Mon. Feb. 21st. Bright, nearly clear, and cool and dry. Willie and Dud broke ground today. I packed some hen and stable manure in new garden and trenched the ground there and put manure in and covered it for onion sets in morn.

Tue. 22nd. Warmer and cloudy some and dropped rain a little in eve. Willie and Dud broke ground today. I packed 1 turn of stable manure in new garden and set out onion sets there in morn.

Wed. 23rd. Bright, but cloudy some all day, and dropped rain a little early in morn and wind changed to NW at 12 and cool and clear late in eve and at night. Willie and Dud broke ground today. I hoed up grass (winter) in garden and planted some radishes there in morn.

Thu. 24th. Bright, nearly clear, and cool and dry from N. Willie and Dud broke ground today. I hoed up ground in old garden and planted some turnips and mustard and brussel sprouts today.

Fri. 25th. Bright and very cool and dry from N. Willie cleaned up ground and Dud broke ground with the mules today. I set out and watered 3 rows of strawberry plants in old garden in morn and found 3 hens' nests in eve. Janie C and little Mary here at night.

Sat. 26th. Bright and frost in morn and a very cool wind from N all day. Dud broke ground in morn with the mules. Willie drove up Plug and 2 heifers from creek in morn and 1 of the heifers has a young calf and Willie drove Sandy to town in eve. I sat in house most of morn with a pain and soreness in my right shoulder and side but it was better in eve. I watered my strawberry plants in garden and got wood and water and fed.

Sun. 27th. Cloudy and chilly from E all day and dropped rain a little in morn. Wiley went to his Pa's and Rena and her children dined here. Willie and Minnie and children went to SS in eve.

Mon. 28th. Cloudy and a damp wind from S all day and dropped rain a little late in eve and a thundercloud came up from NW at 8 1/2 to 10 at night and we had a good shower with some thunder (and much needed too). Willie cleaned up ground and Dud broke ground today. I planted a row of lettuce and some Irish potatoes in old garden in morn and found 2 hens' nests and set 2 hens in a coop in eve.

Tue. 29th. Cloudy and chilly from NE all morn and bright in eve. Willie and Dud broke ground today. I dug up some ground in old garden and planted some Irish potatoes there in morn and I hunted hens' nests in eve. Gussie D here at night.


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