JULY 1921

Fri. July 1st. Bright and very warm and no rain in sight. Wiley and Dud plowed in cotton and Willie worked in potatoes in gate cut. I hoed in old garden in morn.

Sat. 2nd. Bright and very warm and no rain. Willie drove Buck to town in morn and brought Nellie and Charles home from Wiley's at 11 3/4. Mike mule was sick at 10 to 1 in day. I hoed in garden in morn. Marion rode Sandy to Wiley's in eve.

Sun. 3rd. Bright and very warm and dry from NW and no rain in sight and we need rain.

Mon. 4th. Bright and very warm and no rain here, but a thunder cloud E of here most of eve. Hands didn't work today. Willie hunted cattle in morn. I gathered a bucket of figs just after breakfast for Charles to take to Mrs. Lanehart and cut some briars around fig trees out N of garden.

Tue. 5th. Bright till 2 in eve and thunder clouds came up from NE and rained a little shower here at 3 but not enough to wet ground much for it is very dry and we need rain very much. Willie plowed his cane in morn. I hoed part of cucumbers in garden in morn.

Wed. 6th. Bright and hot till 1 in eve and clouded up then and we had a good soaking rain till 4 and needed very much. Willie plowed his cane in field in morn and Wiley and Dud plowed cotton and they set out some potatoes in Gate cut late in eve. I hoed in Garden on W side in morn. Marion came home from Wiley's at dusk and little Wiley with him.

Thu. 7th. Bright and hot till 1 1/2 in eve and we had a big washing rain till 4. Wiley and Dud plowed cotton on creek in morn and Willie rebedded his Irish potatoe patch out N of here in morn. I hoed in garden and picked grass out of strawberries there in morn.

Fri. 8th. Bright till 2 in eve and we had a little shower from SE. Wiley and Dud set out some potatoes on creek today. I hoed in new garden in morn.

Sat. 9th. Cloudy some all day and we had a big rain from SE at 11 1/2 in morn till 1 in eve. Willie drove Buck to town in morn and returned at 1 1/2 in eve. I set out and watered some tomatoes in garden in morn. Ernest and Lev dined here. They gathered some figs to preserve in morn. Marion drove Buck to town in eve and brought Carmel from Normal at dark.

Sun. 10th. Bright till late in eve and we had a hard little shower then. Gordon here today and left after rain.

Mon. 11th. Bright till 5 in eve and we had a hard shower then from S. I hoed tomatoes on pea ground in garden in morn. Ernest and little Mary here all eve and left at sunset.

Tue. 12th. Bright and very warm all day and no rain here but thundered around some in eve. I hoed tomatoes on pea ground in garden in morn and finished them and sowed some squash and cucumber seed too. Too wet to plow today.

Wed. 13th. Bright and warm and no rain here today. Dud and Joe ran cultivators in cotton. Willie drove Buck to town in morn. I hoed in garden in morn.

Thu. 14th. Bright and warm and no rain but thundered around some in eve. Dud and Joe plowed cotton today. Wiley still sick. I hoed in garden in morn.

Fri. 15th. Bright and very warm and sprinkled rain at dusk. Willie plowed potatoes in Gate cut in morn and Dud and Joe plowed cotton. I hoed in garden in morn. Joe Miller here most of day.

Sat. 16th. Bright and very warm all day and sprinkled rain here at 5 in eve. Willie and Carmel drove Buck to town in morn and returned at 1 in eve. I picked and shelled some dry butter beans in morn.

Sun. 17th. Bright and very warm and no rain here but a cloud out NE of here late in eve. Joe Boatner and 2 nieces and Lucile and Annabel James came in a car at 9 1/2 and left at 11 in morn. All but Nellie and me went to SS in eve and Bro Dawson preached there.

Mon. 18th. Bright and very warm till 1 1/2 in eve and clouded up then from NE and we had a big soaking rain at 6 from SE with a good deal of thunder. Wiley and Dud ran harrows in cotton till rain in eve. Willie ran cultivator on Irish potatoe patch out N of here in morn. I hoed in NW corner of garden in morn.

Tue. 19th. Cloudy all day and rained slowly from 9 in morn till 12 and quit. Willie found a yearling in bluff and got hands and got it out unhurt in morn. I hoed a little in garden in morn.

Wed. 20th. Cloudy all day and rained a big rain from NW at 3 to 5 in eve with some wind and thunder. Willie and Marion drove Buck to town in morn. I hoed in garden in morn.

Thu. 21st. Cloudy all day and began to rain in showers from NW with some thunder and lasted till 4 in eve - a big fall of water in all. Wiley and Dud carried 8 bales of cotton to town on our wagon and 1 of Lanehart's wagons early in morn and came back in rain at 3 in eve. Willie drove Buck and sold the cotton to Treppendahl at 10 cts.

Fri. 22nd. Bright most of day from NW and no rain here but thundered some far off. I pulled grass out of strawberries in garden in morn. Willie and Marion shelled some bread corn in eve.

Sat. 23rd. Bright and very warm and no rain here but thundered and showered around some today. Wiley and Dud drove wagon to town to mill in morn and Willie and Charles and Carl drove Buck to town in morn and all returned at 1 in eve. I set out some tomatoes in garden in morn.

Sun. 24th. Bright and warm most of day but rained around in little showers some in eve and we had a little one. Cap D dined here and Ed Ogden here in eve and he and Marion went to church in town late in eve.

Mon. 25th. Bright and warm most of day and rained around some but only sprinkled a little here. Hands hoed cotton today. Willie and Marion planted Irish potatoes out N of here today. I hoed tomatoes in garden in morn and picked some butter beans in eve for seed.

Tue. 26th. Bright in morn and cloudy all eve and rained around some in thunder showers but only dropped a little here. Hands hoed cotton today. I hoed around 7 fig trees out E of here in morn.

Wed. 27th. Bright most of day and rained around some in thunder showers in eve but none here. Hands hoed cotton today. I hoed around 3 May fig trees out E of here today. Willie and Minnie drove Buck to town to Methodist church at night.

Thu. 28th. Bright and very warm and no rain here but thundered around some in eve. I hoed around some fig trees out E of here in morn. Carmel and Marion and Charles drove Buck to town to preaching at night.

Fri. 29th. Bright and very warm and no rain in sight. I hoed around some fig trees out E of here in morn. Willie got the pears from Wiley's old place in morn.

Sat. 30th. Bright and very warm and no rain in sight. Willie drove Buck to town in morn and brought some ice and we had ice cream in eve. I hoed around some pear trees out E of here in morn.

Sun. 31st. Bright and very warm and no rain in sight. All home today. Gordon here in eve. Marion and Carmel drove Buck to town to preaching at night.


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