Fri. Aug. 1st. Bright and very warm and no rain in sight. Willie plowed up some ground on West side of new garden and we planted some Irish potatoes there in morn. Lanehart's barn in yard burned late in eve.

Sat. 2nd. Bright and very warm and no rain in sight. Willie drove Buck to town in morn. Marion rode Sandy to baseball at Turnbull's in morn and returned at 9 1/2 in night. I packed nearly 3 bbls ashes in new garden and put on Irish potatoes planted on yesterday by 10 in morn and Charles and Carl and I brought 3 watermelons from my patch by 11.

Sun. 3rd. Bright and very warm and no rain in sight. Gordon dined here. All went to SS in eve but Nellie and me.

Mon. 4th. Bright in morn and a thunder cloud came up from S and passed around SE very near and rained a little here at 2 1/2 in eve. Willie harrowed sugar cane patches in field and in patch N of here in morn with Sandy. I hoed pole and bush beans in new garden in morn and Willie and Marion and I shelled a bbl of bread corn in eve.

Tue. 5th. Bright and very warm and no rain near today. Willie and I drove Buck to Turnbull's in morn to a general election and returned at 11 in morn.

Wed. 6th. Bright and very warm and dry and no rain in sight. Willie and Marion and I brought some watermelon from field in morn and Willie and Marion and I and Anthony Randolph gathered some peas in eve to sell.

Thu. 7th. Bright and very warm and no rain in sight. Willie and Marion shucked and shelled some bread corn in morn. I hoed around 3 pear and 12 fig trees out E of here in morn and shelled some dry beans in eve.

Fri. 8th. Bright and very warm till 4 1/2 in eve and clouded up then and we had a good soaking rain at 5 1/4 till after dark. Willie and Marion shelled some bread corn in morn and I hoed around some fig trees out E of here in morn.

Sat. 9th. Bright and warm till late in eve and clouded up then and rained a little after dark. Willie drove Buck and Wiley Woods drove wagon to town early in morn and carried 3 bbls shelled corn and got it ground and returned at 2 1/2 in eve with the meal. I hoed around some little pear trees out E of here early in morn and Marion and Charles and Carl and I went to field and brought home some tomatoes and watermelons.

Sun. 10th. Bright and warm part of day but rained a shower just at daybreak and another in eve and some in night. All home all day.

Mon. 11th. Cloudy and rained some in morn and some in eve and ground very wet. Charles and Carl and I went to tomatoe patch in morn and brought home some tomatoes and the nest egg squashes and I saved some tomatoe seed and scraped the squashes in eve.

Tue. 12th. Bright and warm and no rain. Willie and Dud and Wiley hauled some wire from Wiley's early in morn and dug holes and set posts around yard today. Anthony Randolph carried a load of pears to town in morn and sold them. I hoed around some apple trees out E of here in morn. Lucile and Annabel James came in morn.

Wed. 13th. Bright and very warm and no rain. Willie and Dud and Wiley and Marion put up wire around yard today. I hoed around some fruit trees out E of here in morn.

Thu. 14th. Bright and very warm and no rain. Willie and Marion and Dud and Wiley cleaned out flower yard and cut down 2 fig trees and part of plum thicket out SE of here and dug post holes and set posts to move fence out today. I hoed in new garden in morn and replanted beans there and planted 2 rows of mustard.

Fri. 15th. Bright and very warm till 4 in eve and a thunder cloud passed around S from SW at 4 to 5 and near but only sprinkled a little here. Willie and Dud and Wiley moved out wire fence and put up 2 gates and worked the road and finished it by late in eve. I hoed Irish potatoes on west side of new garden in morn.

Sat. 16th. Bright and warm and no rain. Willie and Charles and Carl drove Buck to town in morn and returned at 1 1/2 in eve. I hoed Irish potatoes in new garden in morn. Carmel and Annabel drove Buck to town in eve and brought some ice and we had cream at night.

Sun. 17th. Bright and warm after 7 in morn. It sprinkled rain some at daylight. All went to SS in eve but Nellie and Carl and me and Bro Dawson preached there.

Mon. 18th. Bright early in morn and a thunder cloud passed around NE and E of here at 9 in morn and we had a good shower here and bright and warm balance of day. Dud and Wiley didn't work today. Willie cut some weeds in potatoes N of here and packed in some boat corn in eve. I hoed Irish potatoes in new garden till 9 in morn and patched up old pig coop in eve. Lucile and Annabel left early in morn.

Tue. 19th. Bright and warm early in morn and a cloud blew up from SW at 9 1/2 in morn - but only sprinkled a little here - and bright and windy from SW balance of day. Willie and Dud and Wiley worked on fence around field on creek making it hog proof today. I hoed Irish potatoes in new garden till 9 1/2 in morn and finished them.

Wed. 20th. Bright till 10 in morn and a thunder cloud passed around NW from SW but only dropped a little here and cloudy most of eve. Willie and Dud and Wiley worked on wire fence on creek today. I hoed tomatoes in new garden in morn and picked some red pepper too - nearly 1/2 bu.

Thu. 21st. Bright and warm till 3 1/2 in eve and a thunder cloud came up then from SW and we had a good slow rain till 4 3/4 and just about enough for we needed rain. Willie and Dud and Wiley worked on fence on creek in morn and finished it. I hoed around some pear trees out E of here till 9 1/2 in morn and Nellie and I brought some tomatoes from field by 11 in morn.

Fri. 22nd. Bright and warm in morn and we had a big rain from SW with good deal of thunder at 3 1/2 to 5 in eve. I hoed in tomatoes in field in morn - about 1/2 of patch - and strung some pepper in eve. Willie drove Buck to town in eve.

Sat. 23rd. Bright in morn and cloudy all eve and rained around most of eve but only dropped a little here. Minnie and Carmel drove Buck to town in morn and returned at 1 1/2 in eve. I hoed in tomatoe patch in field in morn and finished it.

Sun. 24th. Bright in morn and thundered around some in eve but only sprinkled here. All home all day but Marion, he has been at Wiley's since last Friday a week ago.

Mon. 25th. Bright and warm and no rain near today. I hoed and pulled grass and weeds out of potatoes in patch N of here and brought some tomatoes from field in morn. Willie and Carmel drove Buck to Christian church in town at night.

Tue. 26th. Bright and very warm till 4 in eve and a thunder cloud came up from NE and rained a hard sprinkle here and bright late in eve. Willie and I drove Buck to Turnbull's in morn to an election and returned at 11 3/4. Dud and Wiley splitting pine wood.

Wed. 27th. Bright and very warm and no rain near today. Dud and Wiley split pine wood today. I hoed in new garden in morn and brought tomatoes from field too. Willie and Minnie drove Buck to Christian church at night.

Thu. 28th. Bright and very warm and no rain near. Dud and Wiley split pine wood today. I hoed and pulled grass out of potatoes in patch N of here in morn. Mrs. Fugler and Mrs. Beckham and Mrs. A.E. Fugler junior and Miss Mittie here in a car in eve.

Fri. 29th. Bright and very warm and no rain in sight. Dud and Wiley split pine wood today and finished. I pulled grass out of potatoes in patch N of here and some in patch E of here in morn.

Sat. 30th. Bright in morn and very warm but a thunder cloud came up from NW at 4 in eve


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