Sat. Aug. 1st. Bright but some dark clouds all day and rained a little shower here at 9 at night from NW. Dixie and Rena drove Hattie and I rode Salome and Willie went in jumper with Gussie to chapel to Alliance dinner. Nellie and Pa stayed home. Rena and I came back in our buggy and Willie rode Salome. Dixie and Gussie went to Whitestown from chapel.

Sun. 2nd. Bright but cloudy and warm and a dark cloud came up from W at 11 in morn and we had a good shower and needed and bright in eve and warm. Willie went home with Dan at 10 in morn. Rena and I rode Hattie and Salome down in cow pasture in eve to see stock.

Mon. 3rd. Bright and warm and no rain but thundered around and cloudy and rained not far off in eve. I plowed up 13 short rows on poor NE corner of Cherry cut (where we had Wellborn peas) with Hattie and harrowed it by 9 1/2 in morn and picked 2 sacks peas to feed on by 11. Pa and Willie hoed in and finished Pine corner in morn. I planted 2nd crop of Wellborn peas (where I plowed in morn) in eve and replanted patch above there. Pa and Willie hoed them and Willie and I picked 2 sacks of whip peas for seed late in eve.

Tue. 4th. Bright and warm and no rain here but showered around some in eve. I drove Hattie to town to buggy early in morn and got Benedict to mend hind spring which was broken some time ago - cost $1.25 - I returned at 3 and picked some peas to feed on in eve late. Pa and Willie hoed some in cut of cotton by front gate on W side today.

Wed. 5th. Bright and warm and no rain. I hoed in orchard most of morn. I scraped our Irish potatoes and hoed some of sweet potatoes there. Pa and Willie hoed some in cut of cotton by front gate and finished there late in eve. Mr. Cooper, Duggie and Jamie here at 10 1/2 to 3 in eve.

Thu. 6th. Bright and warm and no rain. Nellie and Rena drove Larry to our buggy to Joe Millers' early in morn. I hoed in slips in orchard most of morn and Pa and Willie hoed some in sugar cane in morn. We didn't work in eve.

Fri. 7th. Bright and warm till 4 1/2 in eve and we had a heavy rain from NE then till 6. I hoed in slips in orchard most of morn and finished them. Willie picked some whip peas in morn and Pa cut down some weeds in yard. I rode Hattie to Cohen's in eve and got home at dusk after rain.

Sat. 8th. Bright and warm all morn and cloudy and rained some slowly in eve. I cut down some weeds on E side of yard in morn. Willie and Bud went fox hunting early in morn and Bud dined here. Cousin Tom, Lewis, and George and Dan Fugler here in eve. Cousin Tom stayed all night.

Sun. 9th. Bright and warm and no rain. Cousin Tom here last night and today and left late in eve. Dan here awhile in eve. Nellie and Rena gone to Millers' since last Thu. morn.

Mon. 10th. Bright and warm and no rain but thundered and threatened in eve. I hoed in sugar cane till 9 in morn in orchard. Pa and Willie did nothing today. Nellie and Rena returned from Miller's at 12 1/2.

Tue. 11th. Bright and warm and sprinkled here at 1. I hoed in sugar cane in orchard a while in morn. Pa and Willie cut down some ground in back SW corner of our field in morn. Willie went all around cow pasture fence in eve.

Wed. 12th. Bright and warm and rained a good shower here from SE at 3 to 4. I drove Hattie to buggy to Cohen's in morn and carried some figs and got home at 11 3/4. Pa and Willie cleared in SW corner of our field most of day. Nellie rode Hattie to Clara's in eve.

Thu. 13th. Bright and warm and rained a little shower at 3 1/2 to 4. I hoed in sugar cane a while in morn on W side of new ground and made a moveable pig pen in eve. Pa and Willie cleared in morn.

Fri. 14th. Bright and very warm all day and sprinkled rain at sunset. I hoed in sugar cane a while in morn. Pa and Willie cleared most of day. Banks Fugler here at 11 1/2 to 4. Dixie and Rena drove Hattie to our buggy and Willie rode Salome to Chapel to preaching at night.

Sat. 15th. Bright and warm till 2 and we had a good little shower from SE at 4 to 5 in eve. I rode Salome to town in morn and Lewis Miller came back with me at 11 1/2 and here all eve and night. Pa and Willie cleared some in morn. Pa walked to Clara's in eve and rode Dick back in eve. I oiled buggy and got some corn and some wood in eve.

Sun. 16th. Bright and warm all morn and rained a little shower here and a heavy rain N of here at 2 to 3. Nellie and I drove Hattie to our buggy and Dixie and Rena drove Lucy to Lewis's buggy and Willie rode Salome and all went to Chapel in morn (Lewis Miller went with us) and there till 4 in eve and came home by Woodville by dusk.

Mon. 17th. Bright and quite warm and no rain. Pa and Willie cleared in SW corner of our field in morn. I hoed some late Wellborn peas on poor NE corner of Cherry cut in morn. We did nothing but pick a few whip peas in eve (late). Dan and Bud here most of eve.

Tue. 18th. Bright and warm and no rain. I hoed and finished late Wellborn peas and hoed up some ground in Cane hollow on SE circle of H ridge (where I had watermelon) for turnips in morn. Pa and Willie cleared in morn in SW corner of our field and picked some cotton by front gate in eve. Salome had colic late in eve. Dixie and Rena drove Hattie to Chapel at night to preaching.

Wed. 19th. Bright and warm and no rain. I hoed up some ground in Cane hollow on SE circle of H ridge for turnips in morn. Willie rode Hattie to Cohen's in morn. Nellie and Cousin Mary went to Chapel in Lewis's buggy in morn and returned at 3 in eve. Pa, Willie and I picked some cotton by front gate in eve.

Thu. 20th. Bright, warm and dry from SW. Willie and I planted some turnips and radishes on SE circle of H ridge in Cane hollow in morn and Pa, Willie and I picked some cotton in Gate cut in eve.

Fri. 21st. Bright, warm and dry from W. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton a while in morn and in eve in Gate cut.

Sat. 22nd. Cloudy some but bright till late in eve and we had a little thundershower just before sunset and another at midnight from W. Pa and I picked cotton most of morn in Gate cut and finished first time. Willie went fox hunting in morn early. I picked an oat sack of whip peas for seed in eve.

Sun. 23rd. Cloudy and very cool from N in morn and bright in eve. Dan, Bud and Seymour dined here. All of us home all day.

Mon. 24th. Clear and cool from N and dry. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton most of day on H ridge. Nellie rode Hattie to Clara's in eve.

Tue. 25th. Clear, cool and dry from N. I drove Hattie to town to buggy in morn and returned by 10 1/2. Pa, Willie and Rena picked cotton on H ridge and finished that cut by 11 1/2 in morn (1st time). Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all eve in Cherry cut.

Wed. 26th. Bright, cool and dry from NW. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all morn in Cherry cut and Pa and Willie finished there in eve and picked some in their fence row cut (for me). I lay down all eve and suffered with headache all night and slept but little.

Thu. 27th. Bright and pleasant but dry from N. Pa and Willie picked cotton all day in Pine corner in morn and in fence row cut in eve. I helped them in eve. I laid down with headache till 9 in morn.

Fri. 28th. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day. We finished Cane hollow by 10 1/2 and picked over cut by front gate on W side by late in eve and Willie and I picked some whip peas then to feed on. Nellie and Rena spent day at Mr. D Chambers.

Sat. 29th. Clear, cool and dry from NW. Willie and I picked 2 bbls of whip peas to feed on in morn and we hauled a cart load of cushaws and citrons from field at 10 in morn. I rode Hattie to Cohen's in eve. Mattie McNamar came here in morn and stayed here all night.

Sun. 30th. Clear, cool and dry from NW. Nellie and I drove Hattie to buggy to town to church in morn and returned at 2. Mattie McNamar left here late in eve.

Mon. 31st. Bright, warm and dry. Pa, Willie and I picked cotton all day on H ridge.


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