JULY 1890

Tue. July 1st. Bright and very warm and no rain. Pa and Willie hoed new ground cotton W of Cherry cut all day. Basil B and wife hoed cotton all day in Pine corner of new ground and I paid them $2.25 late in eve for the 2 days hoeing. I harrowed Salome and finished Pine corner new ground by 10 1/2 and plowed Hattie all eve in Cane hollow cotton with 4 furrows (2nd time).

Wed. 2nd. Bright and very warm till 3 in eve and a dark cloud came up then from NE but only sprinkled here. Pa and Willie finished hoeing fence row new ground W of Cherry cut and hoed some in pine corner. I finished plowing Cane hollow cotton (2 times) with Salome by 10 1/2 in morn and drove Hattie to Cohen's in eve to cart and got a bbl of meal and sack of oats and 50 cts of other things on credit and returned before sunset.

Thu. 3rd. Bright and warm and showered a little here from NW at 10 1/2 in morn and thundershowers passed around some in eve from N but didn't rain here. I plowed Hattie all morn and plowed out potatoe patch and some cotton on hilltop of Persimmon cut (2nd time plowing cotton). Pa and Willie finished hoeing their Pine corner cotton and hilled the potatoe patch which I plowed in morn. Pa, Willie and I hoed some on H ridge and old garden in eve. Dixie and Rena drove Hattie to town to preaching at night.

Fri. 4th. Bright and warm and getting dry. I plowed cotton in Persimmon cut with Hattie till 10 in morn (2nd time). Pa and Willie didn't work any today. Miss Hayes didn't teach any this week. Nellie and I drove Hattie to preaching in town at night.

Sat. 5th. Bright and warm and dry - rained a little shower at 3 1/2 in eve. I plowed Hattie in Persimmon cut of cotton till 10 1/4 in morn. Pa and Willie hoed cotton in pine corner. Rena and I drove Hattie to town in eve and got some things.

Sun. 6th. Bright, warm and dry. Willie and I drove Hattie to Sunday School and preaching in town and rest stayed home in morn. Willie and I walked and Nellie and Rena drove Hattie and Dixie went in buggy with Lewis to school house but there was no preaching there in eve.

Mon. 7th. Bright and warm and showered around some in eve but only sprinkled here at 4 1/2 in eve. I plowed cotton all morn in Persimmon cut with Hattie. Pa hoed in sugar cane in morn and he and I scraped some of slips on W side of new ground and hoed some of sugar cane in eve. Willie and Rena went to school today and Willie picked some dry whip peas (the 1st) to feed on late in eve.

Tue. 8th. Bright and quite warm till 12 1/2 and we had a good rain (much needed) from SW at 12 3/4 to 2 and rained slowly till 4. I plowed cotton in Persimmon cut with Hattie till 10 3/4 in morn. Pa and I set out gaps in our slips late in eve. Pa hoed in sugar cane in morn.

Wed. 9th. Bright most of morn and rained a good shower at 12 and another at 3 and rained slowly till 4 1/2. I plowed cotton in SE corner of Persimmon cut with Hattie all morn and Pa hoed in sugar cane. I fixed Spring gate and Willie and I picked some whip peas to feed on late in eve. Rena went home with Mattie Morris from school in eve. We found Pink's calf with maggots in it late in eve and put carbolized oil and turpentine and tar on it late in eve.

Thu. 10th. Bright and very warm and no rain. Pa and I scraped last of out slips on W side of new ground by 10 1/4 and I picked some dry peas by 11 1/4. Pa and I tried to hoe in sugar cane in eve but it was too warm and we hoed some of cotton by road. Nellie rode Hattie to Dick's in eve. Mattie Morris came home with Willie and Rena from school in eve.

Fri. 11th. Bright and very warm all day. I plowed in cotton in Persimmon cut with Hattie till 11 1/2 and came home very sick with headache (I arose with it) and laid down and vomited some all eve. Pa hoed cotton by road in oat patch ground all day. Willie and Rena went to school all week.

Sat. 12th. Bright and warm and no rain. I plowed 3 rows of cotton in Persimmon cut early in morn and finished plowing all of my cotton 2nd and lst time (except late cotton by front gate on E side). I plowed up 2 rows in orchard by cow pen and set them out in early golden potatoe vines and watered them by 10 in morn. Pa and Willie picked some dry whip peas in morn. I drove Hattie to Cohen's to cart in eve and got some things and got a sack of yellow corn to feed chickens on.

Sun. 13th. Bright and warm and no rain. None of us went to Sunday School but Rena. She went on Jumper with Seymour and he and Bud dined here. Pa, Willie, Bud and I went to Dick's in eve. Cousin Dosia, Dixie and Gussie went to Miller's at Mrs Glass's on yesterday and came back this eve late. Cousin Dosia and Dixie drove Larry to our buggy.

Mon. 14th. Bright and warm and no rain but thundered and showered around some late in eve. I plowed the late cotton by front gate on E with 4 furrows (2nd time) with Hattie and finished all but 5 short rows by yard by 11 1/2. I scraped most of my golden potatoes and set out and watered 2 rows more in eve. Pa hoed cotton all day on far SE circle of H ridge. Willie went to school but Rena didn't. She was sick with a cold.

Tue. 15th. Bright and warm till 2 1/2 and it rained a slow sprinkle at 3 to 4. I plowed all of slips on W side of new ground with 4 furrows with Hattie and finished by 9 in morn and hilled my golden potatoes with hoe by 10 3/4. Pa hoed in cotton on H ridge all morn and he and I hilled all of our slips on W side of new ground with hoes in eve at 3 1/2 to 6.

Wed. 16th. Bright and warm all day. Nellie and I drove Hattie to Uncle Tom Floyd's at Saulsbury and there all day and got home at dusk. Rena stayed home with Dixie. Willie went to school.

Thu. 17th. Bright, warm and no rain. Pa and I hoed cotton on H ridge most of morn and we picked 3 oat sacks of whip peas for seed in eve and Willie and Rena went to school today. Salome gave birth to a mare mule colt (Black) last night at dark.

Fri. 18th. Bright and warm till 2 - showered around at 2 1/2 to 4 but only sprinkled here. Pa and I hoed cotton on H ridge most of morn. I drove Hattie to cart to Cohen's at 4 to 7 1/4 and got some things which I paid for and a bbl of flour on credit. Willie and Rena went to school today.

Sat. 19th. Cloudy all morn and we had a heavy rain from NW at 12 to 1 1/4 (and needed too). Pa and I hoed cotton on H ridge all morn and Willie picked peas to feed on. Pa went to Dick's in eve and carried some tomatoes and figs. I fixed spring and picked some peas to feed on in eve.

Sun. 20th. Bright and warm most of day and no rain. None of us went to Sunday School. I carried some figs to Mr. Sims and got some papers in morn. Two book agents stopped here at 12 1/4 to 1 1/4 and got some figs. Nellie, Willie and I walked to Dick's in eve. Dixie and Rena went to Lewis's and Lewis, Joe Miller and cousin Tom here a while in eve.

Mon. 21st. Bright, warm and no rain here but showers passed around at 12 1/2 to 3. Pa and I hoed cotton on H ridge most of morn and Pa again in eve. Nellie and I drove Hattie to town in eve and carried some figs to Dr Featherstun and to Gabe Kahn and Nellie stopped at Dr Featherstun's. I carried a peck of whip peas and left at Lindenmayer's for Tigner and got some things and got home at sunset. Willie and Rena went to school today.

Tue. 22nd. Bright and warm most of day and we had a little shower from E at 5 in eve. Pa and I finished hoeing cotton on H ridge (last time) by 8 1/2 in morn and hoed in Cane hollow till 5 in eve and rain stopped us. Willie and Rena went to school today.

Wed. 23rd. Cloudy and bright till 4 1/2 and sprinkled here then and rained a good little shower at 6 1/4 to 7. Pa and I hoed cotton most of day in Cane hollow. Rain stopped us at 4 1/2. Cohen sent for figs at 8 1/2 in morn and Dick D came at 12 1/4 to 1 1/2 for figs. Seymour brought a pig here for Dixie at 1 1/4 and I fixed the old pig coop and put it in it.

Thu. 24th. Cloudy but bright some and rained several little showers through the day and we had a hard shower at 5 in eve all from NE. Pa and I hoed cotton most of day in Cane hollow. We got wet at 11. Odilla Smith came home from school with Willie and Rena and here all night.

Fri. 25th. Bright and warm and no rain. Pa and I hoed cotton in Cane hollow most of morn. Pa hoed cotton in Pine corner in eve and I rescraped my Golden potatoes in new ground by cow pen and repaired wire on N side of new ground where beech limb broke it. Willie and Rena went to school all week.

Sat. 26th. Bright and warm till 2 and we had a hard shower from N which lasted till 4. Pa and Willie hoed cotton in Pine corner most of morn. I drove Hattie to buggy to town in morn and carried some figs and peach tomatoes to Dr, Featherstun and got some things and returned at 1 3/4.

Sun. 27th. Bright and warm till 2 and we had a long rain till 4 1/2. None of us went to Sunday School. All home all day. Dan and Dick here at 9 to 11 and saw our crop and ate watermelon and figs. Bud and Florida F came at 11 and here till 6 1/2 in eve. Cousin Dosia here all day.

Mon. 28th. Bright and warm till 2 and we had a shower then from SW. Pa and I hoed cotton in Pine corner of new ground all morn. We did not hoe any in eve on account of rain. Willie and Rena went to school today.

Tue. 29th. Bright and warm most of day and no rain here. Pa hoed cotton most of day in pine corner. I hoed about 2 hours in morn. Reed, a book agent, came and we subscibed to a bible textbook ($3) to be delivered next September 22nd. Reed got about 1 bushel of figs and left at 11. Lewis and his 2 children here most of day. I drove Hattie to buggy to town in eve at 3 1/4 to 7 and carried some preserving figs to Dr Featherstun and some to eat and got $1 worth sugar and 1 gallon vinegar from Baum.

Wed. 30th. Bright and warm and no rain. Pa and I hoed cotton in Pine corner till 10 1/2. Pa went to Alice's in eve. She is quite sick. I hilled some of my golden potatoes in orchard with hoe in eve. Pa, Dick and rest of us killed an old sow coon at dusk NW of new ground.

Thu. 31st. Bright and quite warm till 1 and we had a heavy rain at 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 from S. Pa walked to Alice's early in morn and back by 9 1/2. She is better. I finished hilling my golden potatoes in new ground by 10 in morn. Rena came home from Primm's at 10 1/2 and Mattie Morse and Lucy McGraw came with her and here all night.


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