner in morn and I plowed corn there till 8 3/4 in morn and finished there and I plowed corn balance of day in Cherry cut (with Joe). Willie had 7 hands scraping cotton in Luckett field today and part of yesterday (till 3 in eve) and Willie scraped there with them today and they finished all of cotton there and little of late corn there too and Willie paid them up.

Thu. 14th. Bright and cool early in morn and pleasant till 12 with a breeze from N but calm and quite warm all eve and lightning in W at night. Pa hoed in his cotton in hollow in orchard today and Willie molded cotton all day in Luckett field with Dan by just splitting middles with 2 furrows. I plowed corn with Joe all day on W side of Cherry cut (in fence row part). I didn't plow the short rows in the 2 little hollows but hoed them (in morn). The wire grass was thick and strong most of day and tight plowing but turned and pulverized well.

Fri. 15th. Bright and warm and no rain, but thundered far off most of day and a rain cloud in sight in SE late in eve. Pa hoed in his cotton in hollow in orchard all day and Willie molded cotton in Luckett field all morn and he and Minnie drove Joe to town in eve and had their pictures taken. I plowed corn in morn in Cherry cut with Joe and I hoed grass out of our potatoes on hilltop of H ridge most of eve.

Sat. 16th. Bright and warm and no rain in sight today, but thundered far off all day. Willie molded cotton in Luckett field in morn and finished all of oldest cotton there and he hoed cotton in 3rd new Cane hollow most of eve. Pa hoed in his cotton in hollow in orchard in morn and finished it and he walked to Clara's and back in eve. I hoed grass out of our potatoes on H ridge and plowed them out with 4 furrows with Joe. I worked there all morn and till 5 in eve and finished them. Jack Deloach and wife came to Wiley's in morn and they cut a bee tree late in eve but it didn't have honey. Nellie and Willie and Minnie went to bee tree cutting in eve and returned at 9 at night. Robert James came in eve and went to Seymour's at night.

Sun. 17th. Bright and warm and dry all day and very sultry late in eve till 10 at night and a cloud blew up from NE then but didn't rain. Cousins Tom and Gus came at 9 in morn and here till in eve and Bob Fugler and Robert James came at 11 1/4 from Seymour's and here till late in eve. Nellie went to Wiley's in morn and there till Jack and his wife left at 3 1/2 in eve. I walked to Wiley's at 10 in morn and carried some plums and I walked there again at 3 in eve.

Mon. 18th. Bright and warm and dry all morn but some clouds and thundered all morn and a thunder cloud passed around from W to N at 1 to 2 1/2 and rained near here and dropped rain here most of eve and a thundercloud came up from W of N at 10 at night and we had a big rain with a hard wind and some hail and a good deal of thunder. Willie hoed cotton most of day in new 3rd Cane hollow. I barred off all of our sugar cane in NE corner of orchard (2nd time) early in morn and I harrowed all of Pa's cotton by front gate on both sides, twice between rows, by 10 1/4 in morn and I plowed a little cotton on E end of Gate cut (old potatoe ground), 2nd time, by 11 1/2. Pa hilled his cotton by front gate most of day. I drove Joe to cart to Lewis' at 2 to 3 in eve and carried back 6 bbls which I borrowed last Winter for peas and didn't plow any on account of the slow rain but I shelled some breadcorn and cut up some wood. Willie and Minnie rode Joe and Dan to Mr. D Chambers to Mr. P.L. Ferguson's burying, but the corpse came after dark and they didn't bury him. Willie and Minnie got back at 9 just before the storm.

Tue. 19th. We had a storm of wind and hail and thunder last night and rained in thundershowers from NW or W at 5 to 6 1/2 in morn and bright till 1 and we had a hard rain from SW at 2 to 3 1/2 in eve with thunder and some wind and bright late in eve. Willie hoed cotton in 3rd new Cane hollow most of morn and helped Minnie and Rena to put up some wallpaper in back room all eve. Pa hoed his cotton by front gate some in morn and I put up some of calf pasture fence on roadside (which blew flat down last night) and I gathered some June peaches (where the wind broke tree last night) and some apples too and I shelled some breadcorn and packed and cut up 2 turns of wood in morn. Wiley and Rena and baby dined here today. I cut down some bushes and briars on roadside of Gate cut at 4 to 6 in eve.

Wed. 20th. Dark cloudy and showered around early in morn and sprinkled here several times and rained a slow one at 11 to 12 1/2 and bright in eve and no rain. Willie cut burrs out of cotton in Gate cut most of day (with hoe) and I plowed cotton in Gate cut most of morn with Joe, with 4 furrows (2nd time). Pa hoed in his cotton by front gate part of day. Nellie and Rena and Minnie put up wallpaper in back room today. Wiley and Rena and baby dined here. I drove Joe to cart to Cohen's in eve and carried 1 bu of corn for Wiley and 3 3/4 bu for me and exchanged it for meal at the store and got 1 bbl and 3 pecks of loose meal for all of it and I carried 11 doz eggs and got some things for Nellie and Rena with them and I got 1/2 bbl of flour for Wiley and I returned at sunset.

Thu. 21st. Cloudy and sprinkled rain a little in morn but bright and pleasant from W of N all eve. I carried Wiley's flour and meal and some other things to his house on cart with Joe early in morn and I plowed cotton (a few rows) in Gate cut but it was too wet and sticky and I plowed most of day (cotton) on hilltop of Cherry cut and Persimmon cut with 4 furrows with Joe (2nd time) and Willie cut out all of biggest grass and weeds ahead of me all day. Pa hoed in his cotton by front gate part of day. Nellie and Minnie and Dean scoured and cleaned up house today.

Fri. 22nd. Bright and sun shined most of day and cool early in morn but quite warm in eve from W. Pa hoed in his cotton by front gate most of day. I plowed cotton all morn in Persimmon cut and all eve in Gate cut, with 4 furrows, with Joe (2nd time) and Willie cut out biggest grass and weeds ahead of me all day. Lucy washed for Nellie in morn and Nellie and Minnie scoured and cleaned up some today.

Sat. 23rd. Cloudy all day and rained in little thundershowers most of morn from W and we had a heavy rain at 3 1/2 to 5 1/4 in eve. Willie cut grass and weeds out of cotton most of morn and part of eve in Gate cut and in Pine corner. I plowed cotton in Gate cut till 10 in morn and came home wet and I plowed there again in eve at 1 1/2 to 3 1/4 and came home nearly wet again. I packed and cut up some wood and Willie and I milked late in eve. I had a dull headache all day and it left me in night.

Sun. 24th. Cloudy and very wet ground early in morn but bright and sun shined all day after 8 1/2 in morn and dried ground good deal. Pa walked to Clara's early in morn and returned late in eve. I grabbled some Irish potatoes in NE part of orchard and got some plums on roadside early in morn and walked to Wiley's and Rena and baby came back with me at 10. Wiley went to his Pa's in morn. Willie drove Joe to Wiley's buggy to Mr. Andrew Fugler's early in morn and Miss Maggie Comfort came back with him at 12 3/4 to stay awhile.

Mon. 25th. Bright and warm all day from SW but thundered in a cloud, in sight, in NW at night. Willie cut grass out of cotton all day in Pine corner and I plowed cotton (2nd time) all day with Joe. I finished Gate cut at 10 1/2 in morn and plowed balance of day in Persimmon cut and a little in Pine corner late in eve. Pa hoed in sugar cane most of day in orchard. The ground was too wet to work well early in morn but worked well in eve.

Tue. 26th. Bright and warm but some dark clouds and rained around some in thunder showers in eve but none here. It thundered in night in NW in a cloud in sight till late in night. Pa hoed in sugar cane and finished it today. I plowed in cotton all morn in hollow in Pine corner and I barred off corn in eve in Luckett field (late corn) and Willie hoed corn there most of day.

Wed. 27th. Cloudy and quite warm all day from SW and a thundercloud came up from SW at 11 1/4 in morn and we had a hard shower at 11 1/2 to 12. Pa hoed and finished his cotton by front gate in morn and he dug some Irish potatoes in NE part of orchard in eve. Willie hoed corn in Luckett field all morn and part of eve. I finished barring off late corn in Luckett field by 8 1/2 in morn and I molded a little cotton in 3rd Cane hollow till 11 and I molded cotton in Luckett field most of eve (in middle part) with 2 furrows with Joe, just splitting middles. Bernice here most of day and Rena here most of eve. Miss Maggie Comfort went to Seymour's in morn and didn't return in eve.

Thu. 28th. Cloudy and sultry early in morn and began to rain from SW in thundershowers at 7 1/2 in morn and we had a hard one at 8 3/4 to 9 1/4 and we had a heavy washing rain from NW at 11 with some wind and thunder and rained on slowly till 2 3/4 in eve. Willie and I molded cotton in middle part of Luckett field with Joe and Dan till 8 3/4 in morn and came home wet. I went to see about water gap at 11 1/2 but it wasn't moved. Wiley and Willie cut a beech for bees at Wiley's house in eve and all went there. I hauled 2 cartloads of beech wood from NW of Wiley's at 3 to 5 1/2 in eve. Nellie was sick at night at 7 1/2 to 9 with a numb feeling and difficult breathing.

Fri. 29th. Bright and warm from SW and no rain but thundered around some in eve. Wiley and Willie worked on Donegal road in morn and Willie drove Joe to town in eve and carried Miss Maggie Comfort and she had 4 of her front teeth drawn and 4 put in. Wiley and Rena and baby dined here. Pa and I dug Irish potatoes in NE part of orchard most of day and got about 3/4 of patch dug. I put them in flower pit.

Sat. 30th. Bright and warm all day but rained around in thundershowers (in sight) most of eve but only dropped a little here. Pa hoed some of his cotton in orchard (NE corner) where we dug potatoes on yesterday in morn and walked to Clara's and back in eve. Nellie and Minnie washed in morn. Willie and I plowed cotton all day in lower part of Luckett field with Joe and Dan. We ran 2 furrows, just splitting middles, molding it first time. The ground was too wet to plow well all day.


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